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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Nah I'm pretty burnt out on the actual discussion. I'd be cool with more song battles though!
  2. This is pretty cool. Good to see something productive is finally coming out of this thread!
  3. It shouldn't. The white boxes should be filling up all the gray space.
  4. Watch out Larry, this guy's stealin' your moldy thunder!
  5. I actually thought about possibly using that to convert MP3s to MIDI, but I remember there was doubt as to whether it could handle multiple instruments at a time. So yeah I guess we'll see when it comes out.
  6. Oh yeah, I hear the Zelda door and pot-smashing sounds all the time. And the Diablo II item and spell sounds. Maybe this thread should just be renamed the "stock SFX in video games" or something. Edit: Wow, 11k. ... :[
  7. Not to mention the minute you drop the f-bomb, people start making dance remixes of it.
  8. Haha, they should call it the Wilhelm 2. Well I guess this means Gecko gets the blowjob. Now I need to find a place that ships to Sweden...
  9. You know that sound effect you hear when your stick in your SC CD and it autoplays and freaks you the fuzz out because your volume was turned up too high. It's been in like the last 5 movies I've seen (a couple of which were in the Saw series) so I'm curious about it. Where did it come from, where did it go... If you know the answer you get an Asian blowjob.
  10. If it's unofficial you don't need no permission from no one, as long as you follow the content policy.
  11. That's pretty much exactly what RisingForce is saying. But honestly I think there are just as many skilled composers and just as few revolutionary performers.
  12. I still don't think they have a right to make such a decision. However, you'd probably have to ask djp if he's okay with this (he's probably not). Being the official OCR podcast, VGDJ has a pretty specific format associated with it, and changing it to a video podcast of some random white guy in Japan is not something to be done lightly. So even if you do get the green light, in this case, yes, you would most likely be asked to change the name to something else, as at that point the show would probably bear little to no resemblance to the original concept or execution of VGDJ. That said, nobody will stop you from producing your own independent, unofficial OCR-related podcast. In fact, I'll definitely watch it if you do. Be sure to release on YouTube as well...it will provide you additional exposure, and I don't know about other people, but personally having a downloadable version would provide no benefit to me, since I don't have a portable video player. In fact, I'd have to question the decision to use video as the format in the first place...unless you just have a hilarious personality or something, I don't see it adding a whole lot of value to a show based mostly on talking and music, and the whole appeal of podcasts is that you can do other stuff while listening like driving or washing your dishes. Anyway, if you need help setting up a podcast and/or tips about podcasting in general, Rayza and Aurora would probably be able to help you out as well.
  13. Yeah, if you say a person like Kanno has "no vision" I will personally drive over to your house and slap you with a large trout.
  14. A considerable portion of Persians are in fact quite fair-skinned. I think they could make it work with some strategic use of makeup.
  15. They could triple the length by playing it backwards then changing it slightly the second time around.
  16. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/film/news/e3if545c66bc7e570547c6373960ca71a37 Some big names here, with the production power behind the Pirates movies. Could this actually turn out to be a good video game movie? Like good good, not "it wasn't bad" good? Cross your fingers, knock on wood, etc.
  17. Then again we've got "Music of My Groin" so I think we win in the long run.
  18. Yeah, makes me wonder why we don't have more stuff like this on OCR. Really thinking about submitting a piano solo in that style.
  19. Audio engineers are in fact paid more than many composers. I think this is the major flaw in your reasoning: just because something is "natural" or "self-evident" to you does NOT mean it is true! There are hundreds upon hundreds of composers like DarkeSword who have no performance skills at all. That would be like expecting all directors to be A-list actors as well. I was actually referring to greats such Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. I think this point is going to get you a lot of controversy. I don't see it so much a lack of vision as a lack of need...it's not the composer's job to tell someone how to play a piano, because the performer already knows through experience and practice what to do. There is a time and place for compositions that are detailed to the point at which every note and velocity is meticulously crafted, but more often than not it would just be a waste of time. Not everyone is imagining cities in clouds when they compose...sometimes it's just anger, or happiness, in all its ambiguous complexity. If you want to call that lack of vision, I won't stop you, but here's an idea that may seem revolutionary: maybe sometime, someplace, a little less focus is not such a bad thing. Maybe the composer's vision is a lack of a vision. There were and are blind composers. And Beethoven was freakin' DEAF! Actually the same reasoning you use to claim that a composer's interpretation is unique can be applied to performers as well, since like you say every person is unique. What's more confusing to me is this blatant double standard that keeps coming up. You feel differences between two interpretations are mundane and insignificant when coming from a performer, yet mysterious and sacred when produced by the composer. Let's just pretend for a moment that a certain piece was composed by 10 different performers. Could you see how each person's unique interpretation would be valuable and worthwhile? Performers, just as composers, put their soul into a piece, and it's ignorant to belittle their differences. Equipped with the appropriate knowledge of the beach and sunset, a performer could recreate the shade as well. I repeat that the mind of a composer isn't so inscrutable that nobody else could possibly comprehend it. Even if such a comprehension is artificially obtained, I believe a performer can be so in synch with the mind, will, and emotions of a composer to the point that he can play a piece exactly as the composer would (or even better, in the likely case that he is more skilled at performance than the composer), just as a good actor knows perfectly the intentions of a good director. And right after you say no one can know a composer's intentions, here you are interpreting Yngwie's intentions... That is entirely beside the point! The point is that you have been very clear in asserting that the composer's intention is the only correct one, and yet here you have admitted that some composers are better and some are worse, even to the point that some shouldn't even be composing. So where do you draw the line? At which point should a performer follow the composer note for note, dynamic for dynamic, and at which point should he start questioning the composer's musical credibility? For the record, I think the belief that some people shouldn't compose is ludicrous. Music is expression, and everyone has a right to express themselves. Unlike a child, a composition has no feelings or needs, and can be ignored with impunity. Derivation is not equality. I say this as a friend: you would do well to do the same.
  20. These have been getting pretty popular recently, but haven't shown up here for some reason, so I thought I'd share with you guys. CRASH!!! (Let's do it) The World Warrior My First Friend Golbez's Four Fiends of the Elements There are many more, but these are the most well-known. They were all written/performed by one guy (not sure about the female vocals, who knows what's possible with technology these days). The Street Fighter II song is an original. I've had these all stuck in my head since I watched them. The videos are entertaining and the game-related lyrics in the SF2 and FF4 songs are just great. And I don't think I'll be able to see/hear Crashman the same way again...
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