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Everything posted by XZero

  1. I'm graduating from college on Saturday, and no one really did a Senior prank (though the administration chose to test their new student alert system, ie text messaging students with a warning, during a tornado drill, which according to them worked well, but we all thought it was a joke). In high school, however, everyone had to use the same school-issued locks on their lockers. Since it was a private school, your Fourth Amendment rights did not apply, so they would bring in drug dogs to sniff all of the lockers and walk around with a key to open the ones that the dog responded to up. Someone stole the key and switched all of the lockers in a particular building, thereby rendering all of the Freshmen and Sophomores incapable of opening their lockers during one of the class changes. They got in huge trouble for doing so (caught on surveillance cameras), but it was still pretty awesome.
  2. Every Wii owner should buy a Kama nunchuck controller. The wirelessness of the controller makes playing the games easier since there are no cords to get in the way, and it works *perfectly*. In sum, go to GameStop or Game Crazy and buy one of these things. Here's the IGN review: http://gear.ign.com/articles/871/871407p1.html
  3. The mix isn't bad, but I do think it's too slow. I'm assuming this is based on Examination (as opposed to Examination~Allegro), and I think it can definitely work as a remix, but it really needs more (not that that horse hasn't been beaten enough by the other comments). If you need some inspiration, find the album entitled 'Cadenza' and check out their version of the Examination~Allegro track. It's different from yours (more rock-style in nature), but it may give you some ideas as to how to fill in that empty space around the track. Looking forward to an update!
  4. This sounds excellent! I noticed the 3:08 thing, but I don't think it detracts from the song as a whole. Great work.
  5. I have to concur with JCvgluvr on this one. The Wii Wheel is certainly a lot of fun, and I have to add that it is even more fun if multiple people are using wheels. I've gotten particularly good at controlling Toad with the wheel. Wario is and always will be my favorite character, however, and he is simply not usable with the wheel. Loose turns translate into a lot of unnecessary deaths during races which would be avoided if I was using the GCN controller or the remote-nunchuck combo. All in all, it's fun, but don't take the game too seriously when you're playing with the wheel; just have fun in a casual manner. As a side note, my mom, who never plays games, enjoys playing with the wheel, thereby illustrating the target audience for such an accessory: nongamers (I realize, of course, that everyone knew that already).
  6. Last night's episode was overwhelmingly mediocre. I read in a review once that this season feels like South Park by Numbers. It wasn't particularly funny overall, and had some downright boring and stupid moments. Of course, since it IS South Park, there was some good stuff in there as well. It was a Randy episode (he's one of my friend's favorite characters), and he's usually good for some great material. I felt that the best moment was when he was discovered in the building with the computer after he finally got access to internet porn. A great moment, but it didn't save a mediocre episode.
  7. My limitation in terms of musical instruments is a piano (which translates into a keyboard for midi purposes). That having been said, I recently learned how to play L's Theme and Near's Theme from Death Note on the piano. They aren't particularly complicated, but figuring out which notes was pretty difficult.
  8. From a legal perspective there's absolutely no way this kid gets into any trouble. As was mentioned in the report, Maryland has a statute about a third party's actions. I don't believe any state would even bring forth charges against him. It was manslaughter definitionally speaking, but simultaneously, the actions of the boy were clearly to prevent what he and a reasonable third party would perceive to be murderous toward his mother. In the law, if a person has a truly reasonable belief that the tortious actions of an individual will in all probability result in immediate death to another, equal force, in this case force of death, can be used for the protection of the victim, whether it is yourself or another. Obviously application will vary with circumstances, but as I stated earlier, I can't conceive of any state that would pursue any prosecutorial action against the boy in this case given these facts.
  9. Let's find him, rape him, rip out his eye, find someone with aids, and have that individual piss in his eye-socket. Yeah, I'm a Christmas Critter.
  10. There's a good reason many people when playing Galaxy or Smash Bros (or, thanks to that horribly creepy Homer Simpson hovering a little over my post, when watching the Simpsons) don't think about them as being part of reality. The thing that's remained consistent with both of these is that the eyes are just terribly disturbing. This reminds me of the first time I saw Trey and Matt's real-life rendering of the South Park kids. It made sense, yes, but it was just... wow...
  11. Mother 3 GBA Tales games for PS2 (Destiny remake, Destiny II) Soul Bringer DS - Edit: SOMA Bringer
  12. I have the WiFi Adaptor from Nintendo; mine works fine (apparently unlike many from what I've heard), but when I'm using my computer, literally every couple of seconds, the thing makes this "pop" sound when a user (my Wii) is connected to it. Does anyone know how to make this sound stop, short of denying access to the Wii?
  13. They all live on donuts and moose meat and they leave the house without packin' heat never even bring their guns to the mall. And you know what else is too funny? Their stupid monopoly money. Can't take 'em seriously at all.. Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot! Yes. Okay, obviously I'm kidding. Regarding the first post, Ghettoflame, that's some really bad luck; funny, naturally, but really bad all the same. Maybe you should just grab the items and throw them off the side before they can kill you next time you play.
  14. I don't disagree (he's easily my favorite Nintendo character, actually), but he felt awkward in the hour and a half play session I had this morning. I'm sure I'll have different feelings about it after playing more on Sunday, especially considering I didn't have much time to dedicate to learning the characters' moves, but I still contend that he walks oddly in the game, at least based on my limited experience. I'm still a Link fan for Smash Bros games. EDIT: Also, Global-Trance, I don't know how the tournament is being handled in your area, but in mine, only the strip mall stores are hosting it (the mall I work in and the other one nearby aren't allowing us to do it). We got this big package with a booklet explaining the rules, how to advance, etc. It came with some ridiculous questions for a trivia contest (Example: The Gameboy Player allowed players to play GameBoy games on what other system? The GameCube) and dedicated a section to properly hosting a costume contest (the best judges are? Your customers, of course!). I saw it this morning and laughed. A lot.
  15. ^^ The image of Samus looking down at Mario when he finally succeeds in reaching the edge of the platform is awesome. Also, I played Brawl for the first time today (American release). It's awesome, of course, and I can't wait until Sunday when I actually own the game. Anyway, if this hasn't been said already, I just wanted to note that both the English and Japanese versions of the WarioWare vocal tracks are selectable as BGM for the stages (I thought it was just the English version for the American release, so I was kind of excited in a sad fanboyish manner). Also, poor Wario is so awkward to control, I almost feel bad for him. He waddles ... er, walks in a really weird way, and his bike is difficult to control.
  16. I'm reading a decade-old book by author Jonathan Kozol entitled "Amazing Grace" about people living in poverty in New York. It's for a class, but when I saw this topic, I thought I'd relate to you guys one of the stories contained in the book. Apparently this particular part of New York has a rat problem, and despite efforts of exterminators,the rats live on. In fact, some of them have mutated beyond being anything more than swelled up by the poison. A woman interviewed in the book notes that "A month ago, [she] was trying to sleep ... [when she] heard these screeching sounds and thought it was a rat fighting with a cat. [Her] granddaughter ... came into [her] room and said 'Nanny, look outside, there's a big rat fightin' with a squirrel.' [she] looked out the window and saw the rat. Squirrel was dead. Rat sittin' on him, eatin' from his back. When he was done ... nothin' was left except for the hair that must have been the squirrel's tail." The book is supposed to elicit sympathy from the reader, and while I disagree with Kozol's politics, I can't slight the man for his efforts. On a side note, if you're reading this DJ Pretzel, this is the proper way to get rid of squirrels. Feed them to mutant rats. For those who don't know what I'm referencing, http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01678/
  17. Update: I finished the game this evening. You know, looking back on my 8 hours, it wasn't as bad as I originally felt. It's just kind of broken. The last boss is pretty cool, if somewhat generic; great lines, though. During the credit roll, photograph images show up on the right side of the screen depicting major parts of the adventure (like a slide show), and you can slice them using the motion controls. The ultimate bitchslap was when I horizontally sliced at one of the pictures and the game registered it as a vertical slash, thereby completely missing the picture. I laughed out loud at that one. It was the only way to keep from crying.
  18. Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage. I want my $50 back. Plus ten for the strategy guide. Plus $50 in pain and suffering for me wasting my first week as a fifteen year old to try to convince myself that it couldn't possibly have been as bad as it seemed. Plus $100 in punitive damages. THQ, you owe me $200. Prima, you owe me $10. I'll be watching my mail.
  19. It's not bad at all. I think the string samples used in the second version were better, and the harmony was easily better in that one. The choir reminded me of the Metroid Prime soundtrack, which is by no means a bad thing. I don't know much about music from a technical standpoint, but just from a listener perspective I thought it could work really well if the choir was maintained in the second version, and perhaps expanded. Listening to the original version of the song, the choir might work well if it was a secondary aspect of the mix, kind of in the background. One particular piece of the original track was from 0:26 - 0:33. A segment like that might be very compatible with a choir under a string voice. Experiment with it a bit more and upload whatever you come up with. I'm looking forward to hearing it!
  20. Has anyone else tried this game? I picked it up today, and while I'm kind of liking it, my wrist was starting to get sore. Then my whole arm (when I started swinging the controller like an actual sword). Then my other wrist and arm. I knew what I was getting into when I got it, but I'm still decidedly unimpressed, even with lower expectations. I guess my real problem with it is twofold: extremely limited exploration (which comes with the territory, of course) mixed with the absence of a nunchuck control option, and some really poor detection for the combat. Music's really good, and the story's not bad; I can get into it, but after a couple of hours, I just get bored. That, and (SPOILER... kind of) when Blade's dad is your party member, his comments are completely useless since during these times, I feel that he should be attacking rather than telling me things I already know. Overall, it's not an inherently bad game as much as an inherently flawed one. Two questions for you guys: What do those of you who have played it think of DQS, and for anyone who knows what I'm talking about, does Blade's dad remind you of Ryoma's dad from Prince of Tennis?
  21. You know, a few weeks ago, I went to work (GameStop) and my boss told me that we were taking reservations for Mario Kart Wii. I reserved it while commenting that it would make a good Christmas gift for myself (April release; yeah, right!). But now with all of this new information coming out, I guess it actually will happen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would mean that two major Nintendo games (Mario Galaxy & Mario Kart) would be releasing when they were originally purported to release without months of delays. After Brawl, I'm kind of surprised.
  22. This mix sounds nice. It's relaxing. The problem, though, is that it can get a little too relaxing. Like... it's boring? Boring is a hard word to use here because it's kind of in the very nature of this type of music (i.e. not high-energy), but you definitely need to add something halfway through to keep it from being too backgroundy. I don't know what specifically you could add, and I agree with Escariot in that anything added needs to be in moderation. You said that the strings you added felt over the top. Personally, I think that strings, if used in moderation, could enhance the song a bit, but I didn't hear the version you heard when they were added. I would suggest that adding them subtly could help, but again I'm not sure. For the record, I enjoyed the song. It just needs something extra.
  23. So? I unlocked Tails. Twice. Yeah. On topic, something about this fangame just bothers me. I should note that I really don't like Halo for reasons I won't bore you with. Combining Halo and Mario kind of... bastardizes Mario. Like, Mario with the weapons of Master Chief is too much of a stretch in my opinion. As for the quality of the game, it looks okay, but instead of the Halo mp3, they should have used 16-bit music (as someone pointed out earlier). I don't know; I just wasn't impressed.
  24. The demo was challenging. If I wasn't getting Apollo Justice next week, I definitely would have bought this already. I probably will be buying it in the near future, however.
  25. Several years ago, this actually happened to one of my parents' cars. At the end of our block, hidden in some brush after having been thrown, we recovered the book. See? There's hope for you yet!
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