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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. From the desk of Usa: I am not writing from my own computer right now, but I wanted to let you and the others know that I'm still alive. The last time we talked I suddenly disappeared, following an almost month long internet outage caused by problems with my modem and my ISP was clueless. They didn't know how to help me so I had to wait for their technical support to try tacköing this problem. They gave me half a year phone+internet for free now, and upgraded my bandwith for free too to compensate for this. Then, a short time after the internet worked again, I fell ill and needed to rest a bit, and am still recovering from it. And on top of that, a few days ago, when I just recovered enough so I could be online again, my computer's fan broke and I needed to give it to repair, where it is now and will stay for another week or two. Luckily it is still on warranty and I get the repair for free. I also backed up all the data from its hard drive just in case. I didn't lose anything, but can't access most of my data right now. He told me to let everyone know what was up. I'll probably link to this post on at least one other post, and I already told Halc. I was just glad to hear he hadn't died.
  2. I vaguely remember Jose referring to himself as a bottleneck dolphin. I wonder if his trailer is done yet... Man there's a lot of stuff that needs done for an album. Artwork, website, etc. Not good to save stuff like that for the last minute.
  3. I will be honored to do it, if you'll have me. I am known for my metal, been looking for an opportunity to do some metalcore or death rap. Heard your Schala metalcore and would really be overjoyed. Please let me know. In b4 cyril
  4. You know Squeenix said they've got a 10 year plan with this game. So if it's that rejected, then... they're in big trouble.
  5. I wanted to do that too. If you're interested in a collab at all, let me know. I pre-ordered this game with release-day shipping. !
  6. Well Tuesday's short notice! I'll keep an eye out for an exact time, I don't want to miss that.
  7. I have no idea what you're talking about with Reed from lucky number show, but I'd be interested in helping out with your vocals if you could explain a bit what it is exactly that you're looking for. (It's worth mentioning my pokemon experience is limited to the card game + the first movie in theaters, random episodes)
  8. I'm listening with headphones and the guitar sounds fine on the right side, but on the left it seems less defined. I don't know if it's because of my headphones, or damage to my ear over years of abuse, but I think it sounds odd. It's almost like the right side is panned right 100% but the left side seems panned 50% left or something through these headphones. Could be due to having the guitars play the same thing too. When I was starting out with heavy guitar in 2005, I tried to copy and paste my rhythm guitars to make it stereo. It doesn't work. I imagine that Shreddage probably doesn't use completely different performances for the same part, so that could definitely be the issue... I really do enjoy the song though, and although there is some weirdness to the synth, I think it works well as a whole. I think the song could have been expanded on, perhaps even made more progressive, but it's great as it is.
  9. Hi! It's cool that you guys have me WIP'ed. But could you please change the name to Brandon Strader, it's not Oinkness anymore. Also I am going to be working to finish the song soon and I'll hook you up with a final WAV wherever you'd like to have it. I wanted to submit this song to the panel so I'll get it done. Brandon
  10. Oh ok. My only concern was whether the TA ad would bump down the DKC2 ad. I wasn't worried about the promotion, I know it'll be way over the top for DKC2, I was just worried about bumping your ad to the second spot if it released after DKC2.
  11. Project staff: Usa, main coordinator and project director Rozovian, co-coordinator Bahamut (unofficially), can't keep his hands off the project From the thread... heheh.. I was just asking because I have some work with Usa and I haven't heard from him in 2 or 3 weeks. It is a very odd disappearance, we were right in the middle of something. Also Usa was supposed to do the drums for my SD3 tracks so it kinda rests on his shoulders there.
  12. Jade, if you could record your tortured screams, I could go ahead with my track... I don't figure we're going to end up with as many as we would have hoped for but it was an interesting idea. Will have to fill it out with some SFX or something to make it thicker. then i could start on new moooooooon?
  13. I agree. Another asset of the new direction I guess.
  14. In their defense, djp and the team have a ton of work to do when releasing an album this big as well as continuing their regular stuff, they've got to make all the mixpost pages, write up all the paragraphs, convert the files to mp3s and flacs, prepare torrents, upload each individual mp3 to the mirrors too, multiple mirrors. I bet that stuff takes a buttload of time. I wouldn't be surprised if they had already started on it a while ago.
  15. You'll probably have some nice Teen Agent to listen to before DKC2 comes out. Probably for the best anyways so that TA doesn't bump DKC2 to second spot on the site if it were to be released after it... but yeah... I hope you enjoy it, hehe.
  16. The only rule I set when I started this project was that I didn't want any Chocobo Raps, or any kind of raps. If vocals were attempted, they'd have to be very well done, tasteful, and preferably T-rated (like the game).
  17. That's really cool, I wish you the best of luck.
  18. Thank you! And I'm gonna say this again folks, you don't have to be close to the microphone when you do it -- the audio will get all clippy. It would be easier to boost it if you recorded it 6 feet away from the mic than try to undo clipping sounds... i don't even know if that could be done... maybe with reverb...
  19. Wow, after just hearing the correct track, I've got to say. I can't believe nobody claimed this already. It's going to be an immense joy to remix this track.
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