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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I had a lot of fun with it... I just wish I would have known about it sooner, I pretty much recorded my footage all at once in like 5 minutes, and it didn't really make any sense. And then my netbook was too slow to do anything fancy. :z
  2. That is incredibly impressive, great work. The.. mountain tip looks a little weird though.. and has spots on it..
  3. I remember my playthrough of FFX, and Tidus would have like 3x more attacks than everybody else because he was so fast.
  4. Eh.. I've played so many short games lately that if there's really just 30 hours of linear fighting, I'll probably be tired of it after 5 or 6 hours. :z
  5. SAKAGUCHI IS FF. 9 out of 10 new games suck according to Gamefly There's no reason to start name-calling, especially if you intend for anyone to take your opinion seriously. The loss of Sakaguchi has brought such ground-breaking Square-enix RPGs such as The Last Remnant, Final Fantasy 12, Infinite Undiscovery, well I did like Star Ocean 4 but that was tri-ace. I think I made my point though. I never even finished FF12. Game was a disjointed mess. Final Fantasy 13 will be the make or break moment as far as I'm concerned...
  6. I have to agree here.. Blue Dragon was more of a Final Fantasy than the post-Sakaguchi square ever made. Even Lost Odyssey is. These new games they're making since FF12 try to be something else while still keeping the name. They're not the same tried and true formula that any of the other FFs stick to. It's the reason this is going to have pretty bad reviews. I still pre-ordered it and I'll probably love it, but I miss the good old days of overworlds, airships, and understandable battle systems.
  7. bastards steal my caps BUT I WAS PAID TO FLY WITH YOU, BATMAN!
  8. The lyrics are a bit cheesy. I can definitely hear where the "musical" comment comes from. The arrangement is demented, and I may hear some (hed)p.e. influence in there, especially in the rapping. Pretty nice stuff -- good work.
  9. I've got tenure. You're out of luck. Happy birthday though.
  10. Considering you did 4 posts in a row, maybe I'll drop one here so it doesn't look so weird when you make another one. Good luck peeps.
  11. Patrick Burns Rare Respite That covers my favorite song from the game, I was really happy when I heard that one.
  12. I used some Sony brand full HD video cameras with hard-drives in my last semester. I think you could probably get a good HD video camera for around $400 these days. I've got a standar-def JVC that is pretty nice though.
  13. Remixing is easy. OCRemixing is very difficult.
  14. I don't... uhh... rc. The ending track was open for a while wasn't it? I don't think I claimed it within the first few days.
  15. You mean Mr. 57k And yes I see your pint. Last strategy guide I bought was for Kingdom Hearts but I was supposed to get the game and the guide at the same time for my birthday. Only the game came in, and I had it beat before the guide arrived... I never got another guide after that.
  16. Wow! Strategy guide for $20 is pretty expensive. Especially when there's sites like gameFAQs, and xbox360achievements that post collectibles threads etc.
  17. It sucks that there's no Lost Vikings action. I'd want to be a part of that if it were possible.
  18. Pre-ordered and NAUGHT paid for. Amazon has release-day free shipping and doesn't charge until it is shipped.
  19. I had more fun and learned more working on this song than I did for any other project. The ending medley includes portions of pretty much every song. I had a ton of fun with it and I can't wait for people to hear it.. I can't wait for this album to come out so I can hear all of your songs too. I wish you all the best of luck with turning in your Substantial Wips by the 20th!
  20. DJP is done until the panel tells him to make revisions because his track has some random instrument that is too loud! MUA HAA HAA!!!
  21. That's true, and FF7's characters did look like Mannequins, but they didn't look like nearly photo-realistic mannequins. It was cartoony.
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