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Everything posted by Black_Doom

  1. Yeah, this is pretty kickass. The percusive elements along with some abrasive textures work just fine. The slower/jazzier section was quite unexpected, but quite cool. Nice stuff.
  2. Hey, maybe someone still has U&R and both contests? All the links here are broken D:
  3. Yes! Million times yes! At first I didn't believe my ears: I heard orchestral intro, which I didn't expect to hear, but then... Well, I got some usual Brent's magic - some weird dubstep-ish, glitchy as hell, but always so brilliant music Also, for some reason, that moment at 2:45 reminds me of one of his masterpieces - "I Tried". And, damn, this one has jazz outro... So awesome <3
  4. The instruments provided by Joe make this remix so awesome, they give it a circus-ish feeling, but combined with Cain's guitar make it sound like it's from a MAD circus. Very goofy, very powerful, very enjoyable!
  5. So dark, so gritty, yet so tasty. While a lot of tracks from MR are guitar-driven madness, this track is still my favorite from this album. The meaty beat here combined with awesome synths, almost screaming guitars and it works 100% fine. Love that transition at 1:52, which actually leads to my most favorite part of this mix. Pretty moody stuff, very good.
  6. We already have Light's Out. Why do we need more? Because this is something different... I really dig this piece. It has strong Sir J/JM vibe, so this is quite different from other stuff I've heard from Matt (though, it slightly reminds me Frictionless). Slap bass here is so damn tasty. And the beat at 1:05 is really great. That effect at 2:39 is a nice touch as well. Very groovy, yet chilling.
  7. So, since it's already 2015, I kicked off some guys, who even didn't contact me, so some games and tracks from their OSTs were reopened. Thanks to everyone who didn't miss the dealine! Let's meet the next dealine properly.
  8. What's his (nick)name, btw? I just need to specify him as your partner.
  9. This is definitely a tune for snowboarding - wild, energetic and groovy. The drums are just so damn tasty. The funky synths also work pretty fine here. Awesome work, Mr. Harby!
  10. Ok, here we have one more interesting approach to this classic tune... This time it's a kickass electronica, mixed with some Asian instrumentation, and it's pretty damn cool. That solo at 2:20 is just rad. Very good.
  11. Every take on ICZ is so unique. Here, the groove and energy of original were reduced, so now it sounds like something from RPG - slow, ambient, and very chillin'. And while it sounds kinda repetitive as OA mentioned, I still like this. Nice.
  12. I denfinitely didn't expect to hear such take on da classic Ice Cap - groovy and funky, hot and toe-tapping, but without any bit of ice.
  13. What a wonderful arrangement of one of the most recongizable VGM tunes! I don't mind the orchestration here, for me it sounds just amazing. It sounds so light, so freash, so ethreal! The groovy percussion and some shreddage for good mesaure are nice as well as the eastern-inspired section.
  14. Yo, Jordan! The first dealine is today. Hope you'll appear here today. I also hope you have a WiP for me. Cheers~

  15. But your first deadline is on 02/28/15. Or you just want to start to work?
  16. Man, I love your track from TD so much that I can't let myself reopen your claims
  17. But actually, since you said me about your claims, I'm not going to kick you off. I just need to know your plans and your progress.
  18. Very enjoyable take on ReMixed-to-death tune. Groovy, head-bopping, toe-tapping electro house with some chippy assistance here and there. This mix feels kinda like a storm: it evolves from dark (dat sirens) to upbeat - from the moment when the waves are damn high and powerful, the thunder roars and the wind hardly blows to the moment when the sky is cleared from dark clouds and the water is still.
  19. I wonder, why this mix has only 1 review? It's so cool. Groovy and hard-hitting, with some nice wubwubwubs throughout the mix. Nice work.
  20. This is truly Bollywood-inspired Indian action. Dat slap bass is so great, and the whole piece is very hot and very groovy. Sweet.
  21. Since the dealine is tomorrow, here's the list of those, who still haven't sent me a WiP: Sbeast BradRock Ringworm128 Amphibious begoma (& Final Kingdom) G-Mixer Don't disappoint me, guys. If I get nothing from you, I'll kick you off the project. But if you warn me that you have nothing, I'll let you stay in project. Cheers~
  22. While some find this piece similiar to Leitbur stuff, I think this one is much more downbeat and more tense as well. Still, this is quite dreamy too. It has very strong sense of flying. Awesome work.
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