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Everything posted by Black_Doom

  1. Freakin' awesome! It's so upbeat <3 The sax sounds a bit weird, but I love it too! Jammin'!
  2. That's no good... Oh, well. If you want to rejoin, just PM me, or write here
  3. Cool! This game has some great stuff, but it's barely remixed. Meanwhile, Mikeaudio joined our project! He claimed a couple of tracks from Sonic 4. Best of luck to him!
  4. That's a good question. I'll probably add only one or two handheld game to the list in the first post. EDIT: I added Sonic Advance series, since we already have 1 claimed handheld game, and ladyWildfire expressed interest in claiming one of GG games as well. I don't want all the possible games and their series to be represented. I think that we need focus on the main series, though, we definitely need a couple of spin-offs and handheld series.
  5. I love this mix! It's very uplifting. The instrumentation is so neat, especially the vocals. I love such vocals. Thanks for this track, guys! It makes you smile even if you don't want to smile
  6. This was the first mix I had heard from this album. Even now it blows my mind whenever I listen to it. It's so energetic, so juicy, so sunny, so upbeat! I love vivid brass, and this mix satisfies my love <3 So awesome.
  7. 1. Nutritious 2. Cyril the Wolf 3. TheShaggyFreak
  8. This is just crazy. Blake's sexy, bursting with energy sax, blended with Liam's shreddage sounds simply amazing. It's definitely good to close the 2nd disc with such a track. Great work, guys!
  9. This is probably the best chip cut from Milky Way Wishes. But it's not only chips, there's some guitar for good measure! Brandon's guitar makes this sound very awesome. I really like the relxed, carefree atmosphere of this one. Sounds like a staff roll theme. Great!
  10. . So it was you who told him about this project Actually, I'm familiar with his works, so I know it will be good stuff.
  11. Dustin really knocked it out of the park with this track. It's definitely one of the most powerful tracks from TD. I also like that Sylix's track works not just as prelude for the 2nd disc, but for this track specifically (I mean the original version). Awesome work
  12. So awesome... There's funky guitars, pounding drums, hot sax and playful organ. This mix just has no reasons to be dull. I like every change-up here. It's wonderful!
  13. This is terrific mix, Mr. Wheeler The blend of traditional asian insrrumentation, glithcing elements and classy halc chips is so sweet. I love the lush yet fragile atmosphere of this mix.
  14. While this mix neither is dubstep, nor rock, it perfecly combines funky guitar chops, aggresive synths & bass and big beats, creating a heavy, massive soundscape that is definitely fun to listen to. Great job, guys!
  15. Sure, it's ok. This track is free and we need this version of OST to be claimed to be a bit closer to the finish of recruiting. P.S. Another musician from outside OCR community - Joshua Taipale, joined our project, claiming JP version of Palmtree Panic Good luck, guys
  16. Classic halc stuff - bouncy, chippy and very upbeat It doesn't sound as heavy as many mixes from this album, so it's a very nice change of pace. Love the airy/bubbly atmosphere of this track. As OA mentioned, gradual adding of new elements/textures made this tune less repetitive than original, and that's always cool. Great work!
  17. HOLY CRAP! Mind = blown. There's so many brass and funky guitars and various percussive elements, that I can't restrain myself from any movements while listening to this mix - it makes my body move. It's so awesome.
  18. So reminiscent of from Sonic Heroes It just screams "Drugs and surrealism". Cool stuff, man! Definitely one of my favorites from Be Aggreesive!
  19. PR is a beast. This mix was the first work from Jonathan I'd heard, so this track is sorta iconic PR stuff for me - gritty, brain-massaging bass, phat beats, a lot of great touches like flute (?) at 1:19, vocoded vocals, epic drops and breaks. Gotta dance!
  20. Awesome take on the original. It captures the tropical feeling perfectly. There's enough variety, so I never get tired of it - this mix takes several transformations, so what starts as something reggae-ish/funky/jazzy ends as kickass techno/DnB. Great job!
  21. Djp's phrase about Chris' mixes is so damn true. So... I've heard a lot of DnB, but this track is something else. I really like how the beat dominates over the main melody. I also like all the timesig changes throughout the track - it feels totally like a wild, scary adventure... with an anthemic break Love it!
  22. 1. Hylian Lemon 2. Supercoolmike 3. Gario
  23. Ah, another classic track. Anyway, Project Chaos is definitely the most metal Sonic album released by OverClocked ReMix. This track is mean and I like it. Heavy shreddage and pounding drums make this tune a classic approach to the Boss Theme. The moment at 2:10 sounds sorta arabian-inspired for me o_O. Great!
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