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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. Can't get By Those Thighs: I definitely like this song, but there are few complaints. I didn't like your choices for lead sounds. Also, the song feel somewhat repetitive. Other than that, this is a fairly good track. Loved the ending. Requiem for the Beerless: Again, a very good track for this round, and just like the last, comes with it's flaws. I think the piano was too soft, and couldn't hold the lead in comparison to the rest. The rave-y sounds near the end, around 3:20 or so, could've done well turned down, they overtake the piano at some points. But, I really like this track! Gonna have to say Requiem for the Beerless - Ghetto Lee Lewis gets my vote!
  2. Is the soundtrack different from the original? (S&K had a PC port?)
  3. I'm sorry, on my screen my sig is side to side with room to spare, but I can make them more compressed. There was literally no way for me to tell.
  4. Spring Yard Zone (S1 - Genesis) Splash Hill Zone (S4P1) Palmtree Panic (SCD JP/EU) City Escape (SA2) Ice Cap Zone (S3)
  5. Yo Swift, what's the font you used for that one promo? I like it and I want to put it in what I'm doin. EDIT: Here's something I made in about 2+ hours Gonna keep workin, but I like where it's goin
  6. Whipping something up as we speak. I think it'll provide a nice visual backdrop. Perhaps the back of the album. I don't see it being front of the album material. P.S. May have something up for Grandma. Possibly. Don't quote me on that. Or do. Whatever.
  7. If you really wanna stretch it, I'm in Maryland, but that's like, way below most of New England.
  8. (Sonic Adventure) 1) This defines Sonic. Hell, this is Sonic. A fast drum track followed by a chill melody and some fanfare in the background. Truly a perfect picture of Sonic is drawn by this piece, and the light synths that pop in only further increase the chill. Seriously, gameplay with this is awesome. It gives you a sense of enrichment and depth to the character you are playing. 2) This song has an intense musical sense to it. Sonic Adventure has always stood the test of time in it's soundtrack. All the songs play so perfectly to the situation at hand, but this one specifically calls out to me. The melody keeps the song desirable to both a player and a musician. The fanfare, the pads, the guitar! It all meshes into a surf rock masterpiece, including some trumpets to really make the song feel strong and flexible! Definitely a defining track of the SA soundtrack, and a defining video game track in general. 3) Frankly, if I hadn't known this was from a video game, I could've heard it anywhere, and it would be an instant must-have track for me. It's so calm while maintaining action, it clearly shows that it was not a song made to be a game-song, it was a great song that a composer put into a game. I gotta listen to it again! The lack of vocals makes it ever-so more peaceful, like it's just you and the guitar, chillin out, having some drinks on a beach. Feel it, bro. Feel it. Geez it feels like I'm writing an damn advertisement for the song!
  9. New pokes are the same thing, no new pokes, it's always the same ideas
  10. Will we have a guarantee of when the thread will be posted? Or is it just "this Saturday?"
  11. I own the Cartoon Planet CDs. I own every season of Space Ghost Coast to Coast on DVD. I even bought the Space Ghost comic book by DC. This is like the best thing ever.
  12. Ok, I really have been looking for this game for months now, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist in the state of Maryland.
  13. I think you should incorporate the instruments vocally. Like, have a baritone "doo doo doo doo" for the bass guitar in the original, etc. I think it should remain percussion-less. Otherwise, very very good job.
  14. But theoretically if OCRemix will get 50,000 likes, there will have already been an album release in our timeline. So now we know it will be a fruitless effort. It's like the Terminator, but slightly sillier.
  15. They could use the terms "close your eyes for good" or "put you to sleep once and for all"
  16. AWW MAN, NO SONIC R? How will I ever feel the sunshine ;A;
  17. If I have the time to arrange, I might have a Belero/Gerudo Valley WIP in the near future
  18. It needs a guitar plucking/fingerpicking the bassline. I think it could start slower/quieter then grow into what you have now. Also, you may want to include a solo, because it seems fairly close to source in the arrangement. Just some thoughts, I love how you use your guitars and I like the maraca, as well as the general feel of the song. But to make it more western, try my suggestions above.
  19. I think the song is very bare-boned. The sounds are conservative and need to do more, and the drums don't go beyond bass/hat (speaking of which, where is the bass?). Also, while I can't say the arrangement stays too close to the source, what isn't the source does not blend well with the source, imo. Also, it feels like the arrangement of the source parts is verbatim the original. It needs some more action, something that doesn't make me think "oh hey, Pokemon techno" and something that makes me think "oh damn, sweet ass techno." So: More sounds More drum Liberal arrangement Blended transitions
  20. I'm pretty sure they explain that the plates are energy sources used for the multi-national trading system that Celio made, and they are just nods to the games you would use the system to connect to.
  21. He doesn't like when people do it because of who they are, but he supports them when they care about what it is they are doing. He isn't condescending, he's just preferably supportive of creative individuals.
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