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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Yeah but even so you're being just slightly ridiculous.
  2. If you don't already have a PC in your living room, I find laptops are often fairly good candidates. All you need is an inexpensive S-Video cable and any necessary audio/video converters, and you'll be rockin' the anime and emulators on the big screen in no time.
  3. I think I have a new favorite sticker. Agents...are...GOOOOOOOO.
  4. Works for me? I like this guy. He kinda dropped off my radar, so I'm glad Leon reminded me of him.
  5. We seem to get these threads at pretty regular intervals. Personally, I don't think I'll get bored of video games any time soon (actually it might be nice if I did...I'd have a lot of extra time and money ), but I'll admit that it's been a while since I've been addicted to one. Probably not since Shadow of the Collossus have I gone to bed excited about playing it the next day. I think Bioshock was close, but it started to drag a bit at the end.
  6. Bought. I have been waiting for this ever since I heard you guys on Into the Score. One problem though...I accidentally used my old address when I sent the PayPal. How do I correct it?
  7. How else will he get the 1.21 Gigasamples he needs to travel back in time? Anyway, here's a list I Googled in 1.21 seconds. It's old, but all the apps you mentioned are listed there and should work assuming they didn't remove x64 compatibility at some point since then. For any other apps and music software, you'll most likely have to look at each of their sites and see if they mention anything about 64-bit builds or compatibility (for example, Cakewalk actually brags about 64-bit SONAR). You might have to rummage around their forums as well. Alternatively, you could just post a thread in your local audio forum (after searching first of course), as I'm sure many others have dealt with the same issue (like these people and this other guy). Also, I believe XP x64 has a 32-bit compatibility mode, so at worst you'd have to use that for certain programs. Good luck.
  8. Happy belated birthday you bountifully bearded boy.
  9. Web Developer is also throwing a CSS error on the main page... h1 { color: #4D4E6C; [b]font: bold Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;[/B] font-size: 140%; margin: 0px 0px 4px 0px; padding: 0px 4px 1px 0px; } I think font-size might be a required argument in the "font" shorthand.
  10. I enjoy awesome people telling me I'm awesome too.
  11. I don't know how much you trust Tom's Hardware, but every month they come out with a very useful article called "The Best Gaming Graphics Card for the Money". For under $140, it looks like a X1950 PRO ($105 after rebate) is a good choice if you don't plan to overclock. However, if I were you, I'd go juuuust a little over budget and get the HD 3850, which offers probably the most bang for your buck among all the current cards. Anyway, if you want to compare actual numbers and see exactly how many extra FPS you're getting for that extra $50 or whatever, the VGA Charts is a convenient tool.
  12. Whoa, she could crush a tank with those thighs. ...I kinda wish I was a tank now.
  13. Whoa, I just noticed the "OC" was taken out of the fave icon. Somehow it's just...not the same.
  14. Haha, I think this means I officially get the "most collab partners without actually collabing" award. I mean, is that track just cursed? It's like a revolving door at this point.
  15. KNIGHT, not "horsey." ROOK, not "castle." CAPTURE, not "eat."
  16. He should ditch the Hilton then. Them and their "WHOOP, WHOOP."
  17. The "other" weekend? Last time I checked, there are 51 "other" weekends in a year.
  18. I'm guessing the details are that since New Years is a terrible day for a convention, of course it's gonna be cheap.
  19. Ha, I was wondering about that. "Frustration Raptor" sounds like a Metal Gear Solid codename.
  20. I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you mean you want co-op physics puzzles? I don't really see a point in that...I don't think it would provide nearly as much variation as you think it would. But other than that, Ghost Recon is pretty much exactly what you described: a co-op squad-based tactical game. You get a map at the beginning, you explore it, you use the terrain to your advantage, you argue with your teammates over voicechat how you're going to capture a point or dispatch an enemy. A squad can consist of any given combination of classes, so the way you deal with each situation will be different every time. Man...makes me wanna play Ghost Recon again.
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