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Everything posted by MangaMan

  1. Hey MangaMan here, Head Director for the Tears of the Moon A Majora's Mask Musical Extended project. I would love to join in on the Talk back this Friday if you are willing to have me. I'm really wanting to promote my project to get more people on board with it!
  2. We've been at a stand still long enough I think. Currently we are looking to bring aboard 5 more Directors, one for each of the different area's/musical sections. Looking for people who are willing to spend time organizing their section and the people they choose to bring about the music. Must check in with the Head Director (MangaMan) every few weeks with a report on progress. For more information on the position and the project, please PM MangaMan.
  3. "Do you think you'll be able to send me something before easter? I'd like to hand tracks over for mastering around then if everyone is happy with that deadline? I've tried contacting some people and had no response. I'm also having trouble logging into Skype which is making contacting Mangaman difficult - I wanted to compare notes on where we are regards vocals Sorry about that." You can hit me up on email or facebook if that is easier.
  4. Go right on ahead!
  5. OOOOOOOOOOO, I've been wanting to do Frog's Theme!!!! But I don't have access to music making software.... If anyone would want to collaborate, I'm a talented at singing (tenor, bass, baritone)and lyric writing.
  6. Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. Been working with other directors on the Majora Musical project. If you want I can send you the information over email if that is alright with you?

  7. Hello wildfire. I was wondering if you could help me out with some lyrics.

  8. Interesting! If you need a vocalist let me know!
  9. Wednesday is great for me! Talk to you then!

  10. Haven't heard from you in a while. I want to talk about the staff credit song.

  11. From my experience working on my own large scale vocal focused project: Tear's of the Moon, it can be really difficult to organize lyricists if you don't stay on top of them. I agree with what others have been saying with pairing up vocalists with experienced musicians, but if neither of them have any clue about the lyrics then we run into problems. This is something I've been struggling with for a long time now. It would be better to, once you have some, pair the lyricist first with the musicians and then bring in the vocalists. Again this is my suggestion and I'm not the greatest example of success here, but I think it would be a good idea to keep everyone on the same page.
  12. Say for Fuchsia City Gym, it could be a duet between Koga and his daughter Janine.
  13. Huh. Looking through the gym leaders and I notice there is not one for Dark types?
  14. I've been out of these forums for waaaayyy too long and I'm itching to get back in the swing of things. I'm a lyric writer and singer and I'm also the director of the Majora's Mask Musical project (just putting that out there). I am a tenor but have enough range to sing Bass and Baritone. I don't having anything current of my work out yet, so here is a . I'd be down for any gym leader, so if someone has an idea and the music I can supply the lyrics and the vocals!
  15. I'm Back Jordan! I need your number again, I got a new phone but it's the same number and I lost all my old contacts.

  16. We really need female singers, was there any role on the cast list that interested you? Also, can you write lyrics?

  17. Hello Wildfire, I noticed your vocal talents on the Epona song forum and was wondering if you'd be interested in joining my Majora's Mask musical Tears of the Moon:


  18. I finished my clean take of the song and would like to send it to you via email or skype, which ever you prefer. I can't remember if I got your email or not.
  19. I've been reading in the wings, listening to everyones comments and concerns with the project. I thank all (most notably my fantastic Co-Directors ;D) for showing your support for Tears of the Moon. As Damashii!! has stated, we will get together soon and tweet the project description so that there will be no more room for error. But while we do that, please feel free to submit your own input of the project, how do you see it? What would you do? Again, thank you all!
  20. Welcome back everyone from our VERY LONG hiatus! To those of you that expressed interest in the past contact me and let me know if you are still interested. To new comers, take a look at the first two posts for the new and improved project description! AUDITIONS START......NOW!!!!!!
  21. I would also like to lend my vocal talents to this.
  22. Yes, we are working on the final track to the wind waker album, do you have contact with Swiftom, the director? If so, he can bring you up to speed!

  23. Terra We need your harp skills for Wind Waker, are you game?

  24. Hey Tom, checking in contact me when you get the chance.

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