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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. And it's the world and environment that has inspired or influenced pretty much every fantasy book, movie, and game since. Similarly the Star Wars and Star Trek EU would not be possible without the incredibly rich world and lore, regardless of how interesting the characters were.
  2. Dhsu

    FF7 Medley

    The least you could do is provide a link to your video or at least a sample. You're kidding yourself if you think anyone's going to make a 19-track medley for you otherwise.
  3. I think Bioshock's audio journals was an acceptable method of dispensing story without interfering with the gameplay. The only point at which control is taken away from you is when your character literally has no control of his body. Also I'm playing Half-Life 2 at the moment, and I'm noticing a pleasant lack of cutscenes. You have full control even during important dialog sequences. I haven't played MGS4, but these are just a couple examples that narration and interaction don't have to be mutually exclusive.
  4. I don't think that's what Zombieforce had in mind... That said, I heard the speeds are pathetic. Not to mention I have too many GameCube games to beat as it is...
  5. Believing it doesn't make it true. I'm totally going to nominate this song for the next SotW. Do all those characters have the same voice actor??
  6. Then uh turn on WinAmp, or at least don't leave your volume on 200. People actually use voicechat to, you know, chat.
  7. 220 x 60 is actually 13200. Very interesting effect, but I suppose it does make sense.
  8. You can't use HTML on these forums, but if you just post the link, it will automatically be embedded for you. As for the mix...it's kind of repetitive. The lead instrument is kind of annoying too. Cool to see people covering SFIII though. Edit: I'm enjoying your other MySpace tracks. Good stuff.
  9. Well at least on the 360 people can't use voicechat as their personal radio.
  10. People like to whine about the new weapons, but I honestly don't think it's that bad. The flare gun is a fun/hilarious weapon but I find myself sticking to the shotty. I don't really find a lot of opportunities to use the Axtinguisher. The Backburner seems to be the one that gets the most flak, but the lack of the airblast is a significant disadvantage a lot of the time. And mass pyros is nothing a good heavy/medic combo can't take care of.
  11. Ys more liek Zs ohhhh The original track was great and this is a nice update. Keeping this one.
  12. UNTS OVERRIDE Seriously though, I think you could take out the cheesy dance beat and turn this is into a really snazzy trio or quartet arrangement. Then again, you've always been about the cheese.
  13. The obvious solution is to overclock.
  14. I'm cool with it. Although people will probably will just rtv it back to Dustbowl again.
  15. Yeah, he's a young 'un (you both are). Happy neckbeard! Wait, dang it, BIRTHDAY, happy BIRTHDAY.
  16. You seemed to be wondering why body heat might affect tempo but not pitch. Going along with your assertion that they're "essentially the same," my explanation is the difference in scale makes a slight difference in beat frequency much more noticeable than a slight difference in pitch. That said I'm not sure I entirely buy your theory. It might work with unpitched instruments like drums, but what about say a musical phrase or chord with several different pitches? Or let's use light waves as an example: if you strobe a blue light fast enough, does it eventually begin to look red? Even if you played a drum beat 440 times per second, you would most likely get the same pitch, but it would end up being an odd continuous drumroll sound.
  17. Not really?? Pitch is the frequency of a wave form, tempo is the frequency of the beat in a piece of music. It's possible that if you sped up a given phrase enough, you could get something resembling a separate pitched tone, but at normal speeds your brain isn't going to be able to discern a fraction of a hertz variance due to body temperature.
  18. Fastlane is pretty fun, kinda like a cross between Granary and Gravel Pit.
  19. My suspicion is that if you just use the "join game" thing on your friends list, it'll kick you off initially, but if you try again using the server list it'll let you on. That's been the case with me so far.
  20. Yeah, I wanna at least try Fastlane and Turbine. Also Axtinguisher get!
  21. Hahaha. I have kinda mixed feelings about the chipmunk voices but it made me laugh.
  22. You'd think they'd give it to you guys for free. :/
  23. Ah, but you have no idea what happens after he points to his bandanna and says "Infinite ammo."
  24. Nice. I read that he actually performed Hell March at Video Games Live recently, so maybe it was the RA3 version.
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