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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. The problem with providing a sample of work is that it will almost definitely not include the style you are looking for. I can only speak for myself, but the majority of my portfolio revolves around original game-style music. This is also fairly out-dated as I haven't had a job scoring a game in a few years and without that, there's not much motivation to make original game music for use on nothing. :-/ I would be more than happy to make new samples.
  2. If I ever get to come on OCAD, it would be awesome for our cold-open to the episode to be the Zero Wing skit. That would be awesome.. That part of the song + the sound design would have to be done though.
  3. I don't know about that, the screenshots I've seen of the characters freak me out in a type of "mannequin with doll eyes" kind of way, really creepy character designs. Then again, I'll have to save my final judgement for when I get to actually play the game.
  4. Do they catch Jigsaw in the end, or did they leave it open for Saw 7?
  5. I'm in, and I can begin work immediately, meaning, instantly. Just let me know what you're looking for specifically, and I'll do it.
  6. I'm glad you liked them! I've already redone one of them but haven't bounced a final version yet. I hope I just have to replace A Bad Trip and the other songs pass the panel. I had hoped this would be done a month ago and all of us could move on to other musical projects by now but... things happen. We should also have an update from the mystical OCRE and the magical superjoe. The process is a little overwhelming and very disappointing but I have a feeling it'll happen for us, eventually. Mostly because I will nawt stawp until the great music of all of these artists gets the recognition that it deserves.
  7. Rhythm guitars are missing a lot of body. I'm not familiar with the source, but the song is pretty cool. There's not much of a melodic hook anywhere in there, though.
  8. Did you mean NCIS the series? (cause episodes aren't this long)
  9. Uhm... just to throw this out there.. you're gonna be talking to a lot of people, maybe you could have them join the cast of the ZeroWing remix as "Screaming Crewman #1", "Screaming Crewman #2", "Dying Man #1", etc. Basically you know how a ship is being attacked right? And most large-scale ships have more than 3 crewmembers on them. It would be cool if you could get some of those nerdy people and maybe even mazedude to play the role of "Frightened Navigator" (or something).
  10. I was 95% sure of it too, in my brain. But things didn't work out for us for the better, I'm afraid. I am really happy with everyones work and I've said this before but I love the album, I listened to it a lot. I'm probably the only person who will listen to the album that much in its current form though, as things are going to change. My songs "With Love", "A Bad Trip", and possible others are being dropped from the album due to not having a clear enough source usage. This is mostly due to my bad understanding of 'how much' of a source needs to be used. There's source in them for sure but it's not clear enough, and it would be easier to just make new songs. Without these, we don't have a passing 1/3 (by OCR's standards). Until I find out what other songs need to be redone, here are the two that are currently dropped. I hope you enjoy them! "With Love" here "A Bad Trip" here
  11. I have never customized a guitar outside of straplocks, I tend to use whatever comes with the guitar. That being said, I'm not completely happy with the pickups in the Ibanez S7320. It's a great guitar but the sound is not as good as my previous guitar. And I know nothing at all about changing pickups.
  12. Wow. I've never heard of Salamander, nor am I familiar with Commandcom's work, but this is a really incredible remix. A great level of detail was put into each instrument, and everything is mixed together so that no single element sticks out improperly. Even the vocals blend in perfectly, and provide a haunting sound. I applaud the creativity of this remix. Though I think it should have been 192kbps considering the length.
  13. ...Glee club? This ain't no Don't Stop Believin'. This ain't no SITCOM! Good luck though, I hope it turns out really good!
  14. Use your own good voice! But keep in mind this is going to be SRS BSNS.. err I mean try to act but don't be TOO dramatic, try to be real. I'm going to edit it up like a movie scene, hopefully it will sound real. That being said, don't get really close to the microphone -- be like 2 feet away, then I can try to make it sound natural to an environment as opposed to up-close vocals..! Also I'd like you guys to record without the song or anything, this is a true acting piece and having a backing song would distract you from acting. ACTORS!!!!!!
  15. My thoughts: I want this album to be finished so I can listen to it. o_o
  16. He put hard work into it and released it to you for free. There's no reason you shouldn't download it. Sure, it has its flaws, but it's a good song.
  17. Can the cast of OCAD help me out with a remix and get credited on the remix as OCAD? I want to do a remix of the opening theme + natols from Zero Wing, and I want to rewrite the opening dialogue for American audiences and have it performed by voice actors. I was hoping for David Hubbard as Captain, I think there's also a man and woman as part of the ship's crew. And of course, Cats. I'm not sure on the man / woman part, I'll have to check. But please let me know if you guys can help, I'll rewrite the dialogue and pm you the script.
  18. Yeah, I think you can just sign up at livestream, set it to desktop mode, and use an emunator to play the rom.
  19. Usa and I became friends after some talking, then later he offered to play drums for my new solo album and it's been a match made in heaven ever since. He's also hopefully going to do drums for my SD3 tracks. What do you mean, "me of all people". You'd like me if you got to know me.
  20. I'll give it a try. You want me to post it here or send it privately?
  21. I can hear the source in there, although this remix pretty much completely scraps the original feel of the source. I thought the drums were pretty nice, and the warm synth pad. I thought a lot of the other instruments sounded too "MIDI". This could have really benefited from some real instruments, or even volume variation on the sequenced notes. It's not bad but it could have been better!
  22. I've got MXL 990 / 991 condensers and Shure SM57s dynamic... my quality is perfect.
  23. Hi! Posting this here too, which I posted in the project thread, for anyone curious about the status of Usa. http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=647974&postcount=321
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