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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. People always come up with these scenarios and my only question is, why are Nintendo gamers such dicks?
  2. SOMEONE had to bring the sex appeal to this trailer. Glad it was me. Hope you all love my Mog remix when this hits! edit: Also my opinion, this would be a great time to do some album protocol reform. I think you should post a song from the album every couple days until the album comes out, then do the normal flood (maybe 1 flood song per day until they're all out), then post at least 1 song from the album per month, if not bi-weekly, until all of the passed and waiting songs are posted. I think this would be a great way to both promote the albums, and get project mixposts out in a timely fashion. It'll be less of an issue with FF6 because people are going to love these songs and remember the album regardless of how long a mixpost waits to be posted, but for other less exposed projects this could be a good thing to change up. Just my 2 cents!
  3. Did I need to prove you wrong? You said it's impossible for platformers to be the same because they're platformers. I honestly found it such a silly line of reasoning that I didn't realize it was intended to be responded to seriously.
  4. Maybe you should take a VACATION from the PUB!! :-P

  5. This is just your sig you don't got to be this IRL
  6. Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101 has nothing to do with Nintendo. Please stop using Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101 as some sort of example of Nintendo's creativity. That is all Platinum Games.
  7. You're right, their kick is really quiet on that song. The mixing is not how I would have done it, and definitely not something I'd use as a guide. A good guide would be like Rage Against The Machine's self-titled album, even though it came out in 1992, I think the mixing on that album is better than most albums that come out today. ! And it has this memorable tune: When the recordings are so clean, and the mixing and mastering is clean, you can get away with having quieter kicks because they're still so present in the mix. I don't think that is the case so much with that Equilibrium song but it's not a problem for them because they're a major band on a major label and not trying to pass a song on the OCR panel. Having a quieter kick alone, I wouldn't think, is enough to warrant a no vote, but then again there's stuff like this that happened. I even gave a shout out to that mix in my mix notes for Vampire's Kiss and it got edited out. Not sure what was up with that. .
  8. D:

    Sonar 8?!


    I use Cubase 6.5, so if you wanted me to tinker with it, I'd just need the midi data, and whatever live stuff you recorded as dry, probably mono wavs. Yar? You do or should record in mono. ^_^

  9. They tried, with TVii and stuff. It is just useless though so nobody really talks about it. The gamepad has a pretty neat "TV Controller" interface too.
  10. Shrek 2 for the PS2. That was the last time I heard it as a selling point.
  11. Man it's your life you can do what you want ^_^ I hope I wasn't too harsh. But I do think keeping all of your music under 1 umbrella is the way to go. Unless you're ashamed of something, then use a fake name, I did that once. ONCE. But it's because it was so bad I didn't want anyone to know I had made it.

  12. Yup. People are going "OH WOW A MARIO GAME IN 3D!" like it has never been done before. There have been a ton of Mario games in 3D. So ok, maybe this is the first time they have 4 players in a 3D game. People are acting like this is somehow innovative or amazing. All I can think is "Welcome to a decade ago, Nintendo." I don't think I ever said the games were bad. I've said they're not creative, and the design was shitty and lazy, but their games are always polished and never (or rarely) buggy. Nintendo lost the innovation that used to make them interesting in the past. They kind of innovation they tried to tap into with the original Wii, and that they harnessed successfully with Super Mario Galaxy. Check out the list of games EA has published: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Electronic_Arts_games On that list you will find blockbusters as well as games that don't appeal to you at all, like FIFA. But here's the difference between Nintendo and EA -- Nintendo is just now considering a 3D game with 4 players to be fresh and innovative. EA on the other hand, is publishing games that appeal to a huge, diverse audience. You may not give a damn about FIFA or any given game on that list, but there are millions who do. And that's not to even mention blockbusters like Mass Effect trilogy, or personal favorites like Dante's Inferno and Shadows of the Damned. I still want to get Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. So jump on the EA hate bus if you want but joining hate mobs isn't cool anymore. You have as much right to be critical of EA as I do to be critical of Nintendo, though. Welcome back, don't let them chase you away.
  13. You don't wanna highpass to 200Hz on rhythm guitars. You're chopping out a considerable amount of low-end that you want on them. What DAW do you use? I wouldn't mind tinkering with this, and sending the session back to you with my changes so you can see what I did, depending on what you use. Let me know. The kick is still too quiet. The snare could come up a little too. Snare, hats, and cymbals seem dry. Re-add that low end to the guitars, but try a low shelf cut at 200hz by maybe -2db or so depending on how bassy it sounds. If you're unsure, compare it to a popular metal song. I mean an actual pro song, not something from OCR. Then again, that might help too, since that's what you are trying to make. Bass seemed a little low as well, but it might be ok when you start leveling the other things out. Try muting everything else and just mixing the band (drums, bass, guitars) then when that's done, move on to making the other elements fit.
  14. Maybe not, but they'd sell more copies if their target demographic included you, wouldn't they?
  15. WHAT THE HECK IS TBTATORJ?!?!?!??! It sounds like you're a tuberculosis potato judge.

  16. Hey, I saw your song as Darkmoocher, it got rejected and had to be removed from BadAss 2. My opinion is NO! STOP DOING THIS!! I want you to be known as Sir Jordanius because that's an awesome name and it's who you are. If you really want to be known as different names, we can do it, no problem. But I don't like it. :-) Responding to the rest of your pm soon.

  17. Can I have a little more time? D:

    Stuff came up and I have to finish an extra song by the end of this month, but I might be able to do it (Sonic CD) next month. I MIGHT be able to! I actually just finished FF9 Fairy Battle that was originally due on December 18th, so I'm definitely moving again.

  18. It does look like it will be fun, but the lack of online multiplayer killed any interest I had in it.
  19. Hey, don't download that WAV yet unless you feel confident that this'll pass! I'm thinking a little bit more tweaking might be in order. What are your thoughts? And will we be able to change the title to "Diamonds are a Yan's Best Friend"? I already subbed it with the old name.

  20. Now you're just being ridiculous, crowbar man. This is ALL Nintendo is doing. Look at their current line-up. Old (Not Wii U) Hand held (Not Wii U) Won't be out for another year, didn't seem innovative at all compared to previous versions. Probably the only thing applicable on your list, ironically is a collection of minigames based on existing games. Forthcoming Wii U game in the style of handheld title, not innovative whatsoever Handheld games (not Wii U) and also not innovative or new in any way. More sequels, I'll have to wait until there's more information about the new Zelda before I can accurately say whether they did a crappy job with it, but there was some talk that the designer was inspired by Skyrim. It could potentially be good. I just came. *drops mic*
  21. Nintendo just needs to make higher quality products. They're embarrassing themselves. Maybe I should just lower my expectations / Nintendo standards by a LOT. Nintendo didn't want to have anything to do with publishing those games in the US, that's why XSEED had to step in. It wouldn't have been profitable enough for Nintendo.
  22. Nintendo has the potential to be above everyone, but right now they're just above Sega. The rest are above Nintendo.
  23. I don't compare Nintendo with other publishers because they're not on par, they're still catching up. The fact that they're releasing the best Sonic title in recent time is sad, and the fact that they had to save Mega Man from being a fat, alternate box art mess. They're not on the same level as EA, Activision, Konami, Microsoft, 2K, etc.
  24. This is the opposite of what I've witnessed or how I feel about Nintendo. They wouldn't even have to be 'experimental'. They could just do ANYTHING apart from making the same games over and over...
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