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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. NovaReaper hit the nail on the head. I could do a song from Suikoden 1, that seems like the logical place to start if you really want to make an album. It's a long commitment and it will get exposure for about a week or two when it comes out, but you'd have something awesome to listen to forever. Weigh the pros and cons and make sure you have the dedication to pull it off, maybe get a co-director or some other help.
  2. My elementary school flashback concerning pokemon involves swiping pokemon cards from random desks. I guess we traded without asking. Happened all the time.
  3. The disc holder is built into the artbook. Seems like a cheap way to do it and the content of the artbook seems very lacking, I was through it in about 5 minutes. The PS3 dynamic theme.... well, it's pictures of groups of characters together for different world areas. I guess it's ok.
  4. It was on the exterior of the airship right before crashing the wedding, and the awesome cutscene of everyone surfing down the chains. Flipping dragon thing Second time you fight him, he dies instantly from a phoenix down
  5. Welp I did it, I took the hit and pre-ordered the Nintendo 3DS XL - Pokemon X&Y Blue Edition that comes out the day before my birthday. I say took the hit because shipping and sales tax was expensive. Ocre filled me in on why these Nintendo products aren't sold on Amazon, it sucks that we have to get screwed. So naturally I'll be picking up Animal Xing New Leaf and Pokemon X. If anyone has any other recommendations, I'd appreciate it. I've never played a Kid Icarus or Fire Emblem game before so I dunno if it would be smart to start late in the story (unless they are remakes or independent stories without continuity from an earlier game). I really don't know what's on 3DS at all. Ocarina of Time 3D? Yeah I could get that, never played the original.
  6. Liquid Metal 2 is coming along nicely. Has lyrics about bacon, cooking bacon, bacon accessories, and sexy mermaids. There's a slightly edited "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid. There's a debate about whether to eat bacon with fish sticks. There's threats of violence against cods.
  7. Maybe they didn't have adequate boob physics at the time. That's why Lightning Returns is gonna be so great.
  8. Them's fightin' words! FFX is not too easy, in fact switching characters out throughout the game to level them all up is a headache. There's a STEEP difficulty curve as soon as you're busting into Lavos. I remember being 22 hours in and being stuck at a particularly tough boss, it was a huge accomplishment when I finally beat it. I think the difficulty is consistent with FF9, FF8, maybe even FF7 (though some of those Weapon bosses are intense) And Tidus and Yuna aren't whiny and weak. I just hope they updated the mix / EQ on the voices to make it more obvious. There's a lot of subtleties to the performance that most people, who cling to the laugh quack sequence, just don't grasp.
  9. Brava, brava, and happy 10th anniversary to Gunstar Heroes! You know, I never played this game. But it looks like MY kind of game. I may just do it after listening to the album!
  10. I like to believe we're closer to the 90s than we are. The 90s rocked.
  11. TODAY is the 10 year anniversary of Gunstar Heroes YATTA
  12. Ha... yooou.... Probably true, hehee. From what I've heard KH3 and FF15 will be there, but only as trailers... for FF15 we've been seeing trailers for like..... 27 years, don't know what else they have they could possibly show that would be interesting at this point. x_x Though to be fair the old footage is pretty amazing. KH3 they could impress with. The "trailer" they had for it left a lot to be desired.
  13. Sheeut, you got to it before I even noticed. THIS GUY, THIS GUY RIGHT HERE. Probably the only organic fan of my "actual band" music that I've ever talked to, SMALL WORLD. He just HAPPENED to come to OC ReMix and I just HAPPENED to come back to OC ReMix after doing the band stuff. WE WERE DESTINED TO MEAT Anyway happy birthday I'll talk to you again in a year
  14. Dammit, come on Gotta pick one nobody knows that'll take waaay too much time to try to familiarize with
  15. Hi... I was gonna make you a video to show how I do stuff cause it'd be too hard to do with images. I've been up for 40 hours though so I'm going to bed, but please be patient! I'll do it as soon as I can and post it in the remix stem thread.

    As for what I did, pretty much highpassed everything hah. Individually, of course, to an extent that cut down on the un-needed bass frequencies while still maintaining the important part of each sound. Then other boosts or cuts higher up to shape the sounds, but from memory it wasn't too harsh on the EQs there.

    When I make sends I just hit "Add FX Channel", then I add that as a send to the channels that need it, I don't really make buses, everything routes to the master

    From what I can tell your biggest issue is recording mono things (like live guitar) as stereo

    that's a huge no no

  16. I think we tossed a midi file back and forth, and whoever's turn it was to write added on to it. We went through a couple waves of taking turns. Then when it was all writ, I imported the midi in Cubase, and the rest is history. Somehow I think we all did 50/50/50, it really evened out with everyone doing a substantial part
  17. We all wrote a part, then wrote another part, and we didn't REALLY edit each other's parts, so it came out surprisingly cohesive. Since I exported the final, I weaseled a lot of Schala in there (0:35 glockenspiel, 2:00 glockenspiel, 3:36 glockenspiel then 3:40 lead guitar too, 4:51 glockenspiel) -- in addition to what you mapped out Just wanted to point that out. It wasn't mentioned in the submission email, a bit of an easter egg. Thanks for the kind words y'all! <3 <3 <3
  18. So what's the difference between Pokemon X and Pokemon Y? They don't sell them as 1 game you know. And how do you control the 3D camera with only the 1 analog stick?
  19. Hi! This was nice, but way too conservative. Personalizing it some more would be great, and may flesh out the arrangement a little more. It felt very subdued, possibly in part due to the lack of orchestral percussion, which may help accentuate your movements. EWQL SO has good orchestral percussion if you happen to have that library. Song is just a hair quiet, but you don't really want to use compression for volume on an orchestration where dynamics are key. Keep it light, if possible. I think the biggest issue is the mechanical pizzicato strings, and things being very dry. The violins were very dry, and the strange slow attack and sudden release on them was very noticeable. Keep up the good work and keep refining! Good so far!
  20. In 1 week I will go over the list of claims and decide what goes up for grabs. Some people haven't produced a WIP but say they're good for it and I trust them. Living Forest is open now, though! So there's still 7 unclaimed songs to choose from.
  21. I feel like this is going without adequate hype. 3 days left... I'll be posting pictures of the box / artbook, and possibly PS3 theme. External pics, no pics of the inside of the book. Just so people can see what the limited edition looks like.
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