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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey, Larry the Liontamer! Here's my remix of HURRY! http://www.tindeck.com/listen/gwdn Short name: Ethnic Rush Long name: A Guy Goes To India And Hails A Cab, And Tells The Cabby That He Is Super Late For An Appointment And To Hurry The Heck Up, So The Driver Says "Hold On Tight!" And Starts Blasting The Radio, And Takes Off At 70MPH And This Is The Song That Was Playing On The Radio Let me know if it's passable or if it needs a resub, hehe.. I thought the request came with a sense of urgencyLOL!~~
  2. HAha... Yeah... I got recruited onto the HURRY! Project Album, but I'll try to make a Hurry Remix and send it to you anyway. If the album ends up being 'allowed' to be made then it'd be cool to have it on there too. Or we could just end up with a flood of Hurry remixes. o.O Yeah.. 'unremixable' is probably the word I would have used. It's hard to work with a song that doesn't really have key changes and plays the same melody throughout the whole thing. -edit- P.S.... I love that phrase... butthurt... hehe
  3. I remember thinking it was just really lazy English where I could only pick out 1 or 2 words per line... hahah.. Didn't realize it was a different language.
  4. How about DKC3 titles: DKC3: We Come From A Sir_Downunder, Where Bananas Grow And Apes Plunder
  5. When are you guys getting your own OCR forums? OCR forums for the win. :[ There's some things I want to fix anyway so I'll produce a new WIP and then send that peoples' way.
  6. Sure thing, I'll put you on my buddy list on pidgin and send you a pm sometime -- I'm on the server but not in the #ocremix anymore. (I added you as Monobrow, so it'll only show you if you use that name.. mine is still BrandonS)
  7. Hahah! I just saw a preview for this movie on the television, then I found this cinematic trailer on the internet. Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6SQqazrNY4 There's a few familiar faces there. Looks like it's going to be pretty hilarious. What do you think? Heck, I recognize pretty much every major character in this even though I might not know their names... What choo think?
  8. I think it's ironic that I'd totally be up for doing more songs like this on the side if the panel judged songs MOAR FASTER... work on this then 6 months later find out it needs a resub... Though having it fast-tracked... If that promise is still being upheld.... It definitely sounds enticing, though it'd be good if it could be that way for any remix.
  9. "You will have the best day of your entire existence tomorrow if you send this to 1241234234.9238429387423 x 10³ and a half other people within the next 3.3482349872 recurring minutes. Then press F4, F6; hold down Num Lock with your left testicle; press alt three times, with tenuto on the last tap; hit Caps Lock with staccato, with a time signature of 6/8 for the first two bars, then 16/12 for the remaining bars; press Esc. to the rhythm of 'Silent Night'; play the bassline from Beethoven's 5th Symphony in the key of Ab major on the wire of your mouse, with pizzicato throughout. If you don't do this, you will DIE.

    I don't usually send around chain letters, but I got this one a couple days ago and it actually worked. So just a fair warning, you might want to do this one.

  10. You don't need a reason for your mental treason? Woah! I forgot this thing was a Community now! I forget where it was before. So... listening party on the 20th in #ocad right?
  11. *scoots closely to Mazedude* Ahhh, it feels... good... to be in the Silver Club.
  12. That really stinks dude. If you still have one of the controllers, Turn it on and walk around, see if it logs into any nearby xbox's. It would be really creepy if it did, the thieves might be closer than you think.
  13. I'm very sorry to hear about that. :'(

    My grandma passed away last June, you never really stop thinking about it but I hope you have some easier times. :o

  14. Wow, congratulations Emu! Teen Agent didn't make it to Projects until it was done. Also EnuMator LOL!
  15. Nekofrog wrote the lyrics, you'd have to ask him... But yes, he was asking for Dethklok vocals, so I'm glad people are hearing it that way.
  16. Thanks No, I just edited it on to an earlier post, it wasn't directed at you. There's a lot of people saying the vocals were "horrible" and "bad", when actually they're pretty good by death metal standards. It's just not everyone's cup 'o' tea. Want to hear another fun fact? I bet the recorder is only still on the song because Nekofrog was using Reaper, and probably either forgot to cut it off or couldn't figure out how. >=) Hahah!
  17. Oh yeah? Mandarin, like the little delicious oranges. That's pretty cool. Good fun fact!
  18. I would have held my butt regardless, but it's good to finally have a fairly logical reason for doing so.
  19. Yes, I played that recorder at the end - it was my first time recording it. Had fun with it. Would have been good to have a little reverb on it but that's on Nekofrog, hehe... I said it before much earlier in the thread and I don't mean to sound 'needy' or anything by saying it more than once, but I didn't get credited for it on the track so I just thought I'd let people know. o_oAlso there's a difference between the vocals being "bad" and not being your personal preference. I know a lot of people don't like death metal but to sit there and say the vocals are horrible is just mean. If you don't like death metal then it's not for you, no reason to insult.
  20. Well mine should have been blue -- it's done, I just have to delete some stuff and EQ it.
  21. The correct word you should use is none. Hehe.. ok.. I guess you could say my vocals were a success since so many people don't like them.
  22. DKC3 EVEN SERIOUSER MONKEY BUSlNESS And for those who can't read, I'll repeat this: PROJECT WAS STARTED IN DECEMBER
  23. I realized I have a ton of work to do for this second half of March... That said, I'll start working on this song now or else it won't get made.
  24. Oh man, I just heard your Sulu impression. That's going on the song for sure.

  25. Hah! The first comment comes in. I had a blasty blast recording those vocals, as well as the recorder solo at the end. It was actually the first time I'd ever recorded a recorder, so that's special. And I haven't been able to match those growls since then. I gotta practice more. Thanks to Nekofrog for thinking I was good enough to vocalize his song.
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