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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. There's issues with sequenced parts sounding very mechanical throughout the entire song, but notably the exposed synths in the intro, and the piano later on. Some humanization would have been nice both with the velocity of notes and the timing of them. The transition at 1:54 was breakneck poor quality. The guitar leads are loud, but the rhythm guitars are a bit too low and indistinct. Personally would have loved to hear this tighter and more refined, but it's not bad.
  2. You're just talking to the wrong guy, I'd read a couple paragraphs about your favorite weapons and why. o_O I'm using Ludwig's Holy Blade +10 and Blade of Mercy +9, I need to find another Blood Rock to finish them off, but then I thought maybe it would be better to level up a DIFFERENT weapon and use the Blood Rock on that... like maybe the Reiterspallach or something, which I've never even used before. Or the Beast Claw.
  3. I have now 3 friends who sold / are selling Bloodborne.. one friend sold it to a friend for $30 then he sold it for $35... LOL.. made money on that deal. But if any of you are low level trying to start out the game and getting wrecked, I have a level 17 I made specifically for helping. Just get your 1 insight from finding the Cleric Beast boss.. if you don't survive, you'll be at Hunter's Dream, and pick up the Beckoning Bell there. DON'T RING IT until you get a password put in and you have me or someone there to help you. (No password for randoms, password if you want me to help) It took me an hour to beat the first 2 bosses and collect enough insight (over 10) to buy all the various bells and whistles to be able to help through co-op. Let me know if anyone wants that help for the early game. Otherwise my main is around level 130 and is in new game plus, at the beginning (Old Yharnam) ______ For those worried about Insight not being a renewable resource... well it is. Once you get your weapon leveled up a bit, you can run the low level chalice over and over, each boss will give you around 2 Insight, or something. Higher level people are stuck running through the game with 99 insight and we can just buy chalice materials or whatever from the insight bath to drop some of it.. but you get it super fast when you run chalices and help people kill bosses with your little bell.
  4. You guys need to do a hardcore gangsta jazz rap remix called 2016 AD and have it be about all the troubles of modern day
  5. Final Fantasy Type-0 has the worst camera I've ever used in a video game, but it's $39.99 on Amazon right now... so watch some gameplay videos and see if the camera movement won't make you sick, and grab it while that FF15 demo is still available...
  6. I never bought a Vita game, but I got a ton of them for free through PS+ including Dragon's Crown, you gotta just grab the free games per month when they're available.. a lot of them have crossplay Vita/PS3/PS4 so you get a lot of good games, not to mention you can do remote play with your PS4 and play your PS4 games on the Vita too.... mine came with Walking Dead and I think Uncharted + Sly Cooper when I bought it... never really needed to buy a game for the vita.. but I've heard Persona and Gravity Rush is good but there's rumors both games are getting either new sequels or remakes (Gravity Rush) on the PS4
  7. My backlog is crazy including a lot of the games he mentioned plus AC Unity, Black Flag, Lords of the Fallen, Dragon age... Never even got alien isolation but heard it is great. Get PS+ and just trying out the handful of free games you get per month
  8. Dang, beefing up the hardware for a site I never even had any issues with loading quickly, it's going to load faster than a laundromat
  9. All of the avatars are going to be pictures of Nicolas Cage
  10. Rom the Vacuous Spider, is a hairy sack of crap. He's dang easy to beat on your own, it's just the minion spiders that are the problem. Their airborne dive can nearly kill you in 1 hit, for sure they kill beckoned co-op partners in 1 hit because they have half health. But ACO is right, ring that beckoning bell for some help, and play conservatively, cause if you die you both get taken out. If your co-op partner dies then you still have a chance to win if you go ham.
  11. Gotta use them invincibility frames BRO. Gotta dodge at the right time, not too early, not too late. If you're standing a mile back and running in, you're doing it wrong. I'm fighting the lava dog now in the defiled chalice and I dodge towards it, not away from it, and start stabbing its legs. I've actually done a perfect dodge but got hit by the lava dog's head. It doesn't damage me but it pushes me a mile away from where I was trying to dodge to. Someone beat the game at level 4 waste of skin with the threaded cane
  12. Shaggy Dog and Shaggy Dog 2? Stand behind them and stab their hind legs. For Shaggy Dog 1 bring some antidotes for the poison. Blood starved beast is much more annoying in the chalice dungeon. By the time you get there (if you even do the chalices) you'll laugh at how much you needed to git gud in the past
  13. I'm in the crazy club of people who own high end headphones, but I don't even really use them that often... to be fair though, I've only made 1 song this year. I would recommend instead to get audio systems you're accustomed to, over years of experience with them or at least a year or two, and stick with them. I've been using the same wireless headphones for 5 years. I know how they sound, I know how they color audio and which frequencies in them are weak or non-present, like I know the right speaker doesn't play 2500hz. It's more important to be intimately familiar with something than to just buy super expensive headphones and think they will change everything for you and your music, because it really doesn't work that way. Though to be fair you can become intimately familiar with high end headphones and how they produce sound too. Just don't expect them to be the miracle cure right out of the box. A lot of mixes I have on OCR were written, mixed and mastered using $5 headphones. My wireless ones were $60 five years ago and I have the AKG Q 701 were $200 Note that all prices are higher than they were at time of purchase
  14. I liked Star Ocean 4 a LOT, probably more than SO3 which I never finished... it makes me sad when people speak ill of SO4. It also makes me sad that SO5 is inspired by SO3 somewhat. But I am overjoyed that there is a new Star Ocean coming, I've wanted this for so long.
  15. Daaang dude, how many projects are you trying to run at the same time? o.O I'll look into the Northwest Majors source lists and see if I can come up with anything tomorrow. Does this stuff need to be upbeat and energetic like fighting music or is it more open to other styles?
  16. For whatever reason making money from your music is the most evil thing ever. If your goal is to make any kind of income from your music and be able to afford dinner for more than 1 day then you are doing music for the wrong reasons, dude! At least that's what most people tell me. On a serious note, I think making 2 names will just dilute your brand. Your audience isn't big enough to justify 2 names yet. Try just getting a lot more fans for 1 name. Maybe for every 1 guy that doesn't like it you will find 6 who do.
  17. Boop.. I think I told you today, well things went south a bit, didn't get much privacy.. maybe tomorrow, I'm hopeful! Sorry for getting your hopes up man

  18. Integrity, what Square-Enix hopes to regain; faithlessness, what Square-Enix hopes fans can overcome Just kidding! But they did dang flipping announce another game that's only 30% done. They never learned from their mistakes of announcing games 5 years too early.
  19. That's pretty awesome, we'll get PNG forum avatars.. will they show on our posts? Do they have to be gaming related or can they be from movies or "selfies" as the kids call it.
  20. He just misspelled Netflix and hasn't lived it down since
  21. I got invaded constantly when I entered Nightmare Frontier and then Mergo's Loft: Middle also, it was awesome. Just make sure you don't kill the bell ringing woman there, cause it removes her permanently and you don't want that.
  22. Lol what kind of band are you putting together, I hope it's mostly MIDI orchestral hit and one of those $100 guitars you get at walmart in a box And why does Aubrey gotta play the 4 string?? You better mean banjo and not the bass! That's a bad stereotype!
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