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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's freaky that I read your comment and this just happened to be on the page ! NEED MOAR PS- LEMMINGS!
  2. Eh this is a typical choice but it's my go-to theme for winter stuff... And here's a poopy cover I did of it from OHC: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/BrandonS_-_Buried_in_the_Snow(OHC071).mp3
  3. Who you callin' a lamo!? ;-)

    Thanks! hehe

  4. Oh naw oaks, scalpers didn't eat up ALL the pre-orders... but with a lot of people pre-ordering 2 with intentions of selling 1, you gotta figure there's a considerable amount intended for scalps.
  5. There were a lot of scalpers with the Wii... I think a lot more people are probably going to jump at this opportunity.. it makes sense.
  6. I loved MGS2 on the PS2, didn't finish MGS3, or MGS4 (yet). Revengeance looks good. >:]
  7. Você tem o meu voto..... porra babaca!!! That's the only phrase in Portuguese I actually know. PORRA BABACA!!!! Picked it up from a friend on facebook. It was funny.
  8. Lowercase names seem so much more informal. Like "Hey, don't look at me. Don't look at me!" But whatever floats your boat, man. Hope you enjoy the new little E. ~~Brandon Strader, new name commentator 2012
  9. It was greenlit but being distributed outside of steam. Wtf? When I can get it on Steam I'll get it.
  10. Yeah, it's cool that Nintendo is trying to pander to the hardcore audience, but I think it will take more than a few "M-Rated" games and exclusive Bayonetta 2 to get hardcore gamers to actually get interested in the Wii U. There's too much stigma attached to Nintendo and their systems after decades of fun but very casual games, and the Wii shovelware empire.
  11. I don't know, I think the Brandon Strader campaign may differ with the Brushfire campaign on this issue. I never got far in the original Earthbound because it simply wasn't a very well made game. However, if an Earthbound HD came into existence, it would probably be very enjoyable and have the full support of my administration. "Because if it's fresh, it's got to be good!" "Ban ocre in 2012!"
  12. I'm dropping FFX and Blue Dragon on Badass 2 because I took on too much and I still need to do my song for THIS album. I'm hoping to do it next month.
  13. WOW!!!! I didn't know they had this page. I always went to www.wintermadness.net and it looks like that redirects to this new site now. Very fancy, I'm liking it. Thanks for posting the link.
  14. That was a bit callous to say during National Suicide Prevention Week. Ban ocre in 2012.
  15. Totally, I've been anticipating this thing for years! And the samples are amazing, so to wait that long and not be disappointed is a beautiful thing.
  16. Just being brief... sorry! - Lead guitar sounds very fuzzy like the traditional DoD-tone - Cutoff on the lead during the intro isn't too pleasant - As mentioned before, it's very coverish - Finger snaps are loud and dry! - Sequenced bass is too obvious. Try varying the velocities and timing slightly. - Kick lacks punch and is quiet. Gotta be a kickpuncher! - Snare also a bit quiet in comparison to everything. Overheads slightly quiet. Needs personalization to make it a remix and not a straight cover. The mixing is a little plain and needs cleaning up. The drum writing is pretty bad from 0:31 to 0:45. Seems kinda silly. If you want to go for a big sound there, go big... it sounds weak! Keep it up!
  17. Thank you. :-D

    I guess the campaigning for Less BS, More BS has been paying off!

  18. Back. back back. backbackback. Backity back HOOAHH

  19. I love these songs, man! Seeing how many lyrics there are for the next songs is really intimidating though. It's 10pm, I may start soon. I gave up on not screaming at night. No complaints from neighbors.

  20. Greatest band ever, or... greatest band of all time? This is up for discussion. Their first CD came out in 2004 and it was incredible. I was overhead saying shortly after its release and after listening to it days in a row, "This CD is worth living for!" It was TRULY one of the greatest works of musical art of all time. Now they are finally releasing their second CD, "Time I", on October 12th. It has a lot to live up to but will UNDOUBTEDLY be the greatest work of musical art of all time alongside their first CD. If you haven't heard the first CD, you can listen on Spotify. You'll probably be able to hear the second album on there too, eventually. Wintersun is my favorite band, and they SHOULD BE YOURS TOO! They're touring the US and Canada soon! Press Reactions Trailer: "Choir" Recordings: Heidenfest 2012 trailer: US tour details: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/539073_10151148370262402_432033723_n.jpg
  21. Someone asked me "Why?" earlier and I was like "CAUSE SHE NO LONGER HAS A SHADOW ANYMOOOORE!"

    It has invaded my mind! :cry:

  22. So this thing is coming out in a week for real. I'm looking for some co-op! Add me on STEAM if you're interested or send me a visitor message with your steam name. I think mine is brandons
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