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Everything posted by YoshiBlade

  1. All right Bach off man! Seriously I can't Strauss this enough! Composer puns have no place on this Liszt. You're just trying to rattle my Cage and y'all need to stop Hayden on me! Ok?
  2. Original Remix https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B80H6SsEW90wWm1DTUY0LXFXMmc/view?usp=sharing So the only truly notable thing here is the fact I made this only using the 3DS Korg M01 ( Chimpzillia her version, yeah that was my inspiration)...I am really angry actually because I swear it sounds better when played on the 3ds, but when I used a 1/8in input and just made an audio recording in to Reason it sounded like...not as good, any suggestions? If anyone is interested in a video of it, I would love to make one, but I have no Idea how I would get it right if it's going to sound like this...(sigh) edit: This is the Requiem of Spirit, not the Spirit Temple.
  3. I think everyone should go back and play BK ( and I suppose BT)...and pause to realize that at every single single level of game play does something new. I mean think about, in Mario64 we all remember Bob-omb Battlefield, but each level becomes slightly less than the last CoolCool Mountain> Dire Dire Docks>Tick Tock Clock the worlds kind of run together, they had sharp gameplay, but nothing new is introduced control or gameplay wise. Each level in BK introduced a new mechanism to further the plot and the gameplay and that is why ( at least for me) it give a whole gameplay experience Rusty Bucket Bay = Gruntilda's lair= Treasure-Trove Cove=Golbi Dessert. They did near everything with that N64 controller and you could call it total controller utilization...I'm interested to see if they'll just try and cash in on a platformer, with ZaNy Nuuu ChAraCteRs...DAAAAWWG!!!! Or do what they...were....best at, specifically innovative inputs and gameplay. I'm kind of skeptically due to the cross platform nature...What works on the WiiU probably isn't going to work on the Xbox or Ps4, which leads me to believe the gameplay aspect is going to be watered down so they can expand their market...I hope not, I hope that the cross platform endeavors causes them to obliterate my expectations of how we play platformers, post Super Mario Galaxy... (ps music is gonna be on point either way...sooooo buy it for the soundtrack)
  4. Smooooth Sailing...at least on my end. timaeus is probably had enough of my shenanigans!
  5. Just a suggestion and a question but there's a lotta FF on here...but no Jenova? What is the criteria for determining a Mother('s) Theme for this project?
  6. Way to keep up on improving this mix each time, good job! Ok, so the good part here is the dynamic nature you've done with this remix, it's fast, it's slow, it's up, it's down I feel like there are many good ideas here, but then tend to crowed each other out, kind of a general observation. I'll just stick to one criticism here and its the drum....The drums are in need of some love, I'm not familiar with Sonar (you use Sonar right?) but maybe try and mix those drums to be a little fatter, use that equalizer and bring 'em up around the low end and maybe work on finding a better sample for the drums, they're so quiet, maybe work on making them a little more prominent, they seem like they're a preset from a MIDI file or something, the drums also get fast...really fast...unsustainably fast around :43 then just drop anchor and slow to a crawl. I guess if I could suggest anything it would be to ,for now, focus on the drums and work with them to get something great. For me personally, I have found once the drums start taking shape everything else seems to come together. What your doing right here, the reevaluation and improvement, is something I admire very much! Stay on it!
  7. My heavens is that SteveO? How was that beer? Sorry it wasn't a full 6 pack...I sometimes think to myself..."You gifted someone a 6 pack of Samuel Adams...after keeping 2...good god I suck at being human"
  8. Ahh yes, Bad Tuna...your genius has yet to be recognized................
  9. PS Vita Recommandations? Yeah Ive got one, cash it in for the new 3DS XL Seriously though, I heard Titan Souls wasn't too bad, like SotC only 8-bit. Walking Dead is mostly on point. Tearaway got high marks too. Dragon's Crown was fun and it seems to be the popular option here. I can't recommend many, you might have to look at the downloadable games, not too much love for the hard copies, didn't think the Vita was even still kicking to be honest...
  10. hmm....So I know it's pronounced Sherbet, but I'm still gonna keep calling it Sherbert. Ok now that's out of the way, here's one Ive been holding out on even asking how it sounds. Funny thing is, I made this one while in Florida, back in January. So, this is done, but I'm probably going to edit out some parts...maybe finish up the "Race" towards the end, but the main body is for all intents done. Let me have it... ( if the Google Drive link is causing trouble let me know and I'll Soundcloud this one) Original- Remix- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B80H6SsEW90wbkhLZkY3em1rN1k/view?usp=sharing
  11. hmmmm...."neb" is Pittsburgh English to be nosy...or perhaps relating to one's nose...phonetically lix dose sound like "licks"....ya know...I'm gonna go ahead and stop here...no more internet for me today. Seriously though, now I'm curious, I feel like it's something really benign and this ^^^^ is just a red herring.
  12. Bono, Adelle, Deadmau5, Skrillex, Yani, Enya, Kesha, Jay-Z, Snoop Dog, Tupac, Rick Ross, Biggie, Steve Vai, Dave Grohl, Jack White...Falco...yes Falco...
  13. Yeah, but these are references that are mostly unrelated to VGM, and some names seem like some fun play on words, Willrock or Will Rock? Seems it's like a sort of Rorschach Test, I saw " Yeah I...Will Rock ...but now that you said it.. Yo ( common greeting) S (Sulfer) hi ( even more common greeting) B (Boron) Lad (a young man) E (Energy)
  14. Hells bells....well a 24 hour mix? Harder things have been done. Let's see what I can cook up.
  15. Will(verb) rock(transitive verb) I will rock = Willrock Will(Proper noun)Rock(noun, genre) = Willrock Willrock (proper username) = Willrock Will Rock ( Game from 03') = Willrock seems cool to me
  16. I'm sorry for not being more musically inclined with my questions, but my curiosity abounds when I see...well, virtually every username...I gotta know! Some are more obvious i.e. names, games and random(?) words and numbers. Was it a nickname? A tribute to something? Did you need let everyone know how cool you are? Saw mine on a knife that was supposed to never dull.
  17. Wait, wait...THIS is David Gilmour? ...Pink Floyd David Gilmour?...When did he undertake this jazzy endeavor?
  18. Now you can't just drop some awesome heavy fusion like that and not give a name or a link? I'm not huge jazz fan, but this is good...Pat Metheny good....
  19. Ok, so this is live recorded, with very little postproduction? This is a case where access to a good DAW is going to send this mix up an up. You've got the basic chops of the song and I can hear you've got an idea going. The only thing I could say is start poking around various DAWs and find on that suits you then start editing velocities, quantizing, mixing and all that jazz. Good luck man...and don't forget to have fun!
  20. Ok, Im in with The Vinilladome....lotta domes running though my mind I guess.
  21. I'm not calling the shots here, but I can't in good conscious take a victory here. So...may I vote we call this a no-conest and start the next round?
  22. ok....what happened? can I request we bump back the due date, get everyone in here? WIPs Welcome!
  23. I'm going in on this one early... Song- People Without Hope aka the Protodome Theme **Important** Please read the small screenplay BEFORE you listen to the track! Have a Great day everyone!
  24. (drops mic....gets yelled at for dropping mic...checks to make sure mic is still working...places mic back in mic stand...apologizes)
  25. So I feel this is a good place to partition the discussion from the"oh you use loops" angle to this point...I once saw a guy working out with a mask that reduces oxygen flow in the hopes that it would help him with distance running...now he was working harder than anyone else, but it didn't provide any benefit, it just made his workout harder. So does ground up synth design make the work harder without any benefit or is there some substational learning benefits from synth design?
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