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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I started doing what I needed and got better at it with time, never really practiced as much as just recording stuff and thinking it was great then having it actually be somewhat good eventually. It's nice to think something is great when you're starting out even if it sucks donkey udders
  2. There's a special place for stragglers, right next to the mashed potatos! Make your WIPs or you'll be mince-meat!!
  3. I'll either be sleeping when it launches or at work (like I am now!) but I'm super excited for the launch too. It took so much dedication from so many people to get this album done (some people worked on their songs for months, or even over a year, of actual working, not just sitting on it and coming back to it later) and I think it shows. So lucky to have been involved with so many talented people.. enjoy the album tomorrow folks
  4. The Order 1886 is probably the best looking video game of all time... but I too am excited to see how Final Fantasy XV changes the face of gaming when it finally comes out I think they're skipping E3 to give more FF15 news at Gamescom...
  5. WHY does Titanfall make me think of that 007 movie? Gah. This mix rocks pretty hard but it has a lot of flaws.. the biggest problem being that the rhythm guitars are so loud they overpower everything. Those toms need some humanizing, and are also really dry, which lets the quality of the sample shine through in a bad way. The snare is almost inaudible beneath the louder kick and cymbals. Drum levels all around are a bit odd, even the hat is a bit hard to hear, but again, it could be due to how loud the rhythms are. They really mask most of the detail in this mix. You could have gotten so much more volume and even bass presence with a more balanced mix. Please! Take some of this advice into consideration for future mixes, even if OCR does give it the DP treatment. Once you're above the OCR bar, the only way is up -- that's not the end of the journey and your production can go to new heights.
  6. There's been rumors that a expansion is coming for Bloodborne, should be announced at E3... this is really exciting, for people like me.. who haven't managed to touch the game again since getting that plat and finishing all the stuff.. not particularly interested in PVP. I'm excited to see where the new DLC goes. It won't continue the story will it from where the game ends, but will be placed somewhere in the world... There's also rumors Dark Souls 3 may be announced...... and Fallout 4... exciting times to be a gamer!
  7. A just-published review of the album! http://carelessgamer.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/album-review-oc-remixs-final-fantasy-2.html It doesn't give too much away.
  8. Interesting theme, it's going to be Hat and XPRTNovice month.... lets see if the very limited theme pays off.
  9. I finally got a real actual gaming achievement earlier this year... I beat Bloodborne and got the platinum trophy (all trophies). And many of the bosses that give people problems (like Darkbeast Paarl) I killed on my first try Then I had to kill many of them again in the chalice dungeons, the real test of whether you got gud...
  10. If y'all want it out sooner we still have time to make it an all metal album
  11. 17 reports? Sounds like some kind of vendetta. Not to mention it's a Sonic remix and the fanbase for that.. well... Anwyay, what song even was it? I don't see any real justification for the flagging so I'm gonna go with someone has it out for you. Try reuploading the vid on your lyric channel.
  12. Saw these guys live! TWICE! They've come a long way and will continue to get better and better Knight of the Round had a good spot on FF1 album; it is great that they're here as an opening act to the Rebellion. This song is great and brings the crunchy guitars we love from KotR but also a cool clean guitar section at 2:29 that breathes life into the atmosphere at 2:51... reminds me a lot of Meshuggah, which is a good thing. Very Catch-33 vibe from that part.
  13. I've seen your beautiful, flowing mane; the beauty sleep is justified... but for the rest of us ugly motherfathers, it's time to rock! We've LIVE!! http://www.8bitx.com/ It's over It was a fun few hours, thanks to Will at 8bitx!
  14. Greetings! Please join us for a splendiferous night of fun while we listen to and talk about Rebellion on the 8bitx radio. The show will begin at 9PM EST Enjoy some great music and embiggen your appreciation for the Final Fantasy 2 soundtrack!
  15. It's a ruse that has a EPIC LISTENING PARTY planned for 9PM EST on www.8bitx.com !! I'm looking for a co-host! We can have multiple co-hosts! (It'll be on Skype!)
  16. My dad used to buy a certain model of Sansa mp3 players which are basically the greatest MP3 player ever created. The sad thing is that now, that particular model is rare and so valuable that you might get stuck paying a lot for one. They have newer models, like on Amazon, and some of them aren't TOO pricy. I don't know if they take Micro SD though. Only thing I know that takes micro SD and plays mp3 is smartphone.
  17. Clear, irrefutable evidence that this is a real thing!
  18. YOU PEOPLE!! I know nobody's posted cause they're too busy with the DLC. House of Wolves is amazing. There's never been a better time to join the OCR clan, either on PS4 or on Xbox One. We need representation for both. I ran Prison of Elders level 28 with Dyne last night. Even without a treasure key, it's worth doing. I got House of Judgement rep, 2 motes of light, and a Royal Amethyst which is redeemable for 5,000 glimmer. Had to work all weekend so I only had 1 chance to get the flawless Trials passage. We went 5 wins then got a loss, it sucked.. then we disbanded out of sadness. But that's all it takes to get the chestpiece with 42 (max) light level. But I missed out on the other rewards and the Lighthouse. No Queen's Cypher exotic bounty for me, either. Maybe others were more lucky. We've got a new clan member, Dstillma, he's pretty much the Australian version of me, so watch out for him. He's really loud and offensive. In conclusion...... WE NEED TO COORDINATE. If you get a regular exotic bounty, make sure you grab A Light in the Dark. It's tough, but do it so you can get Thorn. We all need Crucible training, myself included, to be competitive in the Trials of Osiris... it's the hardest pvp experience. People will be around to help with the bounty, but you're on your own with the Void kills in Crucible part. Learn to play defensively. Try dropping the shotgun and practice with a sniper. I gotta do that too. But for Thorn bounty, definitely use a shotgun if you're good with it. Paired with Word of Crota void primary, and Truth (if you have it), the bounty shouldn't be too hard. Not sure what to say apart from I've barely even scratched the surface of this DLC, there's SO MUCH STUFF. And I only killed Skolas once. If anyone's having trouble figuring out how to join the clan please ask me. If anyone's looking for groups for Trials please post here. I used the forum calendar for the DLC launch but we may coordinate PVP weekends in the future, or specific days for Clan PoE, open to suggestions for events and such.
  19. Was licensed through loudr in 2014. I don't know ALL the details since i was just studio monkey for the production and not a member of the band who dealt with the stuff. But the long and short of it is, now's the best time to buy this, or at the very least listen to it, while you can.
  20. https://carelessjuja.bandcamp.com/album/legend-of-the-boar-knight Go now, listen, buy, get physical CD... very limited stock of the physical. Much appreciated. So the music was licensed and released on this album, then for whatever reason Nintendo reneged on the licensing and chose 5 songs that they no longer wanted to license: Chapter 13 (Mario RPG Forest Maze), Chapter 21 (the Zelda death theme), Link's Awakening: Sword Searching, Forest Maze (acoustic), and Kid Icarus: Dungeon I should have rightfully posted about this album much sooner, it's the second one I mixed and mastered for Careless Juja, and it's a double album. It has really awesome songs and charming story narration. And it stars a boar knight called Nathaniel who speaks in oinks. Right down my alley. I don't know why they waited so many months to come to this ignorant decision, but it is what it is. Now's probably your last and only chance to grab the album the way it was intended and should be heard. Not Nintendo's first assault against fans or decency, and probably won't be their last. Probably a matter of time until either OCR has to pony up cash or remove the Nintendo mixes from the site and youtube.
  21. i find your lack of fayth disturbing

  22. What's this? A disturbance in the OC Force... like a million submissions untz untz'd and then were silenced.... On a serious note, an OC Reject is just an OC ReMix waiting to happen.... do or do not, there is no try
  23. My favorite will be the new one they're making. If they don't announce it at E3 this year, I will be 50 shades of sad.
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