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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Memorization is a big part of speedrunning a game.

    Hell, think about old sonic games (and the sonic rush games); memorization is key.

    Yeah for speedruns I can understand, but if memorization is just as much a factor to merely progressing in the game as reaction and skill, that just smells of bad game design. Challenge is good, but that particular kind of challenge seems forced to me - it's unfair and is essentially a cop-out method of artificially lengthening games, IMO.

    I don't know if any of this actually applies to MM9, so don't take this as a bash against it or any other particular game, but it does seem to be a relic of the NES era that a lot of people have acquired a taste for when they actually had the time to deal with that sort of BS when they were kids. :P

  2. To be perfectly honest it IS possible for bad graphics to ruin a game because it DOES physically hurt for me to look at games like TFC and HL because they LITERALLY make me nauseous and I have to stop after 15 minutes or so. Which is a shame because I really want to play through HL at least once, but it just doesn't seem like that will be possible when I literally feel like throwing up by the time I get to the end of "Unforeseen Consequences."

  3. If the brown blobs still create a fun gameplay experience I really don't mind what they look like. I'm sorry you'll miss out on a lot of good gameplay experiences due to your highly jaded attitude towards games.

    I honestly think there's enough "good gameplay experiences" that come with tolerable graphics that I won't lose any sleep over not playing the ones that are a chore to look at. I don't have enough time to play the pretty ones as it is...

    That said, I'd be up for trying out Fortress Forever with other OCR peeps.

  4. You can't tell me the combat and movement is drastically simplified in TF2. Simply strafing around your enemy got old in Doom. Movement in shooters had evolved since then, but somewhere along the line people forgot that video games can be over the top, not everyone needs to be realistic. Even the pipe and rocket jumps are terrible and nowhere near as useful for strategy as they were in TF1/TFC.

    You obviously haven't played enough Scout. :D

  5. Give me a good argument to the statement that the less abilities and control the player has the more strategy they have in turn. Please do, no one has been able to yet.

    Well if you extrapolate on your statement, that means giving players more abilities makes a game even more conducive to strategy. So why even have classes? You could make one mega-class with everyone's abilities, that'll definitely open up endless teamplay possibilities. And as a side-benefit, the game will be automatically perfectly balanced. :)

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