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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I really don't see it as a huge deal to not be able to play the couple DS games that need the GBA slot. It does mean I won't be getting one, but I don't consider it as an outright stupid move.
  2. So yeah, just listened to this on my foray through Eastern...err, I mean OCR1001-1250. The guitar tone is not something I've never heard, but what it is is really, really out of place over a background consisting of piano, acoustic guitar, bucket drums, and soft choir ahhs. Hearing it in this context, along with the choppiness, slight mistakes, and intonation issues, makes it sound more amateur (and frankly, obnoxious) than it perhaps would in a different situation. Honestly this is the kind of arrangement that would elicit outright laughter at a DoD listening party. Oh well, they can't all be winners.
  3. Yeah I died a lot of times last night because he was doing nothing but spy-checking.
  4. Well, it doesn't have a CD drive, but it has a hard drive, bigger monitor, webcam, and AOL (or something). I don't see current DS (or at least DS Lite) owners getting one, but it'll probably end up being a matter of preference for new customers.
  5. Is it so hard to believe that some people would rather get a bigger screen, smaller form-factor, music player, camera, and DSiWare than the ability to import their Pokemon? It's the same type of deal as the GBA Micro, which didn't do that well, but it still had a niche market.
  6. Do you guys also happen to be twins and live in a hotel?
  7. I just listened to this and the two halves really are like night and day. They might as well be two completely different arrangements. I think the second half would easily be a direct post, but the samples in the first half really need work.
  8. Who's this "Darlos9D" guy? I've never heard of him until today and but apparently he already has 19 hours on the server and is ranked #15.
  9. My my, everyone and their mother is doing this theme now, aren't they? I APPROVE. (But seriously, gb2FF5.)
  10. Well, according to Mr. Portnow we just need more boobies.
  11. I agree with djp...this mix is a LOT of fun. DA is definitely showing improvement in her vocal technique, and I'm looking forward to seeing where that leads in the future.
  12. I'm getting this just for the dog instrument.
  13. So I probably should've mentioned this earlier, but I just got a new job in a different state and have thus been kind of busy with the move and the job and so on. More importantly though, I'm again left without access to a piano. I'm definitely in the market for a digital piano, but it'll most likely be some time before I get the funds. So in short, if anyone has any ideas for Damcyan, go for it. If not, well...I guess I'll finish it when I finish it. Sorry for the inconvenience, guys.
  14. Whole team is BABIES. There's the real reason I want it in the rotation.
  15. I'm guessing probably because it wasn't Jesus and a bag of chips like everyone said it was. Still haven't finished it because the neighborhood fetch quest level gives me headaches.
  16. That's kind of a cheapo reason, because there's legitimate ways to go about that like GameFly and Gamerang. Flashcarts are for the stuff that you'll never have access to otherwise, like a DS IRC client, or an English version of Jump Ultimate Stars.
  17. I think it would be easier to just tell people to join the 4chan server.
  18. I'd like arena_lumberyard back just to have a change in scenery. And by "have a change in scenery" I mean "spite Atmuh."
  19. That's kinda funny because Whedon was specifically going for cliche.
  20. Ah, cool. In the game list, Chrono Trigger shows up as having 82 mixes, even thought it actually has 88. Guessing this discrepancy isn't restricted to just CT though. And this is more of a wish list kind of thing, but it'd be cool to have the songs list for each game sorted in album order if an album is available.
  21. Why'd they use such generic music? I thought it was a law that all Star Wars related ads need to have John Williams in them.
  22. Uh actually it just got moved to Off Topic because that's where it belongs and so is this so if this disappears you don't have to make another apology thread about it.
  23. Although another factor is that I'm thinking banning Vahn wouldn't be too good for ZUZ/OCR relations, potentially resulting in ZUZ leaving the server, Bahamut and Zyko getting kicked off their clan, etc. Personally I've never seen Vahn sticky-camping. His sentry camps are , but it isn't against the rules to be a good offensive engie.
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