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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. happy birthday! And a weird question, I had an idea for your Final Fantasy 3 remix but I wanted to know if you are a Christian. If you are not then I will scrap the idea. Thanks!

  2. Hah. I don't know whether to laugh cause it's so true or just solemnly nod in acknowledgement.
  3. Yes! EA has such bad ideas and Call of Duty doesn't sell at all and is bad! Nintendo should do the exact opposite of the Call of Duty franchise! Oh wait, they already do. It's 2013, not having online multiplayer is just ridiculous and yet another outdated concept. Nintendo's goal should be to make EVERY GAME as good as it can possibly be for everyone who will be playing them.
  4. I can't help it that the OCR gaming community has salty behavior.
  5. Mine is on the way from huevo nuevo, and I'm looking forward to playing it. A friend on facebook said you've got to play it on hard difficulty. Do you recommend that for someone coming to it new? To be fair I played all the Uncharteds on hard and usually don't have a problem with hard difficulty in general, but with some games, it's just not good.
  6. Hey Chernabogue, I hope your birthday is 'bon'. And happy birthday to you to Gario! Two really cool dudes sharing a birthday, what luck.
  7. Sorry if I did it wrong with the protocol or something :-o

  8. Wii U needs a price drop like nobody's business, I have a feeling it'll either happen when the new consoles launch later this year or before that, as some incentive to buy a Wii U instead of the critically acclaimed PS4. FAIL. they just lost a sale
  9. Why don't you lurk more? You literally only troll and it's getting old. The brief version of the story is that the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within movie happened, Squaresoft went bankrupt and had to merge with Enix. Nobuo Uematsu and Hirnobu Sakaguchi (former President) left Square-Enix and formed Mistwalker. For what it's worth I loved Spirits Within, and it made 85 million box office, but the budget got too bloated for that to be profitable. Saying FF7, 8, 9, or 10 was 300 pixel sprites with 10 colors is just ignorant. The team was considerably smaller that made those games, and has since become quite large for modern Square-Enix games. They were much more efficient in the late 90s / early 00s and in general the games were higher quality, even if they didn't look as graphically impressive as Lightning Returns. My only guess as to why they're so inefficient now is bad direction, bad project management, and disorganization. "An official website was opened for the tech demo where the demo can be viewed. The site was created with a survey asking fans' opinions on the movie, Agni's character and the world the movie takes place in. Although this implies "Agni" and this scenario may be used in future video game scenarios, there is no evidence suggesting that a game based on this material is in production." All anyone would be able to offer you as an answer would be speculation. Who knows how the survey went.
  10. FF7 came out in 1997 and FF8 came out in 1999 eh? FF9 in 2000 and FFX in 2001.. I think. So things have definitely changed. I think what we'll hear when XV finally comes out is the same story we heard about FF13. I remember hearing about how much of a mess it was, and they had cut enough content from FF13 to make another game (stuff that probably appeared in FFXIII-II) They only finally started to realize what they had when they produced that first playable demo. The development for XV was probably also a huge mess, either on the same level as or worse than XIII. You'd think they would learn after XIII and not fall into that mistake again, but then again XIV happened.
  11. I wouldn't trust a random forum thread from 2010 for that kind of information, but if it does end up being true, that'd be swell. Some things from older FFs need to make a return.
  12. I agree. They need to quit making so many sequels at least until they figure out how to not take 9 years to release a new main Final Fantasy. :-/
  13. Maybe I'm trying to look at stuff I should just skip
  14. I was thinking more of games that will be out BEFORE 2016 OH BURRRNNN I might get the Knack bundle for $450 on Amazon. List of games announced for PS4, including multi-platform, an asterisk next to ones I want to play on PS4. I might wanna play on PC but no asterisk, only for ps4. (You can copy paste this for first post. Just delete my asterisks.) Knack* Killzone: Shadow Fall Battlefield 4 Driveclub Assassin's Creed IV: Black lag InFamous: Second Son* The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The Witness Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Deep Down Secret Ponchos Watch Dogs Final Fantasy XV* Kingdom Hearts III* Mad Max Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Diablo III Outlast Destiny* Ray's The Dead* DC Universe Online PlanetSide 2 Tiny Brains* Warframe Basement Crawl Daylight Abe's Odyssey remake* Transistor Don't Starve (pre-ordered on PC, get this! It's great. Sorry for the extra note just for this game, heh) Octodad: Dadliest Catch* Wolfenstein: The New Order The Evil Within Sniper Elite III Cyberpunk 2077 APB: Vendetta War Thunder Carmageddon: Reincarnation* Primal Carnage: Genesis Mirror's Edge 2* EA Sports UFC NBA Live 14 The Crew Tom Clancy's The Division* Star Wars Battlefront Dragon Age Inquisition Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Thief Blacklight: Retribution Lords of the Fallen* Call of Duty: Ghosts Skylanders: Swap Force Madden 25* Need for Speed Rivals Elder Scrolls Online Dying Light* Hohokum Galak-Z Mercenary Kings The Order 1886*
  15. Also after just playing NSMBU I can confirm the input lag. It's like running in an ice level for the entire game.
  16. If the PS4 is as awesome as we all think it's going to be, and The Division launches a year or so early from the PC version (we all know it's going to come out on PC), I feel we will all be in good shape, furthermore Destiny, Knack, The Order 1886... what else... Titanfall is coming out on PC. But the game that has really been on my mind a lot lately is Destiny.
  17. Another thing I hate about the new Mario games is (ok, I'm sorry for all the ranting, they're fun games) The time trial for every level. In the HD era, time trials are obsolete, they just manage to rush you along and force you to skip a lot of the content of a level. Trying to play NSMBU, on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL I find myself getting a bit through and then having the clock get low and the "speed up" music start. Then I say screw it and hoof it to the end of the level, skipping everything. This worked in the 80s, but it's an outdated concept to keep shoehorning into the new games.... come on Nintendo, cut that out. Even Mario 3D World has it.
  18. Rawr don't pm me my pm box is 94% full and I have no intentions of cleaning it I know I gotta make this and I feel like Turd for not having it done yet... sorry. All I can do is make it worth the wait. :3
  19. It makes me sad how many parents are going to spend a buttload on this for their kid, and their kid will be disappointed and cry, and they'll probably also cry because this is a SHITLOAD of money and a huge commitment to pay for a kid's toy just for them to cry and be upset. Damn, I'm almost crying just thinking about it.
  20. I never had a Gamecube but I remember what it looked like. The same kind of disc tray as the original Playstation. I still have one of those that works. It had the lid that opened, you put the disc in, and close it. Not these gratuitous "watch as i suck your disc on command" drives that are entirely pointless and fragile.
  21. Oh wait low pass at 18KHz? Dunno why I thought you meant the opposite. (highpass at 20hz) I used to do a slight shelf down in that range but stopped doing it recently. Comparing A to B didn't show much of a difference, but maybe it is mainly an electronica thing. I think that's when I started doing it, was when I was making the technodubsteps. edit: but you should post your own thread for your mix! Gar, sorry for hijacking your thread. :3
  22. Releasing a new game every 1-2 years is a good idea. It's always super successful, just look at Call of Duty, or New Super Mario Bros Wii, or Final Fantasy XIII!
  23. Just need to build Wiis with better materials, or twice-as-thick SNES-plastic.
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