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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Very sad news, the man was legendary and people won't forget him. I'll remix some Earthbound or Kirby for Larry's album
  2. Testing out my new DJP Mixpost Writer app... *clicks generate*... "The machine gun drums lend myriad gravitas. Acoustic guitar juxtaposes death chugs and gravely vocals for a strong, creative performance."

  3. Got insane play time on this on PC a long time ago, how is the PS4 version? It's supposed to go on sale soon.
  4. I disagree strongly. Women don't sound like men, and they shouldn't have to. If nothing else, it's important to note for categorization. I enjoy female-fronted metal because of the difference in voice. There's also a distinct difference in the clean voice, ya know. I don't think there should be categorization based on race, however I think the diversity of voice and influence should be respected, not swept under a rug. In this 1 instance I think the attempt to be PC is more sexist than otherwise Listen to this and tell me again "a person's sex tells you nothing about the music or style" and tell me her vocal performance is not unique from what you'd get from a man.
  5. I don't even know what you're trying to argue. It's image and marketing. Sometimes the bands are in on it, sometimes they're not. Even examples where I'd say it is blatant use of image for marketing such as Sirenia or To-Mera, someone else could say "No you dumbass, the singer for To-Mera is the guitarists' 8th ex-cousin/fiancee 4 times removed. They've known each other for years." Either way, at the most base level, there's nothing wrong with the phrase "female-fronted metal" being used. One could argue it's demeaning, another would argue that female pride is nothing to be ashamed of and they're as entitled to be a part of metal as anyone else. However I do think we should draw the line at African American Black Metal if that ever becomes a marketing term. At any rate, our white guy crocodile tears won't change a damn thing! Never have, never will.
  6. I didn't read the articles or anything but I just want to point out that usually the term female-fronted is a marketing tool, for people specifically looking for female-fronted metal or even rock bands. It does seem demeaning as if it's some huge accomplishment that women are playing metal. But many of these bands specifically choose to have female vocals because of the difference in sound and image that it brings to their band. One band that never really pushed the whole female-fronted thing in your face was Arch Enemy, UNTIL they got their new singer. Gossow was never about image when she was in the band, but that became an aspect of Arch Enemy when they put out the new album. It's less an argument of whether it's right or wrong to refer to bands as female-fronted, but people noticing female-fronted (or baby fronted) metal as usually being a gimmick or a marketing tactic. That is not ALWAYS the case. But it's very common. Calling them female-fronted metal for marketing purposes is akin to black metal bands screeching about Satan and wearing black and white makeup. I like this band but they've gone through female singers like KFC goes through chicken
  7. Yes Timaeus Drums are atonal gosh.
  8. He could have literally stayed where he is and just stopped coming to the site. Even if he was an alter ego and someone copped to it, he'd just be ignored. It probably IS Bleck. And nobody would care.
  9. Today was the final deadline! I better make my mix soon
  10. I trust Square with this remake more now than I would have a few years ago. I believe they can do it and even if they change it up a lot, like the battle system and other things, it'll be good... I hope it looks similar enough to Advent Children that we could play the game then watch the movie and it'll feel like a real sequel rather than being so much better looking than the original Ff7
  11. Replay it on the PS1, that's still the best version unless you like trophy popups and DRM and junk.
  12. Tetsuya Nomura popped into my Type-0 game when my guys were level 13 and he was level 26.. crazy
  13. That sucks so hard. Their last albums were amazing. I never even saw anyone talking about them. You know Yes was still making music, yeah?
  14. This is so silly. Try not laying down in a position that encourages sleep. Most people I know suffer from lack and inability to sleep properly, so this seems like a blessing more than a problem that you're having. Alternatively, listen to less boring music.
  15. Well shit! This is great news, just yesterday though I felt like I wanted to update my Fairy Battle mix because the high end is so annoying it turns me off of listening to the song anymore, no doubt others feel/will feel the same way. Unless you guys disagree. I hope you have the latest version of each of the other songs but at this point I think maybe it's best to just let it go I'm READY!! *powers up like a super saiyan* SCHALA!! HEAD SCHALA!!
  16. Then they should include another remake of FF7 as an unlockable DLC in the FF7 remake, and also hide Half-life 3 in the code, because these things could happen
  17. Clone 1 more to remix for all my projects. Someone told me I should do FF8 today. I was like n............
  18. change display name to bestrader

  19. He basically moderates the whole forum by himself anyway, plus manages the twitter with tweetdeck, and PROBABLY has some input on the facebook page...................................................... this doesn't seem too farfetched to me. In fact the more I think about it (and the more people say it's not true) the more possible and likely it begins to seem. I will be the first to say, DarkeSword needs to bring some of his alter egos back. At least he could make a judging alter ego or 6 or 20 since the panel is so severely understaffed. He should make one also, called LighteShield, but which is an opposite personality to the one he currently puts on. And he could be all nonchalant and be like "I'm stepping down from FF5 as I do not have enough time, it will now be handled by LighteShield." Then the LighteShield version of DarkeSword would finish FF5 and everyone would be like whoo nice work LighteShield, but if you were following along, it was actually an alter ego of DarkeSword, but due to using the alter ego, it gave less pressure to finish the project, because it was then on "another person" so if things changed a little it'd be fine. Anyway, I bet GrayLightning is someone's alter ego, or at the very least, it was the ego of a person who just decided to do other things, maybe even drop music completely. If you're doing music for income or to be your primary job, you're going to be in for a rude awakening. When asked if she would make her first billion from her music Nikki Minaj said "Not from my albums-oh my god. People don't make money off albums"
  20. That's exactly what I would expect his alter ego to say
  21. http://kh13.com/news/a-release-date-for-kingdom-hearts-iii-has-been-decided-but-nomura-cant-announce-it-yet Someone knows when it's coming out
  22. Wait, so if someone uses a fake name and creates a persona, then doesn't want to come back, they are dead? Maybe I'm not understanding this right. Nothing about that sounds like death to me. Sounds more like someone who wanted to move on to other things. And every so often Nekofrog gets mentioned for anti-OCR drama he causes on other sites, he's not dead either
  23. Just because someone stops using their persona on a specific, small internet community, doesn't mean that THEY DIED or WAS MURDERED or any other ridiculous thing.
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