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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. What I'm saying is that if you do that, he'll just be Link minus spin attack. Which would suck.
  2. <3 FF V <3 Blake How can you go wrong with this combo? Great source, great concept, looking forward to hearing it finished.
  3. I was wondering why the portraits kept disappearing, but then I realized it's so they don't block the characters. It's little details like this that make me excited about this game.
  4. Great, way to stroke Larry's (smelly) ego even more.
  5. Seriously guys, somebody call the waaaambulance.
  6. Oh yeah? I'm only at 13 fans right now. You guys are slackin'!
  7. Haha, this is pretty much a 100% Shizzie project. Rock on.
  8. I have to say, of the things I would spend $155 on, PLAY! is not very high on the list. Orchestral arrangements and concerts just seem cliche at this point. But it's good you got your money's worth.
  9. Agreed. Even at MAGfest, out of the dozens of gamers I saw and met, I only knew of two who had a flashcart. I would have a hard time believing that R4 even controls 90% of the *flashcart* marketshare. The M3 and CycloDS Evo have considerable followings as well.
  10. CD is not to be trifled with, and I'll defend the US soundtrack to the end.
  11. I think at most 5 people in this thread own a DS flashcart. I mostly use mine to load my GBA flashcart though.
  12. Snake was a special request from Kojima, and Sonic was the highest voted character in their online poll. But seriously, just play Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
  13. You have the weirdest ideas, Darke. I'd just as soon have a "the truck have started to move" shirt. "Last Night a DJ Kidnapped Mallow" would make an interesting picture though.
  14. Yaaaaay: http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Dhsu ROFL:
  15. That's what you get for having a noob nickname like "DarkeSword."
  16. <Legion303> Kill whitey!
  17. I'm starting to think that this means Crysis was just poorly programmed.
  18. I am disappointed that Link's blue costume is not the Zora armor.
  19. Beating Fire and Flames is one of those lifelong goals where I can die in peace after I've achieved it because there's no way you could experience anything more awesome than that. Not even being in DragonForce, because I'm sure even they couldn't beat their own song in GH3.
  20. Removed, yes. Replaced, never. ... *cries*
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