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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Then...why do you even care? I don't see why not, considering those are pretty much the only things you can change significantly before you start messing with what makes Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger. People just have to deal with the fact that other people are graphics whores.
  2. Or you could just be like normal people and not buy it.
  3. So after reading this thread, I'm seeing more speculation and random guesses than actual researched information. Does not deliver.
  4. Beatdrop is really obnoxious when he uses it. He's a big doodoohead. >:[
  5. If you want an example of the ultimate "ROMs on a DVD" collection, see the Sega Genesis Collection for PS2. Imagine if they'd released each one individually.
  6. Yeah, during my previous trials I've always been way too under-equipped/scared to go out into low-sec space, but now that the period's been upped to 21 days I might actually have enough time to join a corp and give it a go.
  7. Definitely thinking about getting another trial account to check out the graphics. The only thing I'm worried about is the effect that playing this *and* TF2 will have on my life.
  8. He nailed it completely with the cake comment. Sweet gajeebus I am tired of Portal humor. Edit: Again on the money with "cheese monkey ninja pirate robot haha random."
  9. Not for me I got it you are just dumb.
  10. Don't worry, you will never get enough kills to hear that anyway. :3
  11. Emulators are actually getting pretty good now, and they shouldn't have a problem handling a 13-year-old SNES game.
  12. Dhsu


    *initiates drama*
  13. The voting was very bifurcated this time...it seems that either you got very many points, or very few points. You were in the latter group, it seems. Even so, however, you are in fact in the top 50% of entries points-wise. In terms of critiques, I <3 Guilty Gear and I <3 Dizzy so for that alone you are a winner in my book. As for the art itself, her eyes are a little googly-looking and you might try some more complex-looking shading. I will post comments later if I feel like it. In the meantime, congrats Linkjing, your submission was awesome. I had no idea you were even an artist-type person.
  14. Yes, although I heard only through component.
  15. You can do the whole brown-backlash shtick again if you want, but we don't need more super-deformed, unnaturally-animated, blue-green WC3/WoW-style games either, especially when WC3 already did the Diablo-style dungeon-crawl thing with its indoor missions. Let Diablo have its browns.
  16. Despite being probably the worst-written petition ever, it really is amazing how dramatic the difference (and dare I say, improvement) in these edits is.
  17. "It's madness, it's unadulterated madness!"
  18. It is quite interesting indeed...Ourstage is basically the antithesis to djp's "music isn't a contest" philosophy, and we're now seeing how and why that can cause problems. I do admire the idea behind the voting system though, since it forces people to listen to music they normally wouldn't be exposed to.
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