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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's 100% Garpocalypse, 50% SuperiorX, and 50% biscuit / muffin Artist tag should be updated accordingly
  2. LIES!!!!! LIES AND SLANDER!!!!!!!!

    I merely tapped a key a few times! Garpocalypspe did all the hard work, then you did some hard work! Mine took time but it wasn't hard, nor did it contribute to the arrangement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. No! No! They're takin' my name off that one. I didn't contribute to it, I just mixed it
  4. Yo take my name off Gar's yo. I didn't contribute to it, just mixed it.

  5. That was your song? Holy damn you have really improved a lot and your song sounds amazing, nice work dude and congrats!! Congrats to you too Dusk & DJ Mokram on the completion of a successful OC ReMix album. I look forward to listening.
  6. I decided against live drums. It's just too messy and I don't have enough microphones, mic cables, and drum pieces to really convey the sound I would want to, so I'm going to probably use Studio Drummer or something along that line. I'm gonna keep it fairly conservative, so you can already imagine how I would approach it. To break it up into liberal land I would put in some cool improvised solo sections, maybe with ePianos and organs, and maybe guitar. I want it to be a clean but saturated sound, like tape saturation. You can probably already imagine what this mix will sound like. The source is really good and there's a lot to work with. I don't know if this is enough detail to comfort you concerning this WIP date, let me know. Maybe someone could vouch for me or something x_x But there's also people who could vouch against me, there's a lot of stuff I need to finish and catch up on. I'll just leave it at that, this isn't a FINAL date and I have a few final dates and other things I need to catch up on currently. Oh right, genre. Well it's not gonna be disco unless dark disco exists. In which case it might be dark disco.
  7. Naw man, Knack will hold me over until 2014. I'll be facebooking and twitching the crap out of it, and spectating other people playing their PS4s. Maybe even on my smartphone, heh. With that cool PSN App they're making. Plus Killzone, which I really want to play. Resogun which is a free launch exclusive, sounds and looks amazing. Tiny Brains! Well InFamous and The Order 1886 are coming out in what's called the "launch window", but yeah... March 2014 is where that ends... long wait, but a manageable one with all the awesome stuff it's going to launch with, the free games and streaming / spectating stuff. People are probably gonna end up hiding me in their fb feeds hah. Plus DriveClub.. this might be the first driving game I give a chance since Gran Turismo 3 on the PS2. It looks unbelievable.
  8. So excited for the ps4... November is so far away... hnnnngg So many awesome games coming for it. Knack, Destiny, The Order 1886... hnnnnggg Can we just skip October?
  9. Well this is certainly disappointing. I'm thinking I will actually get a 3DS XL and Animal Xing: New Leaf and Pokemon XY. Eh I guess since I'm not a long-time 3DS player I can't really be bothered by this. But I see that you're bothered by it so, it's lame!
  10. Man why did you hint that BadAss 2 might be coming out?! Now people are going to be expecting it REALLY soon z_z

  11. I have my studio torn apart because I thought I was gonna have to move. I'm getting stuff put back together. If it's not a problem I could possibly make something on Friday night/Saturday morning/afternoon. Honestly I don't usually make WIPs or start on something and then wait because I forget what I was doing and have to start over. But I don't have time to make the FULL mix right now.
  12. It WOULD be nice if you could all enjoy my Poop. It's just been sitting there since New Year.
  13. Wtf is this D: http://www.gamestop.com/nintendo-3ds/consoles/nintendo-3ds-xl-pokemon-xy-blue-edition/111456 I almost bought this until I noticed it says "No game included" What the heck is the point of a game-themed handheld release with no game?!?!
  14. Hey don't be lying to people, the email said Gunstar Heroes is coming soon.
  15. Hah.... fixed it... if you could say it's fixed, it's COMPLETELY different now.
  16. New? Oh heck yeah! Wind Waker HD looks awesome! I might buy the heck out of this game when I can afford it! I've been looking forward to this cause like I said, I never played the original Here's the latest Nintendo Direct about Pokemon:
  17. Well... blah. I hope a Pokemon RPG does get made for Wii U though. I'd buy that, probably pre-order it for day 1 delivery. As for what's actually coming out... I've never played Wind Waker so I want to try out the remake. And Smash Bros is good, it would be tough to mess that up unless you're Sony
  18. EH. What a douche then. It seems like he just wrote the Wii U off and then made an excuse later, trying to pass it off as some kind of revisionist history. And I gobbled it up like a watermelon in Harlem because Bethesda games on Wii U could be awesome. Like the Skyrim map on the gamepad, like that article said.
  19. Interesting. Yeah you can't "wait and see" for something that is supposed to have happened already, eh? Was it the same guy who said the wait and see thing, or someone else? I never put the Wii U down. I point out areas where Nintendo needs to improve. The Wii U system itself and Miiverse is awesome. It doesn't really matter unless the Wii U version has online co-op and the PC version does not. z_z If none of them have it then the whole gamepad thing doesn't matter anyway....
  20. Responses like this are inflammatory (trying to start a fight) rather than contributing to the conversation in any meaningful way. It's worth discussing. Maybe now that it's Bethesda instead of just EA people won't be brushing it off as "Eh well EA sucks anyway"
  21. Raymond Legends isn't even a Wii U exclusive, you could get it on Steam, or PS3, or whatever.... I'll get it on Steam eventually... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-03-bethesda-the-time-for-convincing-publishers-and-developers-to-support-wii-u-has-long-past ^ This is sad but the guy has a great point. I probably want the Wii U to succeed more than anyone but they can't be cutting corners like that. And wheres my Wii U pokemon rpg? What's this Pokemon Rumble U nonsense?! That's the complete opposite of what they should be making -- make a real pokemon rpg, not more shovelware.
  22. what's your upright bass sample in moshka win :o

  23. Even if they just maintained a 230,000 audience for the game, that's a LOT of monthly fees and microtransactions. They might break even on this eventually. On the topic of FFX.... Here's an article that talks about what crazyhaze32 brought up earlier -- http://www.explosion.com/42901/rumor-final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-delayed-now-releasing-2014/ No new news, but at least it sheds light on whether this was a small rumor or something that a lot of people heard at PAX.
  24. I wanted to get this bundled with Raymond Origins but I think I missed out on that deal. :/ Gonna get it on Steam eventually... maybe they'll have the bundle again...
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