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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I don't think we ever had any plans against accepting doubles... I guess I could talk to him about it since he did sort of say he would listen to my suggestions from time to time, since I was the original directator.
  2. It sure has, and Josh made a great wip for it. You'd have to ask Fishy if he'd allow another version of the song on the album, but considering how largely different they are (and Fishy's want to have more orchestral on there) he'd probably allow it... Worth a shot.
  3. Oh, Double's Dash? I've never done that before.. I guess I should sign up.. how?
  4. I could run it through EWQL SO Gold for you but if I were you I wouldn't offer that as a collab. I mean, it's not like I would be doing any work. Just send me the MIDI notes and I'll slap it in and make it sound normal. Then you can submit it to OCR or try to get it on the FF9 project or whatever you wanted to do.
  5. There's a lot of stigma attached to my last name because it's what everyone called me in highschool, especially bullys, before beating me. It's such a weird concept to take one's own name as an insult but hey, that's life.. that's amarucan society for you. And I suppose some people have picked up on that, or they're just bullies and naturally do that, hahah. But yeah, it's a quick and easy way to tell who is a bully depending on whether they refer to you by your last name with perfect grammar. Cyril if I had remembered your middle initial was G... well, I don't think i could have done anything with that. What's C.G.P. stand for? See Girl Pee? That's probably better than seeing just any random pee. Also yes, I look away in shame. Actually my stomach hides the view so I don't have to worry about it.
  6. Aw man, I don't use FL Studio or Pro Logic, nor do I compose live, I guess I'm out of the club
  7. This remix is a leader amongst remixes. The find the techno drums to be unnecessary, but the arrangement and wall of sound is very well done. Lots of guitar echo and effects in there. Very clean and tight production. The glitch section is tasteful as well, and not ridiculously over the top and distracting like most glitch stuff these days. Remix is made of win.
  8. Ok ZACH BRAFF or should I say J.D. And C.P.... I bet you SEE PEE. *flawless victory*
  9. Mang did you not see what Bahamut said, you can't discuss WIPs here! ... There hasn't been any activity in this thread whatsoever after that warning he gave, which I found to be quite menacing. Best to tread lightly, sir! And this thread is only for recruitment. Which I might as well mention, people technically can still sign on to do remixes. The only bar right now is that you've got to audition with a panel-passable piece of work. (thanks)
  10. People please support this project and become recruited by it, so that you may successfully create tracks as per part of your recruitment within this project. Now that that's out of the way... It kinda bums me out how you can't really use project threads at all outside of recruitment. There's so many threads with much less purpose all over, I don't get what it would really hurt to let people talk about an OCR album, especially considering all the work that goes into a project... oh well, that's just a harmless gripe. Good luck with project recruitment!
  11. You mean rhapsody OF FIYAAAA I support the Dual Dragons for Legend of Dragoon remix project.
  12. Oh yeah I know. The mix is a little rough and I'mma fix it. I just gots to fight for my 70s synth. D:

  13. I know you're against my 70s synth BUT skip to 3:25 in this video and watch,

    -- then maybe you'll be more likely to approve of it :-)
  14. Hi! Please tell me we can collab on a song sometime. I'm not so good with the electronica but maybe I could sing. x_x

  15. Hah freaking awesome. I'd hope the panel could look past a couple mechanical brass parts -- they've looked past some mechanical stuff in the past... Ziwtra's FF8 mix comes to mind... I think the arrangement is very well done. The sounds aren't all as high-def as people would hope for, but they've also barely got any reverb on them. You could give that a try. Randomize the velocities a bit as well. That should help a bit. Great take on this song.
  16. Hi. I submitted this in late January, which means it should just about be hitting the lower intestine now. It's called Celestial Entrance (hint: there's the link) and it's based on Gate of your Dreams from NiGHTS: Into Dreams. Here's the source: I am posting it here several months after submitting it primarily due to Emunator recommending it. I think it's a little conservative, especially for the first 50% of the song, but it makes up for that by shuffling the bassline a bit and throwing in a guitar solo, meanwhile still retaining the melody of the song which plays the entire time but is a little buried (you hear it very clearly at the end). It has a lot of hand drums, including a couple weird ones like handheld mini-wedding bells and a coffee can. The bells are also scratched together for that funky Beck type noise. I'm really hoping this passes the panel. I put a lot of heart into this song and I always find it kind of emotionally moving. x_x
  17. I'm going to finish both tracks, one which needs vocals and the other which needs bounced out of an old DAW and imported into Cubase. Then I'll send you the final WAVs and I'll be done.
  18. It means we be gotten' some work to do! It helps to hit the quote button... *sigh* Ooohhh Massa, fo'give me massa! I almost forgot about Halbird. It's on my tewdew list.
  19. I didn't notice any clipping in this though and it sounded great, so I wouldn't worry about it even if it is too loud. There might be one or two guys on the panel who is like "darnit you guys with volume" but they don't let that factor into their decision, especially for someone like Nekofrog. You get special treatment methinks. Ha, ha ha. I'm just playing with ye. That guy's teeth freak me out in your sig, so I think... i better leave before i can't look away... it's hypnotic
  20. Good news, might be shunning the amp sims and bringing in the half-stack for new stuff soon. That's gonna be a great asset, methinks. :-) Also got 3:23 of God of War done, but no amp yet.. no guitars in it.. just drum programming, heh, which was ridiculously hard.

  21. I think the mini-zircons covers anyone I forgot to mention
  22. Surely Cyril is going to release one of the best electronicas the site has ever seen. It's going to put the zircons, the mini-zircons, rozovians, and halcs, of this site to shame. lol
  23. I didn't think you had a studio where you were! You and your fancy back to the future "Where we're going, we don't need roads" career. Yeah I remember this from months ago. It's missing... death vocals. I figure if you delete the brick wall and smoothen out the animation so it loops more smoothenedly, that would be perfect. Edit; also i'd just like to say Nekofrog... I played your song, then I played a song from Ihsahn's new CD and it was like less than half as loud as your song. I don't know if it is Ihsahn's bad or yours, but ONE of you guys is either too loud or too quiet.
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