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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Nah...CHz's taste in music is even worse than Larry's.
  2. This list means nothing without Wild Zero.
  3. I figured as much, but I didn't want to recommend your services when you already have plenty on your plate.
  4. You need the Haitian to stop mutants from stealing your megahurtz.
  5. I try to finish my arrangements in a day or two, because otherwise I'm afraid all my inspiration and ideas will just leak out of my ears when I go to sleep. Sometimes that meant staying at the piano lab for 8 hours straight and waking up with marks on my face and arms realizing I just drooled all over the keyboard. Hey, nobody said making video game piano arrangements was glamorous.
  6. Well, how many people do you have working on it? I'm sure there are at least a couple people who would volunteer their services for such a high-profile site, especially since it gives them material to put on their resumes.
  7. I think the only reason it got good reviews was that it was one of the only games out when the DS was released. Suffice it to say I was glad I rented it from GameFly instead of buying it.
  8. Wish granted. Now get to work on that logo!
  9. http://www.oneupstudios.com/ous_003.php $8 for the MP3 album. Not bad if I do say so myself!
  10. Wow, if that doesn't automatically decrease the size of one's testicles, I don't know what would.
  11. I always wished there was a way to combine Super Sudden Death with Lightning Melee. Maybe in Brawl...
  12. Freakin' A, dude, at least go outside for a few minutes!
  13. I didn't see anything especially "instant" about the guy's shoryukens. What I DID see was a scrub unable to realize he could no longer beat people with his undefeatable "jump and Hundred Hand Slap" strategy.
  14. Sounds very familiar, but I can't remember which game it's from. Try the GB/GBA games, as well as the CDi titles.
  15. Seriously. I know it's bit silly to say this, but that kinda made my day.
  16. The tributes just keep on a-comin'. http://www.myspace.com/viciousdogproductions Check it out, ya'll.
  17. Do you know how many songs you could fit on a 2GB SD card? Srsly, it's kind of a lot.
  18. I keep seeing black dots in the intersections.
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