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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. You can choose either "Linear - oldest first" or "Linear - newest first."
  2. Except shipping + importing costs would be insane. Then again, you could be like those bootleg places in Taiwan that just hook up regular PS2s and PCs to arcade cabinets and load them up with dozens of fighters. They'll never be able to tell the difference. That said, it would've been cool if you had done this while I was still in college...I'd definitely drive 30-45 minutes for a decent arcade. More if it was turned into a meetup. In particular I would've liked to see a Drummania/Keyboardmania/Beatmania multi-session setup, as well as Para Para and Taiko Drum Master. Maybe Pop 'n' Music as well. But I think that for money-makers, DDR/ITG and gun games are gonna be your best bet.
  3. Right, that's why we're telling you to use "Linear" mode.
  4. You can tell Okami was pretty much intended to be a Wii game in the first place.
  5. Looking for a 3rd album to get on top of this and BtSB for the $5 sale (I already have Antigravity). Suggestions?
  6. I think my opinion falls mostly in line with Antipode's. I don't really get much satisfaction from playing a game where you have to get everything absolutely perfect to pass...a lot of 2D platformers in particular tend to be guilty of this. Back then it was *necessary* for a game to be borderline impossible in order have any semblance of longevity, because otherwise one could beat it in a few hours. And considering that kids couldn't afford to buy games every week or so, they wanted their games to last. That's why JRPGs were so popular. Nowadays not a lot of people have time to sit down with an 80-hour grindfest. Now the deciding factor for what games I get is how much bang I get for my hour, not my buck. In the case of JRPGs, most of the time I'm playing it is for the story, not the cookie-cutter battle system or pointless fetch quests. So I want to get through as much story as I can as quickly as possible, and easy battles make this a much more painless process. So yeah, if a game is short but incredibly awesome, more power to it I say. That way I can go on to the next short and awesome game.
  7. Wow what an original joke that has never been done before.
  8. Sounds like you need to read this article. You should probably read the rest of the Intermediate section too if you have the time.
  9. It's never been much of a problem for me, and when it is, the thread is usually too big for threaded mode anyway (e.g. SSB thread).
  10. This battle is about to asplode!
  11. I dunno, I can't see a game with 3D models replicating the feel of a 2D fighter, even if it were Smash Bros style. The collision detection just seems to go completely out of whack when you change something to 3D.
  12. I'm pretty sure Linear mode fits your description.
  13. One thing I'm not entirely sure about is why enabling multiple skins would preclude having stuff like remix links in the review threads. I remember those were implemented in phpBB without much of a problem, it's just that the people using different themes couldn't see them. I wouldn't mind a similar arrangement with vB.
  14. I can live without a couple bells and whistles. I'd rather not have a sidebar. Footer ads are fine though. It'd be nice to leave it at that, but if that's not possible, I'd favor the scheme zircon's proposed. Dunno how the default vB skin will affect the sidebar ads though.
  15. I suppose it could be assumed that a song under 1:30 isn't going to have the necessary amount of expansion needed to get on the site in the first place, but the thing is the guidelines say nothing about expansion of the source material either. It only mentions "contributions, modifications, and enhancements," none of which would necessarily affect length. Short submissions are rare, yes, but there are enough, and I feel it is a disservice to tell remixers that their mix is sweet but too short when no mention of length is mentioned in the standards. (I have a similar beef about decisions mentioning that a piece doesn't "build up" or "go anywhere" when the standards make no mention of these requirements). The same kinda applies to bitrate. It's lame to tell someone his song is awesome but encoded too low. Of course on those occasions you'll ask for a re-encode, but chances are by that time he's deleted the project file and WAV already. Why not just tell them to encode at 128kbps in the first place? You've already got a max bitrate...how is it different to set a minimum bitrate? With exceptions made for long songs, of course.
  16. I dunno if djp saw this, so I'm bumping it just in case it got lost at the bottom of the page.
  17. ZOMG SUPER SONIC But it didn't look like he picked up a Smash Ball or anything. Does you have to activate it by collecting 50 rings and pressing up while jumping?
  18. Wait, is Jody a man or a womaens? I is confuzed. Oh well, either way, congratulations to you, birthday boy/girl person!
  19. Either that, or just parse out the remix URLs from the HTML, and return a random one.
  20. I don't suppose there's a way to automatically seed the array using the results from a search? For example, you could create an interface that pretty much piggybacks onto the quicksearch, but instead of returning every result, it'll give you a random one.
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