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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Nintendo should have evolved as a company to the point where they could make a brand new game like "Journey" or "Bastion" and have it be successful just based on the game's merit alone. They shouldn't keep selling small variations on Mario titles based on the name.
  2. I was considering doing an entire playthrough of BioShock Infinite over ustream so my folks could watch it, since they were interested in the story but have no idea how to play games. Gotta switch to ustream because of PS4.
  3. Dang I already named it Spirits of Gaia before I submitted it to the panel and went to bed, y'all was too slow :'( Now they won't be able to insert a name change for up to a year. :'( I might just stick with Spirits of Gaia unless it is SUPER easy to have the name changed for the submission email and stuff. Then we could try to go with "Diamonds are a Yan's Best Friend" but that might be a bit long / wordy for eventual printed artwork.
  4. It was like when they made Super Mario Galaxy It was like when they used to make games that weren't the same as previous games It's not up to me to give them ideas on how to creatively evolve. But it wouldn't hurt if they tried to make a new IP instead of new versions of existing games.
  5. Nintendo still needs to make the current gen equivalent of going from 8-bit to 16-bit.
  6. I just subbed a song today, after around 2 months of no subs. I've only subbed 6 songs this year. I cannot be blamed anymore for any stuffing of the panel box. I do wish they'd go a little quicker though, some of these albums will be coming out and it would be nice to know if the songs pass or if I could fix them up before the albums come out.
  7. Just so you all know, I totally wrote a (edit: full structure!) of Fairy Battle during this double work shift I have going on. I even posted an updated wip in the private subforum. I feel bad about taking this long to do it but I think giving it some TLC and close attention to details in the final stages will make it worthy of the album and please the people who wanted to hear a remix of Fairy Battle. I don't know what to name it yet, so if anyone has any particularly good suggestions, that would be awesome. And nothing offensive .. ...ok, fine. offensive titles encouraged. (just kidding)
  8. Yeah, that's it Technically it's not "all new" from the last time he showed it on Fallon a year ago in 2012 XD HE LIES!!!!! Muahaha.
  9. Totally not too late, this album is probably like 3 years away xD

    Thanks for the suggestion! :-D

  10. They just showed Super Mario 3D World on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon "The big innovation of this game is the cat suit" "HOW CUTE IS THAT!"
  11. AHAH AWESOME!! Can we be Flying Cat Plaform? Oh ok, I guess we can be this instead. Pretty good compromise.
  12. I'm more of a cat person Flying Cat Platform. Ok, I kid, I know there's no cat in Mega Man.
  13. Eh, the game isn't very good after all that hype. Pretty disappointing.
  14. Yes, that's exactly what it means. Congratulations. It's every 3 weeks, you can submit every 3 weeks with no problems. You could do what I used to do back when I made a lot of songs, and keep a list of what you make, and when you submit it, and schedule your next submission date.
  15. I'm super excited for the FF1 prints to go out too. I accidentally dropped one of my cheapo DIY prints on the floor and it reminded me that it was crappy as hell. I can't wait for the ACTUAL GOOD Quality prints. It would have been awesome if I got 2. One to put in the car and one to keep safe. Oh well. Can't get 2 of e'erything hah.
  16. I'm going to try to write as much Fairy Battle as I can either tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon. Just letting ya know. I'll try to work on it at work and get it as far done as possible. :-o!

  17. I've been openly critical of Final Fantasy XIII but even I bought a new ps3 copy of it (granted it was like $11 for the original black label, non-greatest hits version) Why would I buy it? Because as much of a mess as FF13 was, it is still an enjoyable game with some great music, and memorable characters. FF12 is much the same way for me, I don't consider it to be very good by FF standards but I would play an HD remaster and I would probably enjoy it, the music, the characters, etc. I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles because it costs hundreds of dollars due to the artificial shortage created by not printing very many copies of it in the US.
  18. List augmented. I didn't realize there'd be a chance the top 3 could conflict with another list, but I suppose anything is possible.
  19. There are no character themes in ff1 or ff2, I think they start in ff3. Or, at the very least, Elia has a theme. As for Cloud, he doesn't have a theme, but I'd be willing to let someone remix " ?" as Cloud's theme.Mr. L, you're more than welcome If anyone is worried about the 1 week thing, give DarkeSword's Maverick compo a try right now.
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