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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I too was disappointed in it...I'll just echo Yahtzee here and say I enjoyed the freerunning which was amazingly fluid and fun to watch, but what I didn't enjoy was doing the same four or so minigames 5 times each before every assassination. Not to mention failing at the very end of a mission because I'm being swarmed by beggars and crazies (although also partly because I'm hilariously bad at stealth games). But seriously, who thought that was a good idea? IT'S OVER BETWEEN US, JADE RAYMOND. :'( But the soundtrack was awesome! The finding the next person thing was dumb, but I didn't really run into the melee problem. I used a fair amount of mid and long range stuff too (<3 sniping).
  2. If you have an electronic drumkit, you can use it to play DTXMania.
  3. IT'S NOT AN F P S It is a first person ADVENTURE game, meaning you should have been expecting Zelda64 with jumping which is almost exactly what it was.
  4. Would've been an even better idea to get the soundtrack. Beautiful stuff. Edit: Never mind, I was thinking Romancing Saga. That game wasn't nearly as bad.
  5. I think I got it for $3. Still dunno if it was worth it.
  6. Are you sure you played Mario 64? You've always had to collect a specific star in order to unlock the next mission. The exploration is supposed to be in the optional quests. Still, with that said, I didn't like Mario Sunshine too much either. No offense, but I think the fact that you hate RE4 means that no one will take your opinion seriously anyway. I don't really have anything to say about the monsters and villains since I usually don't care about them, but I have no idea what you're talking about with the aiming. There is big red laser line that tells you where you are pointing, regardless of whether you can shoot it or not. Also the new over-the-shoulder perspective and movement system were vast, vast improvements in my opinion.
  7. OCR tends to consolidate all its threads into one megatopic. So chances are the feedback will just go here.
  8. Finale Notepad might be what you're looking for.
  9. You're definitely in for a treat when the Tales project is released.
  10. Obligatory cumshot: check Ducktales theme cameo: check 100% awesome to the max: CHECK
  11. Whoa, I didn't notice the original post was almost a month old... Ah well, in any case thanks for the heads-up (and the compliment ).
  12. This reminds me of the time I torrented every single GBA game and determined I would play at least 5 minutes of each one. I stopped after Shrek.
  13. For anyone who knows my production process, would this be an appropriate piece of software for me to get? For example, could I run my MIDIs through the standalone program and automatically get something fairly realistic as output? If so, this just might be worth my while. It would certainly cost less than buying a grand piano and the necessary recording equipment.
  14. Very enlightening! Knowing that he produces his albums at a loss puts his work in a much different light for me.
  15. Something with that name definitely wouldn't sell in the US, that's for sure.
  16. I've made a few over the years, which you can get here: http://www.angelfire.com/ks2/dhsu/midi/midi.html Not sure if it's what he's looking for, as most of them have several mistakes, but it's worth a shot. Though I might skip the Sinfonia, the Sarabande, and the first half of the Prelude & Fugue, as they are a bit boring to listen to. If you could post this info in his thread, that'd be great. I'd do it myself, but apparently my account needs to be approved by an admin first.
  17. Ohhhh, now it all makes sense. Love the song titles. <3 Bee Ay.
  18. I'd seriously consider donating for the sole purpose of seeing this come out. It's a fantastic project.
  19. Half the appeal of that game was going Chuck Norris on every single bad guy.
  20. Judging from what I've read of Ultima Online, EVE Online seems to be its spiritual successor and is doing fairly well so far.
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