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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. What's Chimera? Although I think the more important question is who would win in a fight: Captain Falcon or Deadwood?
  2. I actually got one of these things (talk to me about a discount ) and it's pretty neat for single-player FPSes. I stick to mouse for playing online though. But yeah, I still don't understand how PC gamers have been happy with being able to move in only 8 directions this entire time.
  3. You're right, age has no bearing on one's ability to request a bunch of songs from a popular game series and pretend it's a project.
  4. Also anybody that actually survives gets the damage they took amped by 67%. If a hero with 1000HP gets hit with this ult and is left with 200/600, it becomes 333/1000 after the debuff wears off, meaning 400 damage became 667 damage. 550 damage would normally take him just below half health, but now it's suddenly 917 damage, hitting him for over 90% of his health. Ridiculous. Put a Portal Key on this guy and it's GG.
  5. So his ult is a scaling AoE nuke that essentially hits everyone for 40% of their health. Yup, not gamebreaking at all. Edit: So now that the last hero is coming out, I guess it would be a good time to pre-purchase?
  6. Oh my. Danny's definitely come a long way since this was posted.
  7. What's funny is we probably would've won if I had gotten carry items and kept KSing people.
  8. I think the fact that ACCURSED was KSing Rampage just tells you how epic that game was. Best part was when we got Tensei down to his last sliver of health, and he sanded into a clump of woods where nobody could reach him. So I followed his Mock aura and let my Mock aura do the rest.
  9. And it just so happens that Newegg has it for $12.
  10. I haven't played Orbient, but if it's anything like the original GBA game, it's simultaneously the most blissfully relaxing and most hair-pullingly frustrating game ever.
  11. WTF, I had no idea you could use items on the courier. What was that, Codex? More importantly, why doesn't everyone just fly around harrassing people and kill-stealing low-health stragglers?
  12. Healing buildings is, as po might say, CRAJEEEEE. The enemy team will pretty much have to destroy them in one go or face a full-health building next time. I'll probably actually play this guy a fair bit from now on...just have to do a practice game sometime to figure out where all the good eye spots are. I'm guessing his garbage skill was transferred to Deadwood, whose playstyle it will probably fit much better. Maybe a debuff-based support/DPS hybrid?
  13. Yeah, I think if a hero needs a 5k item to be roughly equivalent to another hero, that's pretty much the textbook definition of inferior.
  14. To be fair, any kind of disabler becomes a much bigger threat in 3v3. Puppet Master was practically made to take on 3 people at the same time. Witch Slayer and Pyro can instagib people even faster than Panda. Even Polly becomes brutal with a properly executed ult + stun.
  15. Barbed Armor is probably a better solution since Void Talisman will amplify the damage from his ult as well as the chain lightning proc when he gets Thunderclaw. Not to mention you can't attack. :[ But yeah, Engi benefits a lot from the natural chaos of teamfights. I'm definitely curious as to what Zero's easy counter is. I'm also curious as to what the "Perplexed" status effect does exactly. Anyway, I guess this is a good time to mention that there is a house ban on Panda's ult in addition to Succubus (and Tempest I think) in 3v3 games. When Wes and I played him (pretty much first time for both of us) it just completely broke the game.
  16. Was this where they originally said "Blame yourself or God"? That was such iconic phrase.
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