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Everything posted by Nostalvania

  1. Thank you Brandon! It seems that you pretty much confirmed all my self criticism. I really think that the part from 1:20 - 2:10 is too long and i agree that it's a bit repetitive, i'll try to shorten that section. Well, the part at 1:47 - 2:10 is actually just a basic groove to make the final switch to the 6/8 part and it's also kind of a introduction for the next section (2:10). Maybe i can figure something out to make it a bit more interesting. I totally agree with you about the ending (3:32 - 3:43), it's just not good and i'm gonna fix that. The arrangement actually isn't finished yet, i'm planning to add 1 or 2 extra minutes and most likely bringing back the main melody again.
  2. Alright, here is the newest version: https://app.box.com/s/rnux4rk0o8ii28vxelu8 I'm not 100% sure about the transition at 1:20, and i dunno, maybe the part from 1:26 - 2:10 is a bit long. Ending could be improved, i think. Feedback would be welcome!
  3. Thanks guys! Ok, i think i'll add more stuff. I already have some ideas. Changed back to work in progress.
  4. Just a short jazzy piano version which i want to share with you guys. Remix: https://app.box.com/s/kf1ao6rwkzt0z763fe4b Source: http://youtu.be/XgPeQGeJ3z4 Thanks for listening
  5. Yeah it's not a huge dissonance but it always sounds a bit off to me. Maybe i was a bit too fussy.
  6. I'm aware of that D doesn't belong to C# minor and should be avoided if possible i agree with that, although it works at other places like 2:50, but there's actually no melody so it's not a problem.
  7. Sounds nice and i think 3:14 is a good length. Seems like you slowed down the tempo, any slower and it would start to drag. Not so sure about the flanger on the piano but that's probably just a matter of taste. There is still the dissonance from the G# minor (sorry i said Ab minor before) chord and the D in the bass at 3:05. You could try to change the G# minor to a Dmajor7 or maybe a A triad with the D as the root but then you probably have to change the D# in the melody to a E. You could also use a F# or C# minor chord instead of the G# minor at 3:05.
  8. Thanks Rozovian! Honestly, the lead doesn't convince me either. Maybe i can find a better one. Ok, I'll try to vary the percussion a bit. I think adding a piano solo could probably be a nice idea to lengthen the mix.
  9. I know, this has been remixed a lot but i just like the source and have always wanted to remix it. I'm aware that the remix is too short, it's not finished yet. Remix: https://app.box.com/s/a662v13q2mqvs41xriyb Source: http://youtu.be/FyFcSHHdIQE Thanks for feedback!
  10. Yeah, sounds much better, nice work! Some little things: I think you could fade out the last note of the lead at 2:09, it stops a bit abruptly. The Ab- chord seems to clash a bit with the D in the bass at 2:27, 2:34, 2:41 and 2:48, it's not a big deal, but i just noticed it. Keep it up.
  11. I agree. You might add a B-section, something that has different chords and/or rhythm. What you have is nice but it get's a bit repetitive since it's always the same beat/chords. I find it a bit strange that the main theme is only played 2 times, at 00:42 and towards the end (2:07). To me it sounds like the stuff in between is just filling material. You could try to insert the melody at 1:10 again but this time with the repetition/variation like you did at 2:07. I'm not so sure about that bass/synth instrument that comes in at the beginning of the piece, just sounds a bit weird and it also creates some disharmony in places, e.g. 00:18. Strings at 1:40 are pretty dry sounding.
  12. Ha, ha, i saw this on tv today . Merry X-mas!
  13. Cool, I like jazzy mixes Nice chill groove and i think you're using the right drum kit for that kind of jazzy remix. I listened to the source a few times but i had some trouble to recognize it in your mix. I heard it at 01:20, though. In my opinion the arrangement from 00:00 - 01:12 isn't really progressing, it get's a bit repetitive. Maybe you could try to vary the drum pattern a bit more and i think changing the harmonic structure could also help. But the song is only 1 1/2 minutes long so maybe it's a bit to early for that kind of criticism. Yeah, that time change at 1:13 is too abrupt, gotta find a transition there. What's that instrument at 00:33 in the background? It's pretty quiet and indistinct. I think there's a lot of reverb overall, probably a bit too much. It's a nice start, keep it up.
  14. Thanks a lot Gario! Ok, I think I'm gonna remove the Jurassic Park thing, it was only a joke anyway. @Byproduct Thanks for the feedback. well, I hope that the piano will be enough. Let's see what the judges think.
  15. I'm not sure, probably something from Mega Man II or III on the NES.
  16. About the Kokiri Parts: I tried to explain it in one of my previous posts, but probably I failed at explaining . At 4:04 for instance, I played a figure in my left hand that's based on dotted Quarter notes, which creates a 2 over 3 feeling and since there are no other supporting instruments like drums it can probably sound a bit awkward, I guess. In addition, I think my live timing wasn't always 100% accurate. (It's hard for me to explain this in english,sorry). I actually can't hear a distortion. I boosted the high frequencies of my reverb plug-in, I dunno, maybe it has something to do with that? I'll PM you if I need help, thanks .
  17. Alright, I‘m putting this up for Mod Review! (Updated link in first post) Oh yeah, and I still have to find an original title.
  18. Thanks for the feedback Sauraen! Really? I think the melody is pretty clear most of the time, and I actually didn't use a lot of variation on the theme. Maybe it's the different key-signature and all those reharmonized chords that makes it a bit hard to hear? What? I didn't hear that! Ha, ha . No, it's actually from that famous movie with the dinosaurs from the 90s. Well, I played it in with my digital-piano via midi. The most part of the arrangement was played live but I edited it after the recording (Deleted mistakes, edited some velocities and note lenghts etc..). At 4:25 - 4:43 I recorded the left and the right hand separately ( Boooh! )
  19. It's time for an update: https://app.box.com/s/2izjq5gh6pshtxzhvoyd The arrangement is now finished. I completely re-recorded the part from 4:04, made it a bit jazzier and there is finally an ending. I also worked on the eq and reduced the reverb a little bit.
  20. I would say there are some nice arrangement ideas and I think you did a good job on the instrumentation. Since this is an orchestral remix my biggest complaint is that everything sounds a bit artificial, maybe it's the samples or the sequencing or both. The drums in particular sound very mechanical. I would suggest to put this up for mod review to get some in-depth feedback. keep at it!
  21. It sounds pretty nice. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the bass, it's a bit too dissonant for my taste, especially from 2:00 - 3:00. Other than that, pretty cool stuff!
  22. Happy Birthday! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Bon anniversaire! Tanti auguri!
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