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Everything posted by DrumJ8

  1. happy birthday sir
  2. This was my entry for the ISW Juggernaut Composer Contest. Phantom Foundry Are there issues with the bass? Any feedback on how to help make the bass sound better? Other issues? Thanks.
  3. My track is called Phantom Foundry. Thanks for checking
  4. heh, I feel the same way .. It's fun to try though (mostly); everything's a learning experience. I just submitted. No confirmation or anything , I hope it went through?
  5. I was just happy to finally get CSD to work in my Cubase finally, and then all of a sudden the sound stopped. "Demo Timeout" nooooooooo ! :/ Good luck have fun everyone
  6. This is basically what I've been trying to express for the past half hour but couldn't find the right combination of words. I just feel like with the 'classics' for me of 7-10 they focused on character/plot and used technology to their advantage to make great games. Now it's like they use technology as a crutch to carry the game but plot/character are secondary. 13 is the first game where I just stopped playing, and I can't even explain to myself why. I didn't even hate the game really--one day I just stopped (which was years ago) and I never had interest in picking it back up again.
  7. This is correct. Completely. The Sun's Song was my hero. The moan's, the screams, to this day .. I hate going in that well too. There were moments in Twilight Princess that freaked me out too, like the chasing hand near the end .. also the creepy guardians in Skyward Sword Silent Realm .. don't chase me bro
  8. Any motorcyclists here? Backpack Wrap: A Hi-Viz and Reflective Backpack Cover I'm not but it's my cousin's project Helping make the road a safer place is good. Yes. Edit: My co-worker noted it could also be good for people who ride bikes at night.
  9. deng it I forgot to listen and vote .. about an hour left and I'm at work so I won't make it Nice turnout though Also regarding the FFXII soundtrack, I didn't mean to imply that I didn't like the music, but that it wasn't memorable for me in a literal sense .. If I tried to think of the music right now, I can only think of Lowtown, and Seeking Power, cuz of this competition hehe .. Although, maybe that's more of a testament to my decreasingly bad memory ..
  10. I don't know this track by name, hopefully I recognize it once I have a listen .. My favorite track was Lowtown. I remember reading somewhere that someone hated the Lowtown theme so much that they hated going down there .. but it's pretty much the only track from that game that was memorable for me.
  11. I've never had to use that for audio files but it looks like that Channel Batch Export function would do the trick for you. I do the same thing that you were doing but for MIDI tracks (mute/unmute/export). I wonder if there's a way to quickly export a bunch of MIDI tracks?
  12. I'm in the middle of a free Intro to Music Production course at coursera.org. I got an interesting email today stating the following: "Berklee will give my Introduction to Music Production Courserians a $300 discount off the regular tuition of my music production courses for the spring semester. You earn college credit for these courses." The Berklee online courses are normally $1200-$1400 for a 12 week course, and even with this discount I can't swing it .. but if I had the money I'd be all up on it. I imagine the discount would apply even if people signed up for the free course now.
  13. Engaged since August 2012. I met her in the Philippines 7 years ago, kept on and off contact, saw her again last year and just kind of knew. Just waiting now for her to get here.
  14. 2nd place yesssss .. nice work @FreakyT
  15. Saw this today: From the Composer of Skyrim - Soule Symphony No. 1
  16. I saw this article today, sorry if it's already been posted: Dad hacks Donkey Kong so daughter can play as a girl
  17. Thanks for the feedback. Good luck to you, and everyone in the contest. I know it needs an intro and better transitions , .. and just a better arrangement in general. To the drawing board I go. Thanks again
  18. Hey guys thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it much. Heh ya I actually started this with the intention of entering the contest but for various reasons I ended up not participating :/ I'm not sure what the rules were for the recent contest, but for round one, they didn't want wips public until after the results.. Thanks again for the feedback, any and all is welcome, I will do my best. Let me see what I can come back with ..
  19. This is a wip remix of The Mines of Narshe from FF6. CITY CAVES 2013.03.05 source
  20. I found this today, thanks for posting it. I'm going to check out the music production course, starts tomorrow.
  21. Final Fantasy VII I was in 7th grade, I knew next to nothing about FF7 or RPGs or games or life. This annoying girl at school was obsessed with it and recommended it to my brother. My brother never got too much into it, and I wasn't at first; there was too much reading to do and I just wanted to get on with the game. I remember having a bad day and when I got home, instead of eating dinner I decided to pour my heart and soul into playing a game I wasn't all that interested in in the first place. It eventually became my favorite franchise, my favorite game, my favorite music, etc etc etc
  22. I just got the email for the album codes and my face went like
  23. heh ya the prize is awesome, I figured there'd be a decent turnout. nice work Hoboka
  24. No problem at all, thanks very much
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