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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Someone is going to quote this some day, even if it's before the release of Kingdom Hearts 4... These people are old, it's gonna happen eventually, releasing the games so damn slow doesn't help any either
  2. most of the time i'm just spacing out. doing absolutely nothing, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i bet since i started working here i haven't done a single day of real, actual work

  3. That is awesome and possible and I haven't seen that yet in the trailer but I'm gonna look. For that matter nobody shared the trailer yet. Here it is! I can see the Calendar but how are they getting December 2016 from that? Also who is Eraqus? Haha.
  4. The game might be farther along than most people expected! http://www.gamesradar.com/nomura-kingdom-hearts-3s-basic-foundation-close-complete/ It's about as far as I expected based on some evidence... such as the presence of English voice over and actual lip syncing. Then again, that could have just specifically been made for the E3 trailer. I think it would be reasonable to see this maybe by 2017, maybe sooner. FF15 might come out first.
  5. It was an amazing conference substance-wise but I found it to be a little less memorable and exciting than last E3. Which is weird, this may have been one of the best E3 conferences of all time, really giving gamers exactly what they have wanted. Square-Enix's conference was a joke, just showing stuff they've already shown, or dumb properties like tomb raider, hitman, and just cause 3... But they announced NIER 2!!!! So I can't be too mad at them even though they're really inept
  6. http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2015/06/18/things-will-change-final-fantasy-vii-remake-battle-system-changes-likely/ The battle system change is confirmed Yeah he's right, it WOULD be weird if they lined up like that in a remake / sequel / prequel whatever this ends up being
  7. Honestly I wouldn't mind the turn-based battle system, it worked for Blue Dragon, it's a good system tried and true, but if they choose to go action instead I'm sure it will be good
  8. The biggest announcement from Square-Enix's conference Pronounced: Near Otta Motta One of my favorite games last gen, I knew what this was going to be as soon as the visuals came in! Visuals. And the amazing music.
  9. You're leaving for 2 months? Where you going, Transylvania?
  10. Anything is edible if you eat it. Words to live by.
  11. I think gamers are too entitled with their opinions about how Square-Enix should do FF7....... ultimately I hope Square ignores ALL of them and does what they feel is right with THEIR project. But it would be great if they rebuilt the bridge with Uematsu, if he did FF7 remake, and they had good relations to bring him back on future FF games, that would just be swell.
  12. Star Ocean 5! I've wanted this for longer than I can even remember..... well probably since I finished Star Ocean 4
  13. What is consensus? A miserable little pile of opinions
  14. Final Fantasy XIII games were great and underrated. And it's very likely the success of them helped to inspire the decision to make a FF7 remake. Because I recall Square said they're not going to make a FF7 remake until they make a FF that matches the success of FF7 and I believe they did so with FF13. Besides... ok, so you don't like Vanille, and you don't like the hallways. The graphics, gameplay, music, and story still knocks it out of the park... even if you don't like the game you should be able to see that in whole or part.
  15. The best thing about the remake is that a lot of scenes could be replaced with cutscenes, there'd really no reason to make them playable. For example the "memory" in the hotel when you arrive at Kalm once leaving Midgar. Hell, it could even be truncated. And long scenes of nothing but dialogue, instead of just clicking through numerous blue boxes will be some silky smooooth voice over. When people remember FF7 with their nostalgia goggles they forget a large portion of the game is just people standing still and talking. It'll be interesting to see how much of the dialogue they voice and how much still comes up in text boxes, though. It could be streamlined and more efficient! The story could ACTUALLY be so much more engaging! It could come out before 2020!
  16. A singular composer would be ideal for the sake of cohesion and quality between the entire soundtrack. LIKE I SAID NO HATE. We can agree to disagree I could see myself doing Interrupted by Fireworks, but only because I think I have the ability to perform it in a way that is true to the original, which is what would be the most important thing, and how the FFX remastered soundtrack kinda dropped the ball a little (apart from the awful mastering) Just as an aside the differences between each artist and their variety is one of the things I like most about OCR, the community's ability to not make a bunch of songs that sound the same is a good thing
  17. Noooo... they should get Nobuo Uematsu, or some other composer. No hate on OCR but it's not at that level
  18. OK, no, this is another Hideo Kojima troll ..... there's no way The Last Guardian FF7 Remake, Shenmue 3...... nope...
  19. Don't trust any site unless they list a source, which this one didn't. They simply said "Our site 'learnt' something" It was just featured in the SONY PRESS CONFERENCE! So it's real
  20. We know it's still in production, but will it appear at E3 this year?
  21. Final Fantasy II: Rebellion is out! And it is good, listen to it! Now the time has come to buckle down and finish the FINAL CHAPTER of our trilogy... Here's some words of inspiration for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuHfVn_cfHU
  22. Nobody has said anything & I haven't had the chance to play it myself so I haven't said anything, but for the sake of updating anyone who doesn't know, there was a considerable FF15 demo patch that went live recently.. among other things, it: - Improved the battle system - Added sidequests with the characters - Added a new "mega boss" that is difficult to kill.
  23. Hi. What's the policy for E3 2015 this year? Was wondering if you guys would switch things up a bit and make a stickied E3 2015 Megathread, at least while the event is going on, then unsticky it, or if the policy this year is to make many separate game-specific threads?

    1. DarkeSword


      Game specific threads, as always.

  24. I agree with that, but I wonder if it was done on purpose or a result of the iffy mixing / mastering. Granted not all "rock" mixes need to be mixed with high energy and impact, but I personally would have dug it more with a more balanced mix. It's an awesome arrangement though and it's cool to finally see a vocal mix posted on youtube not get absolutely slaughtered.
  25. Quota of positive votes per day... is that really necessary?? I just got on today and it says I'm at my quota, I couldn't even like ONE post... I must have done some liking after midnight is the only explanation I can think of.
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