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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. I'm working on a Goldenrod mix that could definitely work in Saffron City. Do we need the songs to directly correlate to the setting, or can we use alternate songs for locations (a la Saffrons old song being the theme of the games)?
  2. I will not be here for the beginning of the week But I assure my entry will not come in meek My anger and passion will prove triumphant, I'm sure I don't think I can do this rhyme thing anymore.
  3. I'd direct if necessary, but I think a community project of THIS magnitude prolly requires professional work.
  4. Ah, it's nice to see the ol' OCRAPS back to work again I wish there were more I could do, but I really wouldn't know where to start
  5. Here's WIP 3 Okay, so I lengthened source parts and even threw a chord progression into the rhythm from the source. How does it sound?
  6. The only thing I can say is the series really can't have that much advancement past the first. Since most of the characters playing would be independent IPs of third-party companies separate from Sony, I think it would have issues getting new characters. This is where Nintendo has a serious edge. Nintendo only has two characters outside the Nintendo license, so it's fairly easy and cost-effective to make a new game every few years and EVEN push characters to become more popular. But Sony has to purchase rights to every character, a very hefty task. And with advertisement since this is a new series, engine development, and un-for-seen costs, it's a tough fight for Sony. They're up against a giant that shows no sign of stopping.
  7. Aaaaaaaagh I am excite
  8. Except it totally can. Try this: A) Fight Alduin Fight Alduin with the Wabbajack The game makes things fun, it's not a glitch. You can either fight him or turn him into a sheep (you still need to fight him though). What I said in my first post? Me myself manipulating the games menu system with the camera for results. Don't be angry with the possibilities others can find if you wish to remain inside a confined box whilst playing. This game isn't a simulator, don't expect humanistic damage or physics. It's about dragons and swords.
  9. In my opinion, just because Microsoft is an American corporation, it doesn't need to hold to the US constitution in it's online policy, as it is an ONLINE policy, and the internet should be free (but that lies under a completely different argument). That being said, while it is necessary for Microsoft to take action, it is most important for the player. If there is a solo-mute function, the player should take it. If not, they should leave a game, and tell the other person why you don't want to play with them, rude as you may feel. Just leaving is okay, but it doesn't hold the same weight as actively approaching the person with such disregard for environment that these "bullies" do. The player is the key variable here. They need to perform some act of protest. And if we can't do this, I think the only right thing to do is protest boycott live game platforms altogether. If we aren't ready for it, we aren't ready for it. This problem has gone unfixed long enough, and my generation has been a critical source of blame for it. I'm frankly done. In a way of speaking, either resist, or do away with the battlefield.
  10. A buddy of mine would definitely be interested if it were.
  11. Another big issue with this that I've noticed is that ska is a lot about speed and loudness, like fanfare, whereas brass VSTs I've found are mostly geared toward rhythmic parts of symphonic pieces, which are much softer. That being said, if there is a good trumpet/trombone VST with adjustable intonation/accenting, I'd love to find it.
  12. When playing Skyrim at a friends house, I did one thing. I jumped off the watchtower where you fight the dragon. At the peak of my leap, I opened my inventory and removed everything. Then I unpaused and zoomed out. I saw myself fall to my death, in third-person, naked, and then immediately pelted by cabbages, as my friends laughed their asses off. Suspension of disbelief is necessary in my honest opinion. It can end up pretty funny.
  13. I have had a similar issue, as I am just beginning playing trombone, and I have been looking for a good solo VST.
  14. They are mostly covers or medleys, but here are some good metal VGM bands Entertainment System The Megas Metroid Metal Random Encounters The X-Hunters Random Battles The Smash Brothers The Black Mages The list goes on, but this goes to show OCR isn't the end-all-be-all.
  15. Uh, search it yourself? Also, why are you limiting it to metal? A lot of my favorite mixes are of rock variety, but not metal, would they count on this list?
  16. Yeah, since I am a cheap bastard and don't have a premium account, I try to budget song lengths and in the end I had no interest in contInuing this project. Maybe later.
  17. Well it's good to hear people like my mixing And yeah, repetition was my greatest enemy during production. But the sources I chose are all pretty dang short melodies, so creativity had to kick in, and after I spent that, had a soda, and slept on it, I STILL hadn't done enough. Still my main priority, along with humanization of rhythms/pads. And yes, I did take this from a very "gotta do my own thing" approach, because, frankly, I don't like when a source is there and the novelty just blows its load. My original source (Double Dashes Menu Theme) included a lot of accidentals and jazzy chords, which wasn't the direction I wanted to go, so I made the melodies more diatonically (totally making up that word) friendly. And, in hindsight, yeah, I only included like 6 seconds of the Menu. I forget the point I was making. Right, back to work.
  18. *facepalm* Turns out I uploaded the mp3 recklessly and accidentally uploaded an aborted export of the file. HERE is the real version. That would probably explain what happened to the sources
  19. Alright, I really didn't want to post this so soon, but it's a mastered/EQed version with better arranging. Also, it's not going on SoundCloud yet because they won't except the waveform (happens sometimes).
  20. NEW VERSION ON SOUNDCLOUD Now with a bassline and some better arrangement
  21. DISREGARD THIS POST, I AM A LIAR. But in all seriousness, I think with my workload I'll only be able to handle one track, so no Grandma
  22. I must also jump in and say, PLEASE DON'T POST A WIP IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT. MOD REVIEW, IN LAYMAN'S TERMS, IS A CRASH COURSE FOR HOW JUDGES WILL RESPOND TO YOU AS WELL AS A CRITICAL REVIEW FROM EXPERTS, AND YOU SHOULDN'T WASTE THEIR TIME. To start off, the sounds are very generic. The timings are generally off, and have odd rhythms, almost like you are constantly missing cues. Some of the notes you removed from the original are important for the integrity of the melody, and without them makes it seem jumpy and uncertain of where it's going. An important thing to remember, is that YES, it's IS important to make the song YOUR OWN, but just haphazardly changing notes and removing them from the melody is not how to do that. The area you most want to aim for that is the rhythm. Hit there first, then make a melody for your rhythm. It's not the perfect way, but from experience, it usually lands you most self-impressed, and it makes you feel like you are making additive art (like sculpting) and not subtractive are (like chiseling). The drums sound very mechanized, put some velocities in there. An important thing in mixing, is that when trying to emulate lively sounds, you want to include humanization, and actually, drums are fairly easy. Add reverb/delay and edit some velocities for some basic humanization (if you REALLY want to get serious, look up wave editing. I don't even go there, it's so tedious). I don't know what feel your going for here, if it's a somber mood, it needs more build-up or tension, and with the odd rhythms, it's hard to achieve such a feeling. It feels more like a weird drug trip. Also, TIP: Don't think saying "I don't understand my DAW well" is going to excuse these. Ignorance does not excuse performance. I do not mean to be mean or anything, but this mix is just, in all honesty, sloppy. It needs cohesion. It needs a feeling. To start, find a genre, or even two genre and aim for them. I would also suggest combining sounds in layers and EQing them (that takes too long for me to explain, look up a youtube video). There's a good video made by a veteran around here, zircon, that talks about layering, I'll find it quick. PS: Rozovian's remix guide that chimpazilla posted is very good. Read it.
  23. Got my sig changed, my avi changed, I am excited as poop
  24. One under the frustrating column would be Mother. FUCK. LIKE, SHIT. There is no restriction from going into an area with big enemies near the beginning, and I just kept dying, having to travel back and such. It's so frustrating. Not to mention you have almost no sense of direction without a guide.
  25. No, but I expect a weapon for my class!
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