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Everything posted by YoshiBlade

  1. Breakthrough! Heres what I just found, there is a certain part of the song where playhead crosses that part, it will not sound the same no matter where you put the play head or even if you start the song over...It's almost like it is retain the value from where it was stopped ( in my case I would, hear the volume go down, then stop the track and start over from the beginning and wonder why it was the volume was diminished in the beginning, when just a minute ago when I first played it it was fine) I'm not sure yet, but the the tab says expression....... Yep! thats certainly it! Heres what I think is going on...it wasn't popping up under automation, for unknown reason. The value marked expression looks like a saw-tooth wave with the expression dipping down, If I paused the track at the top of the triangle It would retain the normal volume level and I wouldn't be able to notice the diminished level, however if I paused the playhead at the bottom it would retain that low value for the expression, even if I start the song over or at any other point in the song. Since the modulation for Expression was going up and down any of the valleys could be a point where if paused at, would cause the whole track to play with a lower volume or in this case lower "Expression" Why doesn't the modulation value for expression appear when I ask it to show "Used Automation"? hmmmm....
  2. Well, this time I would go about 3/4 of the way through with the sound being diminished, then jump back to normal. I just reopened the file and it sounds fine, but it comes and goes. I'm beginning to think it's due to the lack of updates, you know patch 10.6.78 (fixes the random crashes and stabilizing issues)...something to that effect. I'm just so nervous to update, I'm going to back everything up and then give it a shot this week...I still really Love Cubase and Reason and I love joining them up Voltron Style, but of all the DAWs FL studio is just the one where I have yet to find a derisive detractor. I just want FL studio to come to Mac very soon... When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are...
  3. I know Reason is an outlier in all they do and I wish I would have had comprehensive lessons in FL, Logic, Ableton or Cubase, but I still don't see the purpose of the scattered save files. If I save a Notepad file, it is so much easier to save the entirety of the document under one save file "Save file 1". Cubase seems to think " Ok, I save 70% of the file under the heading Save File 1, but the words "The" "And" and "I" I'll save in a separate location...Now there is a very large probability I'm not using Cubase as it aught be used, fully utilizing all it has to offer, but Ive got 80 folders all say Untilted-"1-80" and each of the Untiled then has a subfolder with the project name I gave it when it asked me what to save it as "Rock Beat" "WIP Trap Beat" some of the folders only have a folder called Images, and all of which have stored with them, Edits, Images and Track Pictures. I know Cubase is a Jet engine in the realm of DAWs and jet engines are precision machines, require precision it how one operates them. Sometimes it feels like I'm using a High-powered Laptop, to hammer in a nail. So Ive asked it once and I'll ask it again...If anyone can offer some direction as to books, youtube videos ( I've had very little luck with the ones I've found) or anything, you will have my utmost thanks and this stick figure o<-< will rise to thank you!!! Ps Thank you to everyone who's helping me understand Cubase, each of you Rock!!!
  4. No, the automation has no identifiable impact. I click "Show used automation( selected track)" and nothing will pop up, I turn off the automation and it has no impact. Another quirk is Cubase will sometimes click off when I'm scrolling through my VST presets and I'll have to go back and retweak the preset. for instance (synth A I'm currently using)...hmmm I want to see what synth B sounds like, but don't want to lose the tweaks Ive made to synth A, so I'll temporally select synth B and see what it sounds like ( while scrolling though the presets)....hmmm i don't like so, but it goes buggy and clicks off the search menu and now I stuck with what ever preset I currently had....NO! Damn it, now I have to find Synth A( as a preset) and retweak all the settings, because for some reason, the undo command doesn't reload previous presets...(sigh) whatever. As for the Save system, I like the back up copy idea, but I remember I sampled some audio and then thought " Well, Reason works off if you delete the Wav. it will still be in the Reason file when you open it, so I'll get rid of some of the Wav. Files I was using in Cubase and thats that...well I did that and opened the project and it said there were missing tracks. Why? Why use such an unnecessary system? In Reason when I'm done, everything I need is in the Reason file? I could delete every non-vital file on my computer and as long as I have Reason 7 and the Reason song file, I'm good to go. That having been said when Cubase is fired up and running. It. Is. A. POWERHOUSE! I feel like Im sitting on a gold mine. All i need is the right understanding.
  5. Different Tracks different projects. I'm doing a test run to try and figure out what the trigger is...Thus far the only thing I can postulate is the more tracks played, either muted or on, the more likely it is to occur. Hmmm, I use the Halion Sonic as my go to synth, Ive alway noticed there are 16 open slots for instruments, but I usually only use the top slot so I can easy switch from the Sonic SE, Hypnotic or Triebwerk, could that have anything to do with it?
  6. I believe it's 7.5 pro. I have not updated it* which might be an problem, Cubase has advised users of Yosemite that there can be serious problems with Mac OS and I don't want to risk destroying my workload over something that, while irksome, isn't as bad as being out several hundred dollars and one powerful DAW. I'm jus trying to figure out if anyone else has experienced quirks or bugs in Cubase and maybe find a simple fix. *( I'm very nervous about update, I've nearly lost entire songs over something as simple as moving flies to new folders. I've lost drum tracks or vocal sample, because [i think] Cubase stores samples outside the program and then goes looking for them when you open it, IDK I think I might have bit off more than I can chew with the version I have. Reason stores all your files in a nice compartmentalized fashion 1 song, 1 file, Cubase stores files in a strange ways, I still haven't completely figured out the method to the save system )
  7. Ok so Cubase feels like the most buggy program Ive had the pleasure of working with!!! Does anyone else who uses Cubase find that ,irrespective of the automation track, the volume of a certain track will be diminished? Then by some random occurrence the track will decide to play it at normal sound level ( the ones Ive set) only to then make the track quiet randomly again? i.e. I set the level at -1.68 then I play the track and it sounds fine, no automation values can be seen effecting the sound level, no filter, no compressor, nothing. Then I'll start the track over and the track will be barely audible, so I adjust the value to 6.02 to compensate and it sounds louder, then I'll stop and play the track and play it over again and it'll be blasting loud. I sure hope that the proper use of the volume knob isn't just a case of ESTO
  8. So it begins, there is my own personal saga taking place and if your really interested check out http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=48894 for the details Soooo in the post I basically just said I was going to be hitting the workshop hard and well here it is the first of a ,not too, long of a list of tracks that I've been mixing for the event. It's bouncy, its simple and its pokemon...what more does one need? What I need is feedback in the form of 1) would you groove to it? 2) is there anything that is going to get rotten fruit throw at me? (screeching sounds, clashing tones, wrong notes?) 3) what can be improved?...that is all really. The count down begins and I look forward to spending much time polishing my craft here for the next month or so. Remix- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/poke-center Original-
  9. Ya know....I DO miss writing assignments from school!!!...hmm I guess my choice would have to be "Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger. I clearly remember this being one of the first VGM pieces that made the breakthrough from background music to independently listenable track. Something about the marching structure to beat, the climbing horns that seem to rise and fall but eventually reach their apex only to start over at the top as if to say "Onward! Upwards!" the flute that seems to guide you nearer and nearer to the top, a small thin instrument yet it keeps you on pace towards your goal! If the song were one sentence..." Like an arrow, time moves forward to its mark, so must you!"
  10. Well I made it ~15 minutes before a Ben Drowned reference....might be a new record
  11. So, it just occurred to me that MM was release for the 3DS today and I wanted to share ,and then ask you, for a memory from waaaaaaaaay back in 2000. So I rented the game from Hollywood video ( for all you youngsters out there http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Video) but, someone had collected all the masks and beat the game 100% completion, and all the save files were's too alluring to delete ( I mean common, I this was the only chance to use the Fierce Deity Mask) so to appease the gaming gods, I went through the temples and rebeat, the beaten bosses so I kind of beat the game??? So bit of a latchkey kid and my dad left me home near all night and all I could do was find music to play while I tried in vain the save the Romani Ranch from the Aliens ( that was the worst part seeing Romani's blank stare after the cows are abducted....I think see was actually a replicant or clone or maybe just got her brains scrambled, very depressing.) So I found Petula Clark's "Downtown" and I would play it over and over while ridding the mini-epona though Termina Field.. So all of the save files were taken so I used the least completed one..and my memory is spotty, but I remember getting spotty progress, done maybe a few masks, but not anything substantial, I never got the Goron Mask for myself, but I remember using the save file that had it, but I have a clear memory of getting the Razor Sword and thinking it was the coolest thing ever...then have it break...serious that sword is the most epic looking blade in the Zelda universe ( Master sword....nah Razor Sword!!!) I found out only about 7 years ago there was the Fairy Sword, but meh if it's not in the B button slot...it's not a sword in my book. Oh and the Gold dust? People I felt like a rich man at 13 when I won that gold dust!! What about the Zora you save from drowning? Really a Zora need's so be dragged on to land?...whatever.....but me likes the New Wave Bossa Nova ( get it cause it's water so New Wave?...New Wave????) but the Kafei and Anju, yeah I remember completing that for sure, best part is the thieves' hide out....OH and this....Ive been waiting years to get this off my chest is it me or does Child Kafi look like Michael Jackson circa 2003-ish? Any way so that's all I can real say about Majora's Mask...Sooooo to sum up....Petula Clark's Downtown, Michael Jackson may or may not be Kafi, Razor Sword gives the closest shave, apparently Zora's can drown(?), Friendly Sperm will teach you Brazilian Jazz, Aliens abduct then mutilated cows and don't waste time playing video games when someone else can play beat them and you can turn chid Link in to a FREAKING GOD WITH A TRIANGLE SWORD!!!!!!!
  12. So, If it doesn't offend I'd like to keep everyone updated on the concert situation and as always ask for any feedback, tips, thoughts, advice and what ever you'd like to add. Ok so we're (I'm) off and moving, I found 2 EDM artists who projected a slight interest in remixing at least 1-2 VGM tracks so we can form a cohesive sub-concert. Each of us is looking at about 25 min, including set up time, a paltry amount, but for me I just fire up my laptop and get cracking, so it's not too bad, ok maybe the sound check too, but I'm hoping to have everything ready to launch...no hitches. I don't yet know the intricacies of DJing, and TBH I'm starting to feel the icy hand of apprehension squeeze. I've spent so long trying to just keep writing tracks, it never occurred to me how will I make a proper connection between the songs? Well my thoughts are use my Buffer Repeater and Tempo automation I have in Reason, to make the transitions and to put all the tracks into wave files, in Reason, before hand, then just do my set while running Reason...I have not yet finalized my set list, but well....that's my thought on that matter...Use Reason, Each song as a Wav (or audio recording), use the effects in Reason to transition from one song to another....Yeah, I'm not too proud of the press and play DJ, but seeing as this may be the first time a VGM remix set ( set, not concert or club event, or even house party{ at lest as far as I can find}) to be performed in NE Ohio, Ever step is a small victory...Hmmm any thoughts? So now it gets even stickier...The people booking the bands and the people setting up the venue are...well...I sense tension...I'll just leave it at that...I hope this whole project doesn't snap, due to friction, I'm always asking the 2 parties if there is anything I can do to help, set up, break down, door man, clean up whatever they need. This is....this is the chance to see a vision brought to life, a VGM Remix event, I know not many people care but, this is Big to me. It feels like, well look at the top of a mountain, now look half way up and say, "if I can get there...it....it's moving upwards, something others can see and that there is a possibility, even if Im not at the top, just plant a flag as high as you got and let it be a marker for others, that says," Don't stop!! Someone once made it this far! YOU! Go FURTHER!. " Stage looks nice, bout 4 ft off the ground, pulls out so you're projected into the crowd a bit, nice. Ok, so here the poster i've got thus far...no times yet, and still waiting for the final billing and I'm still not sure where to put the incidentals "Free open to the public" " Friday April 10th"....What do you think? PS thanks for reading through my ravings, you're a trooper...now you can be my friend
  13. Hey all! Kind of a dead thread, but I still wanted to update everyone who's reading this how it's going. I think I found a local student who is willing to do a DJ throwdown of sorts, good guy I'll get back when it's official. Very excited I'm going to be on stage in front of anywhere between 100 and 300+ people, my first big public performance all for a good cause! So I'm probably going to be bugging everyone over in the Workshop about what to play and how to maximize my sound, so I apologize in advance, for any redundant posts on what sounds good, what doesn't and what would make a great setlist and everything in-between ...I just wanted to share some of the posters I made, soooooo what do ya think? Any thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Any advice about concert performance, promotion and all that goes with it is greatly appreciated!
  14. BwaHahAhaHaHahaHa!!!! please refer to this video for my reaction (I have never had a piece of cinema so accurately describe my emotions, when I saw your post)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV1LWhNpTJU&spfreload=10 I saw your post while at working 6 hours ago, and it still makes me laugh. I had not Idea this happened, but I have never felt more validated in my fear. Bede-Bede-Bede-Bede..... Thaaaaats Rabies For Ya!
  15. So it appears that Punxsutawney Phil has an accuracy of only about 39%. Now, I'm all for asking woodland creatures for meteorological advice, but perhaps it's time we expand the pool beyond groundhogs and start including raccoons, squirrels, beavers and possums ( except chipmunks ) and see if perhaps we can actually find a rodent that can make consistent predictions...if I had only 39% accuracy I would be out of the job. So I guess what I'm trying to say is let's open up the field for a more diverse collection of vermin we can trust with weather forecasting. Any thoughts on the matter
  16. Exactly, it seems crass to impose ones presence on a individuals and their abodes, if you haven't been personal invited to, but an open door, is an open door. I just wouldn't want to be an interloper.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gotta be honest, I would be terrified that groundhog would bite my face. May I inquire as to why is carries such significance?
  18. Wait...can confim I did meet you. This is what I mean, unless there are photos of this community's member, I could be standing right next to you and not know it. So OA= not a robot, but possible cyborg android that has become sapient Geoffrey can't confirm, just keep your distance robot! I got a pocket full of magnets and I'm not afraid to use them
  19. Simple question, what's the MAG-etiquette for hang outs? I hear people throw out room numbers and I'm just wondering "So I just show up to a room unannounced knock and say...'What's up' " I would love to meet more of the community in person, maybe like a MAG-OCR community soiree....I mean you guys could be robot computers in a Russian basement...are you robots? Confirmed non-robots: Darkesword, Level 99( possible android sent back in time to make the past cooler), XPERTnovice, bLind, Flexstyle, Neblix, DJpreztel, Zircon, DragonAvenger, Bahamut Seriously I'd like to meet more of the community at MAG 14...ummm I mean the MAG after 13...
  20. Look I realize it's just barely February, but can we pleeeeeeease get an official MAG 14 thread started? I promise I'll love it and take care of it and feed it and I'll walk it every single day...
  21. open mic night? Right on man!!! I'd love to hear what you've got going on! Willy Stage over done? Forget whether something is overdone, just make sure your version is done well. Trying for a swing mix?.....hmmmm well I've always wanted to try an electroswing, so if you're feeling saucy hit me up with a WIP.

    ps here's the finished Pokemon TCG remix I was telling you about back in Dec.

  22. If there were fewer people at the first panel, absolutely I would have been a near constant voice, but there were a lot of people and I didn't want to monopolize the panel's time and focus. PS for those who don't know Neblix is also pretty good photographer, the selfie we took looks damn good, thanks for the help with my phone's camera!.....still learning the quirks of it
  23. The panel was by no means a dud. We all have different learning styles and I've always been a tactile learner who thrives on the (insufferable) why that? Why this? Why not that? Not very conducive to a public forum though, that is why my offer will always stand Beer/Pop/Food for personal feedback ..maybe I was just a little sour on the Jazz trio genre selection beating out the trance....
  24. So 360 days...start count 'em. Seriously no procrastination this time. I would love to meet more of you avatars in person. Perhaps room together? Maybe this time the Gaylord will be able to provide the 2 beds I booked back in July....was not happy about that .
  25. Wait, Neblix was on the fly for this one? Someone get that guy a hot towel and a cold beer...errr pop
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