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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. You have way too much time on your hands, The Coop.
  2. I think my main problem with this is that the art and music isn't consistent with itself. He didn't spend any time to edit the Halo sprites to look like Mario World enemies, and the music is just Halo MP3s, instead of SNES remixes. I think extra touches of polish like that would've gone a long way in making this game more appealing.
  3. It doesn't matter what it looks like, it's still bacon. IT WILL SET YOU ON FIRE.
  4. Dang, Gaymanwatch's neutral air was my favorite move.
  5. Hey, who's to say Trilby couldn't potentially have the best soundtrack you've ever heard? It could be the next Cheetahmen.
  6. Wow, I am behind on graphics cards. I didn't even know this one existed.
  7. La-Mulana is a free game. I don't see any problem in providing the soundtrack. I'm interested in this arrangement album though...
  8. Haha, there needs to be a way to make that a stage setting. "Auto-taunt during Fire Emblem song: ON/OFF" Just wish there were more strategic use of "Falcon PAUNCH" in time to the music.
  9. <Liontamer> Prot never told you what happened to GrayLightning <dhsu> he told me enough...he told me you killed him <Liontamer> No; I am GrayLightning. <dhsu> no...no... <dhsu> that's not true <dhsu> THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE <Liontamer> Search your feelings; you know it to be true. <dhsu> NOOOOOOOOOOO * dhsu has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  10. Seriously, is giving these people new costumes too much to ask?
  11. I was definitely expecting some HDR. Do you mean "comical" as in "humorous," or as in "like a comic book"?
  12. Your mom is hosting tons of games at once. (Seriously, Atma, we've been through this. Shut up already.)
  13. Haha, I'm loving the art style.
  14. Happy birthday? Yeah right. I wish you a SAD birthday. AND MANY MORE TO COME.
  15. pwnt Less about combos and more about mindgames? Yes plz.
  16. No, it's different. As far as I know, Ukemi is recovery from getting hit and L-canceling is recovery from attacking. Isn't it just referring to the ground-recovery though? I've never seen somebody recover from a wall or ceiling in the previous SSBs. Is there a video of this somewhere?
  17. I was aware of the award, but not the damage penalty...I spent a lot of time in training mode and never noticed it. Recovering off walls and ceilings looks very interesting as well. Unless that's been around since SB64 as well...
  18. I'm trying to move towards 1. I might avoid a remix if it's from a game I know I'll play eventually. But if it's some obscure source like Revolution X or Shivers I'll be more likely to give it a go.
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