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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Garian's Hunter would NOT FUCKING DIE. We shot him at least twelve times that I counted, and he kept pouncing on us, over and over, and over... I kept seeing his name, and watched him do it to other players, so I know it was him.


    Hahaha, I remember doing this to two guys yesterday too. It was ridiculous. :D

  2. This may sound obvious, but have you thought about a graduate computer science program? It sounds like you enjoyed the theoretical/academic side of it, and you would get to do more of that studying for a master's degree. Alternatively, you could consider a company like Google, which actually wants problem solvers as opposed to code monkeys.

  3. Yeah, that's a good point, although I was thinking it might be nice to have both eventually. A couple reasons I'm hesitant to get a full 88-key at the moment is that, first, it has to be at Best Buy, and while the prices are actually decent ($550 for a PX120 with stand and 3 pedals), I'm thinking I could probably get a better deal elsewhere (like here). And second, I don't expect to be staying where I am too long, and a 52" keyboard will make fitting all my stuff in my Corolla much more complicated. %^(

  4. So I got a $100 gift card at Best Buy for my birthday, so I'm looking for a MIDI controller around $150 although I can do $200-$250 if it's really worth it. I can get anything from this list, assuming my BB actually has it in stock. I'd prefer 61 keys, but I can probably live with 49 if it means I'm getting a much better quality product.

    Suggestions? So far it looks like either the Oxygen 49 or this.

  5. On reading my post again I did imply that Jimmy was being dbaggy, but that wasn't the intention. I can definitely understand his being irritated and any sort of resulting outburst, and that's an acceptable reason in itself. Again, I'm okay with BGC's actions themselves for the most part, but saying there's no judge handbook is not a valid justification for...well, anything really.

    Edit: I really am an argumentative bastage.

  6. I don't remember any huge backlash from the remix removals. I don't really remember anyone actually packing up and leaving except for the whole 2002 remixer exodus thing, plus the totally random deletion of unmod.

    It might not have been huge per se, but believe me there was definitely dissent.

  7. It wasn't for the quality of his votes either. :P

    That was more or less my point. His actual votes were quality, but djp finally had enough of him being a arrogant, self-righteous jerkhole, which does not lend any sort of support to Jimmy's implication that since his only job is to evaluate remixes and there is no judge handbook then any sort of d-baggery past that is fair game.

    Dhsu, I sais "SUGGESTS that you do not understand an analogy," you argumentative bastage :P Now you're putting words in my mouth.

    Fine I'll concede that, but it was still an ad hominem in SPIRIT.

    Also, BGC is a coverup. My real name is Prot.

    Analogies are fun aren't they? 8)

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