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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I think the 5k goal was the same before, have us make your soundtrack. But there was a 10k goal that was something like "Spend a romantic evening with Larry and David in a Jacuzzi" can't imagine why that got removed
  2. Who is coordinating the group registration?! Seriously! There's got to be at least 10 people who said they wanted to be in the group reg... time is running out, I still need to book a room. Need to register first.
  3. Am I the only one who is thinking this might need to be a once-a-year type of thing? There'll probably be a solid FF9 and FF5 album to possibly print next year !! Or uhhh.... something else!
  4. The sequence of events: - Larry finds the 5k backers - They both back for 5k - 100k stretch goal reached - Larry is a hero
  5. Yeah that fight can be brutally difficult on your own at a low level... try grinding your level up a bit and look for a better gun. Almost gotta say shotgun in this situation.
  6. https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/265702_10151095166898445_913324214_o.jpg You're "taking your time" at level 20 and I have 9 hours logged and I'm only at level 13... OK.
  7. FEWL I posted your mp3s in the private group! Go there and comment or wait for people to comment first!!

  8. When your song is posted on the front page, or in anticipation of being posted very soon, you'll have an artist page.
  9. Unplugged Month results: #1 SuperGuitarBros - Sonic the Hedgehog - Acoustonic - good -0.26 #2 Harjawaldar - Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - Un Lamento nella Notte - good -0.5 #3 Hat - Super Mario World - Over World - above average +0.37 #4 thesamareaye - Kingdom Hearts - Dear to My Heart - above average -0.07 #5 Rexy - Conker's Bad Fur Day - Broken Wind Rag - above average -0.09 #6 Ergosonic - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Rawater - above average -0.13 #7 Pumpkin King - Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, 3, Sonic & Knuckles - Piano Medley - above average -0.26 #8 jaxx - Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core - Carried to The End - above average -0.32 #9 Daniel Alm - Super Mario 64 - The Landlubberly Guitarist - average +0.43 #10 Juja - Xenogears - Torn Apart - average +0.4 Voters: 7 Free Month temporary banner Theme for this month: Free month. Do whatever the HECK you want to do. Songs are due on Saturday, Oct. 27th at 9 PM Eastern US time. The rules for Dwelling of Duels can be viewed here. Here are the important rules: Main entries must be a cover, arrangement, or other reworking of a song from a video game. The main instrument of each song must be "played live", meaning that it must be a real guitar, real keyboard (un-quantized), real trombone, or other real instrument that you're actually playing. Two minutes in length. Send all entries to dodsongs@gmail.com with all needed info (Remixers, game, sources used, link to song, etc) DISCLAIMER: Dwelling of Duels is not an OC ReMix competition, album project, nor is it endorsed by OC ReMix in any way. More information can be found at www.dwellingofduels.net
  10. Hi. I'd like to personally reply to a few things here. Good post. I disagree, I think MP3s are the most important. It is the main format more than wma, which I haven't really heard of people using anymore but I'm sure there's a lot of folks who do. But it's definitely not the MAIN thing. That may be the case, maybe for ProTools, I use Cubase 6 and the options I've seen are for 32-bit or 16-bit. I'm not sure but I think it records in 16-bit, I suppose I should have been paying better attention to that but it didn't seem all that important to me simply because a WAV has to be 16-bit to burn on a CD-r. I'm sure there are ways to record in those other bitrates, probably even 24-bit, but in regards to burning to CD or even just listening, you would not hear the difference between a 16-bit WAV or a 24-bit WAV with your ears. I doubt you'd hear difference between a 24-bit MP3 and a 16-bit MP3 at 192kbps. Maybe it'd be more apt to suggest raising the max bitrate on OCR to 320kbps instead of VBR1 but even that does not seem necessary as the VBR1 really gets up there in quality -- I've seen my own VBR1s average as high as 271kbps, it depends on the song. I don't think you hear much difference between 192kbps and 320kbps, maybe in some specific or extreme examples. I disagree that we don't need more FF mixes, and I think A FF5 compo to help with further chapters would be a brilliant idea and would love to participate in that. It's never been a matter of "what OCR needs" or even what the community needs as far as any game is concerned, OCR has always accepted remixes from any game or series that is applicable and it's all up to the artists to choose what they want to cover. If that's a whole lot of FF mixes, then they choose it for a reason. The series has some really amazing music. Especially the first three.
  11. I tweeted you a question about vocal collabs :3

    I don't have one ready or even until next year, was just wondering, wasn't trying to put you on the spot ;p

  12. This is me contacting you. I shall maketh it.... NEXT YEAR!!!!! I still have to do our song for ff2. Heh!
  13. Thanks guys it doesn't matter that it was yesterday y'all is still cool yo
  14. I'm not 100% sure but I am pretty sure this is going to be a porno based out of a haunted house. Nobody's really done the whole "horror porno" thing yet. Really exciting!
  15. My mama and papa got me a GTX670 I don't even know if it'll fit in my computer hahaw Went to see parents, grandpa got me some chicken and a bottle of honey, it was amaaazing... pure honey on chicken strips.. that's how you do it. THANKS Everyone!
  16. Thank you, kind men and women of OC ReMix! You, who make this such a great place to be! If anyone needs help choosin tunes for birfday easy listening, here's 5! 1. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02253/ 2. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02463/ 3. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02282/ 4. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02323/ 5. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02495/
  17. Ya'll are brutal. I like it. Will make a new thread for next month's theme. Until then, happy listening! I am sorry I didn't post the songs / voting app here but I'll try to do it next time. I got a little busy and forgot.
  18. Yes indeed, Fernito! I guess you know how to get in touch with him then, eh? :D

    Thanks for birthday wishes, you need to get Facebook!

  19. Hey, a friend did a bloodlines mix. Told him about you he said to show you this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOAkd08xgUI

    The rest is up to you :-o

  20. Thinking of you, ff9 album <3 Saw this. I know it's probably not the place for it, but I liked it and thought it'd be cool to share. Grim black mage!
  21. Thanks! ...? I thought it was clever while not being insulting.
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