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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. y u so auwsumah thun meh? u so grate. plz t33ch meh ur waiz n mad b33ts.

  2. Hey bud, how's things? Not spoken in aaaaaaaaaaages. Hope all is well :D


  3. Seems as though VV is still getting discovered and given some love: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=462469

    Gaf is a great place to get noticed. Thought you'd be interested :)

  4. Thanks Rozo. As always, the feedback is appreciated. I'll fix this up. I may re-record and do a new version. Having left it for a few days, hearing it now makes me think it overall needs an injection of life. I feel like the production/instrumentation is letting down an arrangement that has more potential. Glad you like the name, I'm definitely happy with it
  5. It sounds good to me. For me, a back-story doesn't really matter. Its just a nice little extra, but its just that. An extra. The only thing with your suggestion with the chaos emeralds (if I understand correctly) there is no real point and does sound like a needless complication. If it was a team competition like the WCRG then it would be a cool thing as the chaos emerald could be a bonus point or 1st place vote. I've waffled too much anywho. Just put me as "wants to remix Sonic songs"
  6. Yeah, never liked the old name much anyway haha I thought it best to make the change sooner rather than later. New name, new musics :D

  7. The Sparring Match is begging to be turned into an old skool rock n' roll styled arrangement. If I get ahead/complete my current mix I'll have a stab at it.
  8. Oh go on then, put me down as interested....and a little bit excited........
  9. I thought I'd give this a bump as it has been a while and slipped through the net (put as mod review in December) I also gave it a little polish as you would probably need waders with the amount of mud in the last version. A second version with a little less mud (hopefully): http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/passing-of-the-knight-ver-2 It'd be great to get some insight into improving this as it definitely falls short of being submission worthy. Sources: Knight Man - Mr. X - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt6y2E31y-Y
  10. I can't speak for Gario but the guitar is unrealistic and lacking in life. Even for a sequenced part, there is very little humanisation. Some instruments you can get away with sampling/sequencing but a lead guitar is not one (IMO. I'm sure there are some sequencing geniuses who could fool a listener). Given the existing textures etc. I think you would be better off using a buzzy saw synth lead or if you really want an electric guitar, finding someone to play it for you. Keep it up and get some of this feedback implemented, its like gold dust
  11. I just wanted to say how fantastic and beautiful this album is. It all sounds so natural and organic. The time, care and passion comes across on every track. I'm not even familiar with any of the original soundtracks and I just LOVE this album. As was said before, each track works well on its on but there is a lot of cohesion that make this album flow and carry a listener from start to finish. I need to give this one a few more listens but the opening track Heroes Unsung is fantastic in so many ways. The other track that I've fallen for has to be Hero of Celcta. Overall, its just a fantastic album. There isn't one track I haven't enjoyed or wanted to skip. I'll be listening to this one for quite a while to come.
  12. Have a good one
  13. First off, I did enjoy it. FFVIII has a beautiful track. Despite its oddities the source is great, though I wouldn't have envisioned it as metal I won't go into great details with things but what I will say is everything sounds a bit muffled. EQ is the biggest thing I think that could be done to get the production values up a bit. The panning seems rather narrow, it feels like there needs to be more space. Some more reverb, or a different type of reverb should liven things up a bit. Some of the samples could do with an upgrade aswell, like the opening. Having said that, you could give it a bit more vibrancy to existing instruments with some effects and EQ. The rhythm guitars especially could do with some attention. Perhaps re-record them just to get a bit of a clearer/sharper tone or ease off on the filtering. It seems as though they're causing the track to sound muffled. If you're up to it, that opening scale/motif would sound fantastic on guitar, but an equally awesome synth would make that part jump out and grab more attention. In regards to the drums, they seem great, but need more presence in the mix. They could do with being brought out a bit more. I don't think its so much volume that needs to applied, more refinement with some compression, EQ and slightly wider panning on the cymbals. With regard to the arrangement, I think you could do a little more with it in terms of instrumentation to fill out the space. I hope that the feedback is of help and look forward to seeing what you do with the track. disclaimer: Feel free to ignore me. All feedback is given with the best of intentions to try and help.
  14. Here is a version with some of the feedback implemented: Link removed I thought I would post it so that if anyone wants to give further feedback they can see the state that the track is now currently in. What needs to still be sorted: Drum sequencing Bass patch/sequencing Lead guitar As always, feedback is greatly appreciated (this time on the arrangement especially)
  15. Took quite a while to come up with one I liked Many thanks Larry (or whoever it was that changed it)
  16. Could I please get my name changed to Magellanic - Thank you
  17. I just want to say many thanks Flex. I've already implemented some of your feedback and its sounding so much better (drums). The bass is something that I was going to change, but I got caught up in other parts of the track so forgot and it kind of stuck. So, yeah, I'm still trying to get something that fits. Even for the style that I'm trying to achieve you are 100% right about thickening up the guitars a little bit. I do have separate takes panned left and right. I'm going to re-record those though. There are some mistakes in those takes. I'll really try and polish this up. Hopefully the arrangement is substantial enough but its going to change a little bit now I imagine. Again, thank you so much, I need the "harsh" honesty. I know you're now a mod, but the time given to critique is still really appreciated
  18. Putting as Mod Review. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/jetman Source:
  19. Spent some time with the mixing and hopefully this is a version with less mud and a bit more punch. Still need to re-record the lead guitars but I'm still trying to find the right tone. The end solo is again just there temporarily. remix: removed Crits welcome, especially on the production.
  20. It looks like its gonna be down to me for this round :S I'll hopefully be able to cobble something together.
  21. I've done a little update of the track. A few things were bugging me despite it being a WIP. I've done some mixing/eq-ing to clean it up a bit. Remix WIP2: removed Things I still need to do: Re-record 2nd lead guitar Re-record Bass Balance Synth levels Cut out noise from guitar recording Thanks for the feedback. Nice to see someone is excited as I can't imagine too many people know of this game. I agree that I need to sort that specific synth out more than others. I'm not even sure that its staying in (its sylenth if you were interested)Cheers for the Youtube link, I'll update the opening post.
  22. Say wha?! Well this will certainly be an epic round. I could barely handle 2 sources, let alone 4 haha. Ah well, best of luck people.....
  23. Its nice to be sharing and posting something that isn't Mega Man. Its been a little too long in honesty. So basically I've been working on this arrangement for the past few weeks. Only in the last few days have I given it some serious time and attention. I think I'm finally happy with the structure. Source: Remix: Removed To do: Mixing (I know, I should get into the habbit of doing it as I write) Re-record solos (its just there to give an idea) Record guitar leads before the breakdown, lead section to solos and end section Write end section drum parts Basically....everything needs doing apart from the arrangement. The game has a killer soundtrack and so when I couldn't find a remix on OCR I just had to give it a go. Hope you enjoy and feedback is really appreciated. Edit: I wasn't happy with the guitar style, so lightened it up a bit with a more rock style rather than metal.
  24. Using compression will get you some good volume but unless you sort out the guitars, nothing will get that volume increase. Even for a rock track, the guitars are taking up far too much room in the mix (frequency-wise). I'm certainly no pro when it comes to guitars, so take what I say with a pinch of salt. I'm only on my laptop but it seems as though the guitars could maybe do with some/more LP/HP filtering and slight reduction in volume. If the intention is to eventually have a lead guitar that will only add to the dilema. EQ the guitars and perhaps consider going back to having the four tracks. In regard to mix compression, due to the instrumentation I reckon it would be a bad idea if you're wanting to keep the clarity. The more acoustic instruments will suffer even if you get the mix compression sounding good with the guitars and drums. In my humble opinion, it just seems as though you need to compromise on certain aspects to really get this balanced and sounding as you would like. I reckon you can still get the power in the guitars that you seem to want without having 6 tracks. Hopefully that may help, or get you thinking about stuff. Sorry if its useless
  25. Indeed it was, I'm starting to feel old :P

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