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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I love the game, I'm in NG+ but mainly working on chalice dungeons right now. I disagree that bosses are too hard for 1 person, only a few of them seemed that way to me -- mainly Rom the Vacuous Spider, Martyr Logarius and Ebreitas. I played a tiny bit of Demon Souls, a tiny bit of Dark Souls, and almost to the end of Dark Souls 2... I'd still call myself casual in terms of the Souls series. Bloodborne is harder but only until you get used to how the action works, or as Souls players put it, git gud. Same could be said of Dark Souls, oh this game is easy! Because I am now aware of how the parry/dodging works and can take advantage of that. I have a friend who sold Bloodborne to someone for $30 after getting past the first boss. Another friend who has been playing a few days and hasn't even gotten to the Cleric Beast yet. It's not even that huge of a learning curve, that doesn't mean the game is easy or really hard, it's just different from other games. People complain about the areas being a maze but I found them to be really linear, and there's at least 2 shortcuts you can open in each area. The most maze-like area is the Forbidden Woods which is a huge pain in the butt, I don't like going there, mostly because I'm not a huge fan of every enemy being either a pile of snakes, a giant pile of snakes, or a man who goes crazy and has snakes shoot out of his head. Being sucked in this game is the worst especially if it's a Brainsucker. They take 2 insight and do considerable damage when they latch on. Also the Brain Trust are nasty and look like the aliens from Mars Attacks. I like Mother Brain a lot though. If it seems ridiculously easy with 2 people then you can probably do it alone. Least favorite location is Nightmare Frontier because of all the poison water everywhere. Already want the Bloodborne DLC! Need more! Surprised nobody made a thread too seemed like last time I heard people talk about the game here they were still calling it Project Beast
  2. Is it really cool to have a name that breaks down into stuff...? I think I'll give it a try Bra (type of women's clothing) n (solve for x) don (common name, or name of a mob boss) Str (strength stat from RPGs) Ad (advertisement, or ads like how you have a lot of ads surrounding a boss) Er (where people end up when they mess wit da BES) Or imagine Ness from Earthbound as a pig you'll be in the ballpark
  3. What's in a username? A miserable little pile of letters. But enough talk.
  4. Happy Easter! In honor of the holiday, there will be a 3 day extension. ONLY 3 DAYS. Enjoy the holiday and gather some inspiration from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to rise from your remixing graves in 3 days. The people who are on call to produce WIPs in 3 days: DjjD djpretzel Sir Jordanius WillRock
  5. Alright, interesting situation here. The plan was to purge claims with no WIPs at this deadline. However, I've heard from most of the remixers, and they seem confident with their claims. So at this time nothing is going to get dropped, unless someone somehow produces an awesome finished mix for one of these claimed songs that haven't had any progress. Unlikely So I'm bumping the next date to May 15th, however I will be expecting to see some progress by that point. And with any luck, maybe we'll even see FF2 on the front page. Or at least murmurings of it. It's fallen on me to do data entry for the site, but unlike last time, I'm having trouble making heads or tails of it a little bit. Been a bit under the weather. A big thanks to everyone for their hard work to make this such an awesome album. Yeah, I'm saying the album is already awesome, because it is. There's a disc worth of finished songs that are shweet, and a boatload of refined, enjoyable WIPs as well. Let's do this!
  6. Instead of picking something boring and expected I'm going with this, Dad raised me on this type of music as a kid, so it has a nice nostalgic sound to me, and it also still stands as a pillar of greatness I know I'll never reach musically. Shredding with distortion is fine but throw in some clean tone shredding then you got wins.
  7. Seconded! I didn't even know it had passed, this is very awesome, nice work Avaris! Dig it as much now as I did then!
  8. I think the prog rock and symphonic metal tags are broken they are empty
  9. Uhhhh... sure! Is that an OCR thing or an official album thing? ;-)

  10. Almost a week until y'all get cut for not turning in WIPs. Unless you got super good excuses!
  11. Nice find here Chernabogue. I'm interested to see if OCR would pursue the removal of stuff from there. The site is foreign and copyright law is different in foreign countries than it is in the US, but it's also hosted on blogspot, who probably have their own standards when it comes to copyright.. it's likely OCR could request, via blogspot, the removal of stolen content. Then again, to make a copyright claim, OCR would possibly need to prove ownership of the copyright. I don't know how it works to be honest, it seems more like a claim that Capcom and Square-Enix would have to make (Mega Man and Chrono copyright owners) Like I said, I don't know how it works, but it would be cool to see how this would be handled, if it is going to be handled.
  12. Another awesome mix... always something good coming from Redg No complaints.
  13. Ff7 had way makers, the giant white glove that told you where to go whenever you were in a town
  14. Hey Begoma! Sorry for the delayed response.... You could take a stab at it! What do you have in mind for the song? Maybe you could weasel Tuberz in there too since he wanted to do a mega collab of sorts on it? Or not it's your call.......... what's the idea?
  15. It's so long ago it's hard to say but i ALWAYS point to this mix : http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00690
  16. Unacceptable! Heard the WIP and it's pretty good, needs more substantial personalization, but it'll be solid for THIS wip date!
  17. Dang, that was awesome. Did you make the piano mono or did I export it like that? :3 It's been so long I honestly don't remember. I really like this version, takes a different approach than what I've heard. Digging the increased reverb, and the vocals even sounded pretty good the way they were treated here, a bit high in the mix maybe. From reading your text I was expecting the drums to be muted completely. I like the balance, it's pretty interesting.
  18. Dude, that's a good idea. I wanted to try to kill it without the summon but meh. I'll grind a bit, I wanna hit level 100 or whatever the cap is with all my dudes. I have a feeling it's gonna be super easy to hit the cap in this game if it's that low especially with the dudes already being at level 25 now. Too bad you can't learn new techniques in the demo. :/
  19. Has anyone played the demo yet? Here's me killing the Behemoth with the Ramuh summon: http://www.twitch.tv/bstrader/b/638401959 I dunno how it 1-shotted me 2 minutes in, maybe it was scripted that way to make me summon Ramuh, since that's how you are supposed to kill the Behemoth, but whatever.. I had full health too... warp striked from a safe area and just got 1-shotted..
  20. Congratulations to timaeus whose FFCC song got posted to OCR today! With those 2 being posted, now there's no mixposts for the eventual someday album!
  21. I like the idea of pointing out remixers from youtube and other places, and maybe guiding them to OCR, but I think it'd be more effective to put it into a master thread, sorta like the Kickstarter Central one. I don't think we should just brush these people aside because they didn't come here themselves. Remember, that Bubble Bobble mix was found by someone making a thread just like this, and was a direct post within a few days.
  22. MID-MONTH WARMINDER!! If you don't make a WIP by April 5th, your claim WILL be terminated! Warminder: a warning and a reminder, courtesy of Mr. Strongarm.
  23. My definition of an RPG is a game in which you play a role..... now I realize that's pretty liberal and would make many games an RPG that some might not consider to be one. But that's so much less confusing for me, anyway. For example Excitebike is an Action RPG because you take on the role of an exciting biker. What if they released a Final Fantasy where you didn't gain any experience or level anything up, but everything else was exactly the same? Would it not be an RPG? In my opinion whether something is an RPG isn't limited to whether it has experience systems... Is Candy Crush an RPG because you gain score to level up and unlock new levels?
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