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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yay the song passed. :-D

    Now you can release the album. Thanks for waiting. :-D

  2. Official albums. You can do as many non-official albums as you want.
  3. Pwned! Hahaha Maybe the Dj should be co-director of this
  4. Someone could Bob Ross a happy little doggy door and make an OCR Kill switch
  5. The leads DO need re-recorded with some vibrato. Can't just hold out plain notes!
  6. Yo dawg, when are you gonna panel SF2 Murkan Supreme and Downtown Special Seppuku? :-o

    y u no panelle



  8. Acquiring something is the best way to acquire it. Wink. Err I mean,
  9. Hey Legendary Zoltan, if you're looking for work, why not make a balls-heavy ocr-passable mix of these two themes from FF2 for the FF2 album? Revived Emperor Here's the project thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40478 Sorry Mirby, I owe you one Cid-related post in my thread now.
  10. I don't think you should go slicing bass from drums or bassguitar until you get it out of the rhythm guitars. The bass in those is masking everything, there's no way you could possibly mix it out of anything else accurately without doing that first.
  11. Battery 3 is pretty much a glorified sampler, sorta like a drum pad, but digital... It comes with a ton of samples. I don't know for sure if TR-909 is in there but there's so much stuff to choose from, mix and match, and combine samples (like two kicks to make the perfect kick). In the end all that really matters is if you get a good sound. I bet you could emulate some of the big name OCR peoples' drums, like blind or who not, by combining and editing samples in Battery 3. Not exact, but close enough.
  12. Eh I knew it was dead waaay back when I contacted their support and they told me my pledge was cancelled and that "we don't comment on cancelled projects". As soon as the new one pops up I'm looking forward to pledging again. Git-r-done!
  13. I know people who use Reaper and have incredible results with it. Look up BONKERS on OCR or on the FF1 album for example. Alas I have no idea how that DAW works either but in light of that knowledge it seems like the drums could have been a GM Bank of some sort. Probably wouldn't be too hard to switch in a better library and move the midi data to the new channel. Hopefully. Other people will know more about drum samplers, that's really not my area. I'd suggest Battery 3 but that is probably way more expensive than necessary.
  14. Is there really a 4-disc limit? I had never heard this before.
  15. I'm assuming the song in the first post is the latest version. I really liked the introduction up to 0:25. I could definitely tell that the instruments were synthetic, but they were treated well. Nice use of reverb there, and the volume leveling helped set things apart. I would have liked to hear it go on like this, and I've got to be completely honest, I was disappointed to hear it go electro. But what can I say, I'm a dirty folker. The timing on the pad at 0:28 seems odd. The vocal clip is a nice element to increase the tension going on, but it seems like there's something missing here. What you should do is put in some kind of "air raid siren" sound that slowly fades up from a low note to a very high note during this section, and then top it off with a fade-in cymbal leading up to 0:52. I found the section at 0:52 to be really cool. I'd like to hear it with the hihat having a bit more variation in the velocities to make it less of the constant same-note, but don't go overboard here. Make it subtle but noticeable of course, and not just here -- throughout the song. Maybe consider changing the sample. I can tell it's sort of fading in during the break at 1:30 but it still just seems so awkward to me for some reason. Maybe it's a personal thing. It's DEFINITELY too loud and constant at 2:06 though -- that needs some tweaking. Something sounds off at 2:42. I don't know if it's your mega-strong sub bass, but something is sounding disharmonic to my ears there. Sub bass can be tricky and can sound different on different speakers. Look at your waveform at the end -- it has plateaus of blockiness from that bass. It's actually pretty cool to see that on a waveform (haha) but I think I can safely say that means that your sub bass isn't compressed to heck, which is what I personally do with bass. Compress it mega hard, lower it to the acceptable level.. change any difference in volume (like for breakdowns) using automation. It may involve a bit more work, but it keeps the bass consistently strong, and you aren't trying to preserve the dynamics as if it is some kind of clean mandolin performance. I give you permission to squash that track with compression. Also if you have any of the bass frequencies rolled off in the EQ of that sub bass, don't. That's the whole point of the sub bass. I'm noticing some of the low notes in it aren't too audible. I haven't decided whether it's because of my human ears not hearing it or because it's not there. Let me know what's up. Gotta say, I am digging the track and I'm excited to hear where you go with it. Nice work.
  16. Hi. I'm here to share some of my thoughts on your WIP at your behest. I hope you do not get disappointed or discouraged with the information I am about to share. The workshop is DEFINITELY where you need to be now, as there is definitely potential in your work but you have a long way to go before you should consider submitting to OC ReMix. Don't get discouraged, just keep honing your skills! The drum samples are not high enough quality, they almost seem like MIDI, and you have a lot of clapping going on at 1:17 which is quite strange. I could see it working if the beat was a lot stronger, but the kick lacks punch and is more of a sub kick -- the drum set as a whole sounds a lot more tailored to rap where this kind of kit sound is more common. (Yeah, take THAT rap scene, you and your midi kits!) If you're using FL Studio, it's easy to download and replace sounds. I personally do not collect or distribute samples, but I know there are electronic musicians at OCR who are open to it. Your string sample is too dry and upfront, if you added some reverb and panned it away from center, perhaps even lower the volume a bit, it'd sound better. The square-ish bass is good but you have it panned slightly left and the bass frequencies seem to be lacking. I won't tell you it's WRONG to pan it like that, but it's more common to pan bass center for this style. I do like hearing the chippy sounds but I don't think everything is panned, EQ'd, and sporting proper reverb at the moment. Some of the elements are hard to make out as a result. Please keep it up and due to posting I'm now subscribed to this thread, so I'll be glad to check out future WIPs. I probably won't check one out if you post it tomorrow, but put some real time into the WIP and get it sounding considerably different and I'll take a look. Thank you.
  17. Too much low in the guitars... try rolling off the low shelf a bit around 200hz. The drums have no velocity variation or humanization and that hihat almost sounds like a techno hihat. Maybe you could get some help with the drums / samples for the project. Keep it up! Also I think Bahamut was suggesting quadruple tracking, not just double tracking. But I don't think you'll need to do that if you just EQ the rhythm tracks properly.
  18. Maybe in light of how much money can be expected (if you still expect to hit that level), physical copy could come with a $25 donation? I see this passing 80k easily, especially if given the full 30 days
  19. Studies have shown that people can be fooled simply by titles... Like they served Pizza Hut pasta in a fancy restaurant but made it up to sound fancy and such, and the people loved it... then they served the fancy pasta and said it was Pizza Hut and people were like "Well you can tell it's not the high quality stuff, but for Pizza Hut, it's ok." And they were FOOLED! Or when they put an organic banana next to a regular banana, people claimed that the organic banana tasted better even though in the testing, they only used 2 regular bananas: there was no organic banana. I can definitely hear the difference between 128kbps and 192kbps but beyond that, nope. But it still feels good knowing that the best possible quality of your song is uploaded to OCR (without being a wav of course) so that's why I recommend VBR1 instead of 192kbps.
  20. This thing was more or less rubbed out by the official ff6 project
  21. Yeah, the little circular earth thing means it's a public post. They should have had Brevik's team on board to develop this game. As it is, it seems like a game that was made in a year (not and now they're rolling out a bunch of updates to make it more like Diablo 2.
  22. Well there WAS this, at least: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=877788&postcount=1308
  23. Amphibious is the essence of wetness, and wetness.... is the essence of beauty!

  24. Yeah I know, I said "Just like there are things judges do that don't involve judging" They could use some volunteers too.
  25. Yeah it'd be cool to see this hosted on literally ANY other project funding site, but Kickstarter might be the most recognized one publicly now (over say, indiegogo) and as much as I personally am not particularly fond of Kickstarter now, that's probably the site that will give the new project maximum visibility. Plus, they'll hopefully remember that OCR is legally allowed to host this and won't just MAGICALLY deleted the project one day. But you never know. So I'd be hesitant to work with them again. Any site that has a "shoot first, allow no questions" system is not good in my book.
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