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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I figured that much out, but I couldn't figure out how to find "The OCR" or pretty much any other thing. Started running around, didn't see any other people, did a few quests. It was ok I guess.
  2. All votes to replace Joojcat with Joojsloth say Aye
  3. Dustin you're just jealous we are all smarter than you and have bigger brains because we've finished more games.

  5. I was going to buy an Xbox Juan but then I saw it in Waldo-Mart and I tried to use it but there was no controllers and the power was off and I just assume that is how all Xbox Juans are and I don't particularly want to buy a console that has no power or controllers
  6. As of posting now, there is 1 day and a little under 15 hours left until the Light Bracket begins remixing. I wanted to share some advice for everyone participating in the compo. - Don't get caught up on competing. It's not about winning, it's about fun, learning, and good sportsmanship. Trash talk is good in jest, and encouraged as long as it doesn't escalate into seriousness. - Be prepared. Listen to your OWN source, and be familiar with it. Having a memory of the melody or any parts that stick out should help you arrange your theme. - If you know you're going to be busy, use a template. Templates are loadouts for different styles, or even a session you've completed that you wipe all the notes out of and save so you can begin writing in it again. (example, orchestral template, acoustic band template, symphonic metal template, dubstep template, etc..) I have some basic templates that are just a drum kit, and effect buses (reverb, compression, predelay) Just to add, you could also be saving mastering presets if you aren't already. I always update my mastering chain, and tweak it with each new mix, making it better and better. You can't use the same settings for every mix (obviously) but having a solid starting point is always good. - Relax.
  7. I'm hoping 2014 is the year for this. Sorry to drag everyone along for 4 years. I have to finish all the projects I'm signed on for, then move on to stuff like this. It just wouldn't have been fair to do this while I owe other things, especially considering the size and scope of this mix. It's going to be really good though, so if anyone else wants to pledge their skills for this mix (anything at all) I will add it to the list.
  8. ^ Agree. I heavily recommend re-amping. Sixto can do it and I can do it, maybe some others, but I haven't asked around. I do need to buy a reamping box but if you think my heavy guitars sound good as is then you'd be in business. Chern, As for metal vocals, you know I already offered man, but if you want someone else for it then that's cool.
  9. I tried to get this guy in a Skype interview once and he was 30 mins late and then his connection was poop. Stevo stepped in and saved it!
  10. Just being honest, I'm not comfortable with every review of the album being from people who were directly involved in it, and all 5-star. I know it might be helpful for exposure or whatnot, but I value unbiased reviews from third parties. x_x
  11. YOU HEARD THE MAN, he's looking for a metal vocalist, someone who can do clean and death/black metal vocals.
  12. would it be accurate to say Brendan Fraiser is a remixer apparatus
  13. You should print it out and mail the file's code to the French Embassy, then after 6 to 8 weeks your letter will be analyzed and written back into the computer so that it can be observed. Another 6 to 8 weeks from then, and you might have a response about the file. Good luck!
  14. Hey no problem dude, you're the cutest girl I've ever seen and you're totally kawaii or whatever the word is, so it's an easy fix, because I saved each one as its own psd. So here.


  15. Crikey! Here we see OC ReMixers in their natural habitat... but don't get too close, mate..
  16. I remember taking a ps2 apart and it was horrible. Watching this video just shows how far technology has come. PS2, the original one... was so freaking bad. It had a ribbon in it that prevented you from really opening it up well, unless you really knew what you were doing. It'd be easy to yank that ribbon apart. But this, it's so clean and efficient.... shit.... so glad I pre-ordered this thing. AND I CAN'T WAIT
  17. Yes. That'll give people all day Sunday to continue working, rather than stopping at say, 3pm. I'll announce the match-ups before midnight of course, maybe around 6pm on Sunday. It may not be totally convenient for the first Monday of peoples' weeks, but the extra day at the end will be very convenient, especially if people have to work on Monday but are off on Sunday. Plus I'm a night owl, so I just naturally chose midnight. That'll make it convenient for me to count up all the votes at that time and have the next week's match ups ready for people by the time they get up or home from work or whatever their situation is.
  18. probably trapped in an orb or something that the male protagonist has to rescue her from
  19. Hey! You are in the FFCC Ghost Bracket with KentaKurodani, you two shall be mixing together each other's themes just like in the compo, post your finished songs in the thread, and anywhere else you want, the workshop, even sub them to the panel. Being the Ghost Bracket, it won't actually be "competing" with the other entries, but we will get to hear your songs and that's just as good if not better. :-)

  20. You'd think everything would be faster with the number of Lamborghini's the panel bought
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