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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. How come I have 3 and most users have 2?
  2. Oh yah, sure, I can master the whole thing.. no problem.. what does it pay? But really, loudness levels depend on the quality of recording and sounds used as much as anything, everyone's perceived volume will sound different even if it's all consistently hamstered.
  3. Stress level over 9000

  4. Zoltan's song for this is amazing, and the mixing and mastering is so good.
  5. You mad about post space and here I am zoomed in so I can actually read them
  6. Something I just found out that probably not too many folks will notice is that the color data from the previous forum is gone, such as for project threads and the Judge Decision thread.. Those colors have to be added back manually from the color palette thingy.... but at least it's easier.
  7. I blame the forum update for having missed this reply. Yes, you can have that claim! I usually just leave a claim black until the following WIP date when something is claimed during a period.. so the NEXT wip date after May 15th is the one I'd worry about, when your claim will either go red or blue for missed or met deadline. Sorry for the late response and thank you for your claim!
  8. In 1 week, the zombies are coming. You better plant the seeds of music if you want to survive.
  9. I like the graphics, the movement can still be refined a bit, and the music sounds pretty dated quality-wise... but this game should be awesome when it's done I would get it on PS4.. not many games like Knack and this being made these days.
  10. It was a super long time ago at Mount Vernon University, my sister went to that college. We went to visit because they were hosting a full performance of Messiah with a small orchestra and an opera singer. It was a really good performance apart from the trumpet player who often had trouble getting a full tone. And that's how I got my Handel
  11. Have loved Adagio for over 10 years... where did they go?!? Sanctus Ignis and Underworld are amazing. And Archangels in Black got a lot of plays too For some fun here's some 2spooky4me
  12. Carcass started the whole 5150 thing with guitar tones for death metal, on the Heartwork album... they're a big reason why I have a 6505 right now.
  13. I was totally gonna change my forum name to bestrader and be like woahhh we can change our own names now this is awesome, but like many I don't have permission Maybe they take away permission to change your name when you become a King of OCR
  14. Apparently there's a quota for how many likes you can give in a day. And I used them all on this thread. What is this, a like dictatorship? Anyway I've listened to this album SO MANY TIMES I have to morally buy it one of these days, to be fair to them.
  15. I've been waiting for youtube embeds on this site since 2005
  16. Why were the messages we deleted from way back get saved? Over the last several years? How/why were those messages saved instead of deleted? Also how come we're getting messages now from the past that never went through? I really don't understand that -- they didn't reach their destination until now, what kept them from going through? But despite that they were saved
  17. When you click User CP it goes to My Settings isn't there something more suitable as a CP.. maybe My Content.. I don't know.. ain't nobody got time for that!

  18. Wow, you can hover over people's names now and it shows their Facebook status!

  19. Profile Feed is the new Visitor Comment but more like Facebook status sort of? Except... it just posts a visitor comment to your own profile I think.. and that doesnt really go into a "main feed" like Facebook would have... *too old for this lol*

    1. DarkeSword


      It's going to be different from FB and vB. Just gotta get used to it.

  20. Wooow... I have a warning point from 2013 for insulting someone while talking about the PS4, and I have never been able to read that until the new forum.... Now I look like some kind of forum criminal cause I got a warning point and everyone else has like 500 facebook likes, reinstagrams and twitter gold. How do I find the artist profile link? I use that ALL the time to listen to peoples' music when I click on their link and see their mixes
  21. where's user cp

    1. DarkeSword
    2. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      i saw username change requests has been closed but i cant find at all where to actually adjust that setting.... i see display name history but no button in there

  22. Note: this forum software has a mobile version Finally! Complaint: all the PMS I deleted are back. I don't want them & this is some NSA level BS
  23. I sorta did. Here's the *shortened* sequence of events: 1. Encounter boss 2. Get butt kicked, hate game 3. Beat boss 4. Love game again I regret letting the Chalices tarnish my love for this game. I saw a news story that FROM employees can't even make progress in New Game +.... so I doubt they finished the chalices. I got the platinum trophy earlier... need a bit of a vacation from the game now... that was an intense ride. I'll be ready for the DLCs.
  24. I hit the wall.. I passed the threshold of love into hate and found the part of the game that makes me not like it. It's Amygdala in the Defiled Chalice. Forget the artificial difficulty where you have 50% HP and Amygdala kills you in 1 hit from most attacks... but he has too many attacks to try to memorize, too many arms and patterns to even know which attack he's doing, and the attacks are so generic you can't tell them apart. It crossed the barrier from skill into luck (in the previous fight to be honest, Lava Dog was mostly luck rather than skill) And that's the major buzzkill of this game for me...
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