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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yes it HAS been a while.

    Look, someone made a song for ff2 that has an F-bomb in the title. I told them it would be unfair since I made you censor your lyrics, but they are a big butt and I hate people why can't they be cool like cats. If you wanna put your uncensored version on the album instead of the new censored one then that's ok. I like the way the censored one came out though hahah.. it's so good.

  2. Speaking of South Park, happy anniversary of being a huge turd baby like Bono.
  3. Yeah, it would be like that but less ridiculous. It has to look pro for OCR.
  4. Yup if for some reason she falls through, I will make the art using real life photos and some pretty sophisticated colorization tools in Photoshop
  5. I know the first WIP date is a ways off, but what are everyone's general thoughts about their claims, the album, or the deadlines? Is everything pretty satisfactory? WHO is HYPED UP for this!? I know I am! I love this soundtrack, I want to hear these remixes!
  6. Yes. I am so sorry for the wait. I agree.

    Well, thought I'd be out of work by 9pm. Next guy called in sick. I'll be here until 6:30am. UGH. Night shifts are difficult. I still really want to finish the vocals tomorrow though.

    After sleeping of course. I'll need to drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. :-P

  7. Ignore everything that was said about putting a compressor on the acoustic guitars. I'll only use that sometimes if I'm having trouble getting an acoustic lead to stick out through a very thick arrangement, which this is not. x_x Also stay away from recording the acoustic guitar with direct-input (if it is electric/acoustic). That will just give you a scratchy, unnatural tone which is not preferable for acoustic recordings in my opinion. Of course everything has its place, but solo acoustic guitar will benefit from a nicer, more organic and natural sound. I pretty much just came by to say to ignore the other feedback, haha... well be careful using noise gates on your tracks too. You'll get some weird artifacts from that, just record in a VERY quiet room. Apply some reverb to your tracks afterwards but don't overdo it. There's a line between a tasteful amount of reverb, and a "Help me I'm drowning in Kirby's excess fat" amount.
  8. DOOD I totes seed dat! Will get on it asap! edit: holy shit edit 2: Website's done
  9. I will try to get stuff to you on the 6th. Time is going faster than I'd like :/

  10. Oh hi there chimpazilla :-)

  11. I thought you misspelled Partol on purpose. I liked it.

  12. HArhar! I shall delete ALL of the messages!

    I actually have some really important ones so I don't want to be too hasty... but I do usually save them as txt file / all the options, then delete all of them. Probably could delete a fair deal of them. Just noobs askin' for favors >:] muahaha

  13. OK GUYS! It's March 1st and it'll be past in a few hours... There's still a handful of wavs that are not in yet. I got a call from Ben Briggs which was a surprise, but he's working on the song! I will be checking with other folks soon, but it is looking like we're going to be having another 15 day increment for the deadline. We're going to need to ramp things up to get this done without going too long throughout the year! EDIT: Can we... PLEASE... try to finish the songs by APRIL 1st? NO JOKE
  14. Couldn't agree more with Stevo and I'm glad this is coming out and will look really good. There's no shortage of content... there's a lot of artwork... I am glad this is going to come out as an album instead of a rar file. Not everyone can even open rar files. I don't even think the lack of a flash storybook will affect the quality of the album at all. I always thought from the very beginning, that just seemed like a gimmick that most people wouldn't even bother with. It would have been nice, and I would have played with it, as someone who had a deeper connection to the work than the average person, but for the audience at large and especially people who just download the new OCR albums without being deep in the community probably wouldn't have really bothered with it. They'll still have the artwork pieces and that is just as good. Set it on a Windows slide show.
  15. This thread should be called Game of Thrones! You guys sound like hipsters, honestly. "Oh we knew about it before it was a cool TV show"
  16. Did you ever animate that ff1 music video?

  17. I don't even know what half of those things are. The most pullups I do are taking the food to my mouth!
  18. If I recall it was a few months away, no worries. I was just being silly. You can be confident that I'll be gettin' with you about it in a couple months. As for the FF6 contest... here's the straight poop: I may or may not have already heard a better entry than I could have done for the source I wanted to cover. With only less than 2 days remaining, I probably won't be able to accomplish anything that would be substantial enough to help with the album, which is the main goal of this contest. I would be more than happy to help out if there's time after the contest, and maybe by some outstanding luck I WILL be able to enter something but it's not looking like that now. My apologies... edit: I could hear doing Wedding Waltz as orchestrated metal, but at this point there's not enough time, plus I already did 1 metal...
  19. I really liked this remix a lot up until the gratuitous and out of place dubstep wobbles. Then I LOVED this remix. I honestly CAN'T wait to hear more from you, especially if you're going to finish FFX.... Thanks!
  20. You're gonna have a FF3 wip in 3 days for me? That's awesome, dude! You should try to enter this FF6 contest too, though. Wait... 6 - 3 = 3... Half-Life 3 Confirmed.
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