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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. If you edit your post and go advanced, you can change the title

  2. If you ever have a spot of time to talk, and Skype, that'd be ideal, let me know.

  3. If you get 3.6k visiters to this page per day, you're the most famous person ever to grace OCR

  4. If you see this, send the search party ASAP to the location marked on your PDA.

  5. If you wanna repanel that thang (dreams of death), go ahead! But you best be puttin yer yes vote on it! :-)

  6. If you're interested in doing a Teen Agent remix, or even if you're not and would like to do me a favor, please let me know. I don't know why you'd want to do me a favor, but you know, pay it forward, haha. Peace

  7. In Beatrix vs. Kain, and Lenna vs. Locke, you need to vote for one of the competitors

  8. In the Zig recordings, when you said "he's going to get 30 seconds of dialogue out of a 7 minute recording"... it was actually 23 seconds. :-D

  9. Irvine is awesome. And as your avatar it seems fitting, at least I think that's Irvine.. Hmm. Good choice anyway. :-) Yeah, posting is fun, and MAGfest 10 will be fun if you do decide to go.

  10. is "congratulations you won" from mahjong or something

  11. Is each artist gonna have their own page on the site? That'd be cool, we could put their bio, a picture of them, links to their song and maybe website.. forum profile..etc.. :-o

  12. Is that online somewhere to be read? :-D

  13. Is there a limit to how many songs can be on an album or how short? Like could it be 5 songs ~ 30 minutes? Are they going to not allow like, smaller album?

  14. Is there a width limitation on sigs?

  15. It depends on the song. I prefer to know something well enough that I can create it swiftly, without thinking, but that involves some pondering in advance.

  16. It didn't take that long to upload, I just forgot to pm you the link.

    TWO D--wait ONE DAY!!!!

  17. It seems like that project has gone on hiatus, and I haven't even talked to Emunator for like 3 months. It seems like he has left the community as far as I can tell. It kinda sucks because Emu, halc, and Willrock were OCR's answer to inactive judges and now they're all more or less inactive, haha.


    What's the title of it ,and the title of your other one? Just so I get them right. Put the title in "quotes" so I get the full thing properly! DO EEET!!!!

    Also: I WUB YAAA that was amazing

    Also: amagad

  19. It'd be best to talk to you about what you're expecting anyway, and share some of my ideas, see if you blow them out of the water.

  20. It's a great song but you wouldn't even vote for it against an unfinished one. PFFT. Your credibility has been dealt a fatal bloooooowww!

    Also Sir Jordanius for some reason wanted me to share this with you: "please let supx and emunator know that i haven't had internet access on a pc all week because i spent the first half of it at a family funeral in miami and the latter half (into tuesday of this week) in st. louis helping my brother move into his new home. so i'm sorry for missing the last szrc and the zelda Oot online meeting. peace, jordan."

  21. It's a modern concept because it didn't matter in ancient times, nobody cared, including women. Most women don't care today.

  22. It's a Watchman gig at a few "construction" type locations, might end up working a lot of night shifts. Hope I don't meet too many "fun" people :-P Hehe

  23. It's an honor dude! :-)

  24. It's bettah cause it's bettah

    Now I gotta make a third one

  25. It's definitely fine! Thanks for the update. You could even post an mp3 in the Workshop forums if you want. I might post some notes there later, when there wouldn't be any conflict. As for the WAV, I'll grab it when I get home from work in a few hours. Thank you!

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