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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. Oh shit, I guess that part was a kinda necessary part I forgot
  2. All of my yes. I spent half a year learning how it worked, and I learned about the 'drag' function 3 days before the battery died for good. It was unresponsive, changed songs on it's own will, and sometimes outright turned off when I wanted to do something. The E260 was a better player, and it came out years before even the Fuze. The Fuze was an $80 piece of trash that destroyed my trust in Sansa and made me an iSlave. Now if you don't mind, I have some apps to be playing.
  3. Agreed. I found out on our schedules that there was a Music Theory II. But since not many kids are willing to take it, it's used as a space for people who have nothing happening that period. It was one of those "there is no hope for man" moments.
  4. Ah, the Fuze! I used to own that until my brother lost it! Then I got the Fuze+ which is AN ABOMINATION OF MAN AND ERGONOMIC DESIGN THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE THE NAME 'SANSA' OR 'FUZE' ON IT. But right now I have an iPod Touch 3rd Gen because Sansa currently doesn't have a good line-up of products, and no I'm not getting a Zune.
  5. By introducing the real ending AFTER the game was released, it would show how flat on their faces Bioware fucked up on the game. If your product is bad, take it as a learning experience in buying new games, not an insult to yourself.
  6. That's just immature. That's the sickest level of immature bullshit I have ever seen. That's 'crying to the teacher at recess that everyone's playing baseball, not dodgeball like he wanted to' level of immature cockamamie bullshit. It's the ending to a game. They bought the game. It sucked. I'm sorry. But what makes them think it was "supposed" to be good? A piece of shit is a piece of shit. You can't stop that. Requesting them to change core gameplay and patch it due to unplayability? Maybe that'd be okay. Maybe. Like, the thinnest form of maybe. But changing the ENDING to their PLOT that the player has already completed. No. It's like if I wrote to J.K. Rowling and said "Yeah, I hate how the seventh book ended. Change it for me. And I want it for free. Soon, or I want my money back." This story of Mass Effect has finished. If you didn't like it, that sucks. Better luck next time.
  7. Wiesty, have you been recieving my PMs? I keep sending them but nothing appears in the Sent Items area. I'm recording a bass part for a song so I want you to see me in a band mindset.
  8. Had a rip-roarin, Tunnel Rhino-in, Mega Wankin, IIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS-in time! Can't wait for tomorrows! But now, sleep
  9. This is AWESOME I. Uh. What? I don't. Hmm.
  10. Seeing the awesome Metal Slug Soundfont reminded me of this awesome thingy-dooder I got a few days ago. Earthbound Soundfont Chip label "Ubiktune" released a free compilation of Earthbound remixes, and with them an Earthbound Soundfont! I personally have been fond of the percussion section, and the rest are really good when layered! (Let it be known that *I am not in control of any media shown on the page above, I'm just distributing their free and amazing service* (Also, check out the music. It's amazing!))
  11. I honestly prefer this over a new one. This is a good idea.
  12. I like this idea. This is a good idea.
  13. /back Bastion Mirrors Edge Pokemon Black/White Animal Crossing: Wild World Scott Pilgrim vs. The World The Game
  14. Guys, it's a Facebook campaign. People do it all the time. Yeah it sucks, but the album will be out soon. And look, now we even have a timer for the album (not very consistent, but a countdown nonetheless).
  15. "Chiptune" is a genre in the same way "rock" is a genre. When people say they play rock, that could mean anything from power ballads to power chords chugging. You have to specify. Then it's a genre.
  16. I think you should limit it to either US or JP (if it were JP it could be Sonic CD: Tokyo Mix), but I'd love to do it EDIT: EXCEPT SONIC BOOM. NO MATTER HOW THE ALBUM IS MADE, WE PUT IN SONIC BOOM. I CALL SONIC BOOM.
  17. I'm outie /sarcasm
  18. I believe there is some proverb that goes something like "it matters not the tool, but how you use it" or something like that. Gameboy music (at least early on) was made mostly to go with a game, repetitive and catchy. Even if you just use the same music design as the Gameboy, it is for a different purpose. If I make my remix in LSDj or Famitracker or Nanoloop, I shouldn't be refused even consideration for a remix due to sounding too basic. If my song rocks your shit, don't hold me back because I used bleeps and bloops which I regard on the same level as a synthesizer (and even a drum kit sometimes)
  19. My kinda man. A man's man.
  20. But nowadays, I feel like there aren't really those sites anymore, at least not as prominent as OCR or with the same goal as OCR. It seems the site should grow, not be limited by it's roots.
  21. The Great Suicide of 2012 Everyone's leaving
  22. Wooper, big bro
  23. Beautiful album, my favorites are probably Gimme My Sword!, Hoy Small Fry, and Thunderstruck
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