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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. I love the idea of this competition and hearing the mixes just make me think that this could be a great series of competitions for people to partake in (or just listen). I'm sure there have been a share of niggles to get around but I think the whole thing of people using the same DAWs is just meh. Its kind've like projects where people collab or are just able to give more focused feedback (but more so), not everyone has the same DAW. In truth, particpants will probably learn more by focusing on general production/musical feedback than the odd idiosyncrasies of their DAWs. This first round is kinda proof of that as the quality of the entries is great! Well done on a crackin' pilot
  2. Having been suffering writer's block for a while so I thought I'd give one of my old unfinished remixes some attention. Thought it might get the creative juices flowing again. I know I didn't post this in the PCReMix thread but, meh, its still from Tyrian Remix: Link removed Basically, this is a remix of my own remix. Almost ended up having this as a solo piano mix but I wanted to try out a few things. Getting the right guitar tone seems to be an endless struggle >.< .The guitars are using TSE X50 amp. I gave up with what I was using before. The drums are just looping and I still need to tweak some EQ and such but was wanting some feedback. As always, help and feedback are always appreciated!
  3. Thought I'd share some plugins that aren't in the opening post. I've been using TSE plugins recently. They're free and absolutely amazing! http://www.theserinaexperiment.net/forum/ There is continuing development (don't be put off by some being in beta) on the plugins so just click on the relevant forum to get the plugin you want. The real star of this bunch is the high-gain X50 . It sounds simply fantastic. You can change settings such as bias and the tubes in it. In my humble opinion, the X50 is one of the greatest sounding sims. Very nice to play with. The only negative is it can be a real resource hog BUT you can switch between high and low quality settings. Obviously you only need the high quality for mixdowns. Having said all that the X30 is no slouch and the TSE808 is a pretty good tube screamer plugin (I think that's included in Sixto's opening post anywho) Like the LePou amps, you'll need impulses but I don't see that as a drawback. Always good to have flexibility.
  4. Congratulations Mr.BillyRockStar. May your NO's strike true through the hearts of all aspiring and over-enthusiastic submitters. (Of course I kid, I kid. That's Jooj-cat's job surely!)
  5. Yeah, I'm glad to see the tracklist getting claims :) At the moment, I'm sadly not going to be able to commit. Things are just a bit all over the place atm so for the time-being I'm gonna have to just sit back. I will, however, be keeping a close eye on the project and as soon as I'm able will get a claim in.

  6. It has been a fantastic compo. Even being in knocked out in the first round I enjoyed following this one. Major congrats to Amphibious. You have definitely earnt the title and it has been great to see you progress thoughout the competition. I don't know if I'll get that rematch between Robbie and Digi but gosh darn it, we may have to have a "Fight Club" styled one-off rematch (just kidding, that would be suicide on my part haha) Much love to all. I should have perhaps posted a few more times but I have been watching the compo closely and impressed by all the entries.
  7. Alcon 2012 September 6th-9th, 2012 - Exact days TBC Leicester – De Montfort University, UK http://www.alcon.org.uk/ - Click here to register and sort out your entry OC Remix Panel and Performances. So as the title says, OC Remix are returning for another UK panel at Alcon 2012 in Leicester at the De Montfort University. Exact times and days are still to be confirmed but we should know very very soon. The panel will be led by WillRock, Fishy, Rexy, ProtoDome and Magellanic. There will also be performances from the panelists. So if you want come and listen to some live OC Remixes, join in with some quizzes and get the chance to win OCR T-shirts, come along!
  8. What an epic and fantastic final round!! Bah, how do I choose between them?! Both made smile but for different reasons. Congrats on reaching the final round. I'll have to let both tracks stew in my mind before voting.
  9. Just saw this on N4G and its very impressive! The preview sounds beautiful. I'll definitely be checking this out. Best of luck with the release
  10. Its great to see that you've smashed the target. Surely the excess will only help with the site bandwidth/maintence costs which can't be meager considering the amount of music downloaded along with everyone posting to say ZOMG WTF!?!?! (in a good way that is )
  11. Definitely have to agree with you guys about the sources. The music is just STUNNING! I feel like I've massacred my chosen source enough lol. On that note, a present is waiting in your inbox Kuo
  12. Still lovin' the Card Monsters tracks. The opening of track 8 reminds me of Streets of Rage and that's only a good thing
  13. Thought it might be a good idea to post the link to the actual compo page: http://www.junodownload.com/remix_tekken/ All the rules are listed. Don't wanna put in all that work and then get disqualified Wish I'd known about this earlier but hey ho. I doubt I'll have time but might have a go.
  14. That's just it though isn't it. Why spend the money remaking it when peeps will buy the re-release. I am intrigued as well as to whether they'll add higher resolutions/wide-screen
  15. Well.........at least its not another re-release of FFIV (yeah, its a great game but come on?!)
  16. I'm probably misunderstanding something here, but surely its great that some people have taken such a shine to Rexy's music and want to support her? If they didn't like what was being made then surely they wouldn't vote. I'll probably be ignored, but I think you should stay in Rexy. You've competed hard for this as has Amphibious and everyone else. Give him the match up he deserves. Having said that, if its too much then fair play. I just don't feel that this should be seen in such a negative light. It seems as though we have some new people taking interest in the community and it shouldn't be discouraged when it is in fact a positive thing.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lg51dzWHJE (btw this is not to make light of people feeling hurt from the compo/thread. Just trying to lift the mood )
  18. Woo! Birthday! YEAH! Have a good one peoples
  19. Never heard the source before but I love it. great choice! On the whole its got a great feel and the soundscape is well done. Its got the vibe of the original but I suppose with it not being so melody-centric its a bit trickier to keep it obvious as to what the source is. The lead at 1:17 isn't quite sitting right to me. I can't work out whether it needs to be less detuned or just mixed better into the soundscape but it definitely needs more attention. Love it at the 2:00min mark. Its got a nice feel. The breakdown-y bit that comes after is well placed. Definitely needs a change of pace, some more contrast later on in the mix or some variation of the material from before. 3:19 again with that lead.......i think more than anything its just lacking life. Needs an injection of humanity methinks. I can't be more specific as the genre isn't my thing but I do think there could be some tweaks to your synth choices and a bit more space as the mix does feel rather crammed but hey............great stuff. I hope someone else also comments to give you some feedback
  20. It's true! Your hands will pass right through 'im. In all seriousness though, I think that this is just a fantastic idea. All this expert/star talk I think is absolutely fine. You can always improve and learn more. Everyone is at different levels, its just some at at higher ones than others. I bet, though, even some of the stars would love to have a chance to pair up with some others to learn some cool production or arrangement tricks. To sum up though, I think this is just a great idea and one that will only bring the community closer together!
  21. I stumbled across this mix on Youtube and my GOD is it fantastic. Everything is just so well and professionally done. The production is top notch and the lead guitar is just pure sweetness!! Great technique and great arrangement. Thank you for blessing my ears with this fantastic rendition of a NES classic! Edit: And the title is just the cherry on top
  22. Thanks for sharing my video bud. Really appreciate it. Was a really nice suprise!

  23. Bitter-sweet news if ever I read it. Such a shame Joshua had to drop out but C-Jeff will definitely be bringing some more awesome to the project. Exciting!
  24. Hey bud, haven't forgotten about doing ze guitar parts for you! Just been busy with bits and bobs. They are on my priority list :)

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