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Everything posted by Necrox

  1. One of your best tunes, man! Good luck in the post-high-school life.
  2. Worthy of the repeat button and makes me want to do something evil and occult. Great job!
  3. Hey, I saw you in the Fit Club thread. Do you play cymbals for indoor drumline?

  4. Sounds cool, especially the synth.
  5. Sweet work, the upbeat vibe is so good. Thumbs up, especially on the Banks integration.
  6. You guys both helped. Thanks for your time!
  7. How could the synth at 0:17 be made?
  8. Thanks; I will keep this in mind.
  9. Thanks a lot!
  10. What are those beautiful deep echoes in the first few seconds of this track? How do I make them?
  11. I find this funny for some reason. Making good music is finding a diamond in the rough for me.
  12. Voted. I must say it wasn't quite easy.
  13. Actually I meant the problem of ThaSauce not wanting to send an activation email haha
  14. And the virus has spread.
  15. Good show. The most disturbing part was that Light thought eating potato chips was a more dramatic activity than killing people.
  16. To make a good bassline every time, always use this bassline.
  17. Guitar work is pretty cool, my favorite thing here. Bass felt just a little intense. Overall pretty good.
  18. I don't know much about jazz, but I enjoyed the panning; it made the song feel nice and full. Outro felt a bit disjointed and awkward.
  19. :cry:
  20. How long has it been 0-1 entries?
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