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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Haha, I think that was more a matter of epic fail on Red's part. So you mean you stabbed him while his sentry was upgrading? Actually happened to me once...very effective tactic.
  2. Hahaha... "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" "I love you."
  3. From what I could tell in the videos, it's mainly Brendan Small playing the guitar and doing his Nathan Explosion voice. The other musicians aren't related to the TV cast, and don't dress up like the characters or anything.
  4. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/upcoming_tours/dethklok_upcoming_tour_revealed.html http://www.ticketmaster.com/dethklok So the tour started last week, and I'm going to the Lawrence, KS show on Sunday. Anyone interested in meeting up with me there? If you need a place to stay, I will most likely have a bed for you at my house. Also feel free to post reviews/impressions/experiences here if you've already gone to a show. \m/
  5. Until he switched teams, then he started sucking. :[ P.S. zircon has a leaky cup.
  6. Chopin Ballade No. 3 ...oh wait, we're talking about vidja games? In that case, um...well, check my sig.
  7. The usual geek blogs: Digg, Boing-boing, slashdot, Transbuddha, etc.
  8. After all, all you need is love.
  9. Haha. Oops. Edit: Make a new thread when you're ready. We can get Larry to merge this one into yours.
  10. Indeed. Although I have to admit I'm a little surprised The Wingless didn't do the music himself, considering he's obviously quite capable in that regard.
  11. (image yoinked from The Wingless's sig) As prone as he is to stroke his own gargantuan ego, it seems Mr. Burnett has been remiss to publicly announce his latest personal project, Planetfall. He describes it as an epistolary novella (in a vein similar to Bram Stoker's Dracula, the journals in Bioshock, or the e-mails in Assassin's Creed) and in it recounts the events on and surrounding the starship NSEA Demosthenes in a story inspired by Arthur C. Clarke's Breaking Strain. My only critiques would be the numerous typos (although I guess they could be attributed to the crew members themselves), the lack of additional music (a new track for each partition would've been appreciated), and the odd fact that every last member of the crew looks like a supermodel. That aside, the writing and presentation make Planetfall a very engrossing experience. The individual personalities of the crew and their interactions with each other are intriguing, and I especially like the use of lingo like "firma," and the little Easter eggs such as "Clarkian" astrogation and the names in the list. Very amusing. I encourage everyone to check this out, maybe even submit an article to Digg. This definitely deserves to be seen.
  12. If you have WinAmp, you can go to Preferences and change your output plugin to the disk writer, then convert the .wav files to MP3 using LAME (iTunes might have this feature too).
  13. I don't remember the class loadout of your team, but I don't see a reason you would have to take them on by yourself. But yeah, they did seem pretty impossible to kill, though I see that as more a problem with good demos than my sentry. You might feel that ubering on small teams is cheap, but that's exactly the type of situation where it would be called for, especially if you have no good spies or demos (or snipers if you're Rambo ).
  14. I don't know how you'd find him, but Zelig was pretty talented at voice work from what I could tell. Might make a thread at OUS too, there's some talented voice people there.
  15. Er, what? That's how most people I know play it. :/ DaemonTools works great.
  16. Congrats to two very talented guys, you deserve this. Now it's time for you to get to work and clean up the White H...errr, judging queue!
  17. My sentries were always taken out after 2 or 3 kills, except for the last one, and that was just because people didn't expect one there, or else they could've just as easily accessed the cap from the back instead of the stairs. The element of surprise is just as important as defensibility when it comes to sentries IMO. Also, you never said anything the whole time so I didn't even know you had a problem with it. I would've stopped if you'd just asked.
  18. Like I said in IRC, I don't mind not going engie if it bothers people, but the fact is if I hadn't been an engineer, I would've been something else (like a Heavy) and you would've had to spend that time dealing with me anyway.
  19. Pretty sure you could play a Touhou game on anything made in the last 10 years. That said, I wouldn't really say the soundtracks have a particularly traditional Japanese sound to them...there might be influenced, but it's not like the kind of music you'd find in Samurai Showdown or Okami.
  20. Here's the stuff I'm interested in. Not necessarily gonna buy all of it, of course, but just thought I'd scope out the prices. If you feel any of my offers are too low, that's fine, just move on. I'm willing to pay $10 for the individual PC games, $20-30 for the collections (KQ/SQ, LucasArts, WCIII). $15-20 for this. I dunno...$15 a piece?
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